Вручение 22 октября 2020 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, отель Grange City Дата проведения: 22 октября 2020 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Michael Robotham 4.2
A girl is discovered hiding in a secret room in the aftermath of a terrible crime. Half-starved and filthy, she won’t tell anyone her name, or her age, or where she came from. Maybe she is twelve, maybe fifteen. She doesn’t appear in any missing persons file, and her DNA can’t be matched to an identity.

Six years later, still unidentified, she is living in a secure children’s home with a new name, Evie Cormac. When she initiates a court case demanding the right to be released as an adult, forensic psychologist Cyrus Haven must determine if Evie is ready to go free. But she is unlike anyone he’s ever met—fascinating and dangerous in equal measure. Evie knows when someone is lying, and no one around her is telling the truth.

Meanwhile, Cyrus is called in to investigate the shocking murder of a high school figure-skating champion, Jodie Sheehan, who dies on a lonely footpath close to her home. Pretty and popular, Jodie is portrayed by everyone as the ultimate girl-next-door, but as Cyrus peels back the layers, a secret life emerges—one that Evie Cormac, the girl with no past, knows something about. A man haunted by his own tragic history, Cyrus is caught between the two cases—one girl who needs saving and another who needs justice. What price will he pay for the truth?
Клэр Эскью 0.0
DI Birch joined the police to find her little brother, who walked out of his life one day and was never seen again. She stayed to help others, determined to seek justice where she could.

On the fourteenth anniversary of Charlie's disappearance, Birch takes part in a raid on one of Scotland's most feared criminal organisations. It's a good day's work - a chance to get a dangerous man off the streets.

Two days later, Charlie comes back. It's not a coincidence. When Birch finds out exactly what he's been doing all those years, she faces a terrible choice: save the case, or save her brother. But how can you do the right thing when all the consequences are bad?

As she interrogates Charlie, he tells his story: of how one wrong turn leads to a world in which the normal rules no longer apply, and you do what you must to survive.

From one of the most acclaimed new voices in crime fiction, What You Pay For is a brilliantly tense and moving novel about the terrible disruption caused by violence and the lines people will cross to protect those they love.
Lou Berney 0.0
Set against the assassination of JFK, a poignant and evocative crime novel that centers on a desperate cat-and-mouse chase across 1960s America—a story of unexpected connections, daring possibilities, and the hope of second chances from the Edgar Award-winning author of The Long and Faraway Gone.

Frank Guidry’s luck has finally run out.

A loyal street lieutenant to New Orleans’ mob boss Carlos Marcello, Guidry has learned that everybody is expendable. But now it’s his turn—he knows too much about the crime of the century: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Within hours of JFK’s murder, everyone with ties to Marcello is turning up dead, and Guidry suspects he’s next: he was in Dallas on an errand for the boss less than two weeks before the president was shot. With few good options, Guidry hits the road to Las Vegas, to see an old associate—a dangerous man who hates Marcello enough to help Guidry vanish.

Guidry knows that the first rule of running is "don’t stop," but when he sees a beautiful housewife on the side of the road with a broken-down car, two little daughters and a dog in the back seat, he sees the perfect disguise to cover his tracks from the hit men on his tail. Posing as an insurance man, Guidry offers to help Charlotte reach her destination, California. If she accompanies him to Vegas, he can help her get a new car.

For her, it’s more than a car— it’s an escape. She’s on the run too, from a stifling existence in small-town Oklahoma and a kindly husband who’s a hopeless drunk.

It’s an American story: two strangers meet to share the open road west, a dream, a hope—and find each other on the way.

Charlotte sees that he’s strong and kind; Guidry discovers that she’s smart and funny. He learns that’s she determined to give herself and her kids a new life; she can’t know that he’s desperate to leave his old one behind.

Another rule—fugitives shouldn’t fall in love, especially with each other. A road isn’t just a road, it’s a trail, and Guidry’s ruthless and relentless hunters are closing in on him. But now Guidry doesn’t want to just survive, he wants to really live, maybe for the first time.

Everyone’s expendable, or they should be, but now Guidry just can’t throw away the woman he’s come to love.

And it might get them both killed.
Mick Herron 4.5
'We're spies,' said Lamb. 'All kinds of outlandish shit goes on.'

