Вручение 1985 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1985 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Paula Gosling 0.0
Lieutenant Jack Stryker confronts a most frustrating case when Grantham University's most unpopular professor is murdered and more than one person will benefit from his bizarre death.
Marian Babson 0.0
Reggie and Midge, reluctant managers of an English country inn of no particular distinction, find that even this transformation of what was the family's more or less stately home will not solve their financial problems. The possibility of succor comes instead in a transatlantic phone call from Midge's old classmate, Victoria, who is arranging "mystery tours" of the English countryside for American visitors, and wants to use Chortlesby Manor as one of the locales of her staged murders.

From the beginning, the mystery tour project is heading for disaster. Dissension, complaints, shows of temperament abound. These are upstaged, however, by a snowstorm of paralyzing amplitude, which in turn must retire from the spotlight when a real murder takes front and center.
Bob Cook 0.0
There's a recession on, you know. With an unemployed son and a baby on the way, those are not words that Michael Wyman wants to hear, particularly not from his employers -- the university where he's a professor of philosophy or the British secret service for which he's worked for 30 years. And he most particularly doesn't want to hear them from both employers at once, accompanied by the information that he's being laid off without a pension. Happily, a miracle is at hand, in the form of a Communist spy burrowed deep into the highest reaches of British intelligence. An East German defector can identify the spy, thus safeguarding national security and protecting the government from crippling embarrassment. He is willing to give up the information, but only to one man. At fifty-six years old, Wyman has one last chance to get back in the game . . . and get out on his own terms.

Серебряный Кинжал

Dorothy Simpson 0.0
While Alicia was a schoolgirl a jilted boyfriend had killed himself, and her parents had moved from Kent. When she turns up after twenty years she is welcomed back although nobody knows why she has returned. Within hours Inspector Thanet has to investigate her murder.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Роберт Ричардсон 3.9
Кража редкой Библии XVI века, исчезновение лондонской актрисы, отсеченная человеческая рука, приколоченная к входной двери дома каноника, — во всем этом предстоит разобраться профессиональному драматургу, детективу-любителю Огастасу Мальтрейверсу. «Милосердие Латимера» — превосходный дебют писателя.

Специальная премия за заслуги

Мариан Бабсон
Мариан Бабсон / Marian Babson
10 книг
1 в избранном