Like the ringing of a dead man's phone, or an unwelcome guest at a funeral . . .

In Slough House memories are stirring, all of them bad. Catherine Standish is buying booze again, Louisa Guy is raking over the ashes of lost love, and new recruit Lech Wicinski, whose sins make him outcast even among the slow horses, is determined to discover who destroyed his career, even if he tears his life apart in the process.

Meanwhile, in Regent's Park, Diana Taverner's tenure as First Desk is running into difficulties. If she's going to make the Service fit for purpose, she might have to make deals with a familiar old devil . . .

And with winter taking its grip Jackson Lamb would sooner be left brooding in peace, but even he can't ignore the dried blood on his carpets. So when the man responsible breaks cover at last, Lamb sends the slow horses out to even the score.

This time, they're heading into joe country.

And they're not all coming home.
Abir Mukherjee 4.5
1905, London. As a young constable, Sam Wyndham is on his usual East London beat when he comes across an old flame, Bessie Drummond, attacked in the streets. The next day, when Bessie is found brutally beaten in her own room, locked from the inside, Wyndham promises to get to the bottom of her murder. But the case will cost the young constable more than he ever imagined. 1922, India. Leaving Calcutta, Captain Sam Wyndham heads for the hills of Assam, to the ashram of a sainted monk where he hopes to conquer his opium addiction. But when he arrives, he sees a ghost from his life in London – a man thought to be long dead, a man Wyndham hoped he would never see again. Wyndham knows he must call his friend and colleague Sergeant Banerjee for help. He is certain this figure from his past isn’t here by coincidence. He is here for revenge . . .
Майкл Крэйвен 3.9
Знакомьтесь, Джаред Китон, звездный шеф-повар! Он очарователен. Харизматичен. И… смертельно опасен. Не только для незнакомцев, но и для своей семьи.
Он отбывает пожизненный срок за убийство родной дочери, Элизабет. Ее тело так и не было обнаружено, улик не хватало, и опасный психопат оказался за решеткой только стараниями детектива Вашингтона По. Суд не мог НЕ ПОВЕРИТЬ уважаемому служителю закона. Но можно ли верить обычному человеку на слово?..
Поэтому, когда молодая женщина приходит в полицейский участок с неопровержимыми доказательствами того, что она — Элизабет Китон, карьера По оказывается на волоске. Но под угрозой не только его работа…
И теперь ему необходимо быстро найти ответ на непростой вопрос: как человек может быть жив и мертв одновременно? Тик-так. Время пошло.

Криминальная литература в переводе

Ханнелоре Кайре 3.0
Meet Patience Portefeux, fifty-three, an underpaid Franco–Arab judicial interpreter for the Ministry of Justice who specialises in telephone tapping. Widowed after the sudden death of her husband, Patience is now wedged between university fees for her two grown-up daughters and nursing home costs for her ageing mother. She’s laboured for twenty-five years to keep everyone’s heads above water.

Happening upon an especially revealing set of police wiretaps ahead of all other authorities, Patience makes a life-altering decision that sees her intervening in – and infiltrating – the machinations of a massive drug deal. She thus embarks on an entirely new career path: Patience becomes ‘the Godmother’.

This is not life in the French idyll of postcards and stock photos. With a gallery of traffickers, dealers, police officers and politicians who are more real than life itself, a sharp and amusing gaze on everyday survival in contemporary France, and an unforgettable woman at its centre, Hannelore Cayre’s bestselling novel shines a torchlight on a European criminal underground that has rarely been seen.
Марион Брюне 0.0
L'auteure décrit le quotidien de Céline, 16 ans et Jo, 15 ans, deux sœurs adolescentes vivant dans un quartier pavillonnaire d'une petite ville du Luberon, qui essaient de tromper l'ennui entre un père bourru mais porté sur l’alcool et une mère cantinière qui ne leur prête pas attention.

C’est donc dans ce quotidien morne que l’on suit ces deux vies d’errances, entre fêtes foraines, centres commerciaux et descentes nocturnes dans les piscines des villas cossues de la région.
Les deux sœurs sont trop jeunes pour renoncer à leurs rêves et suivre le chemin des parents qui triment pour payer les traites de leur pavillon.

Mais durant cet été étouffant été, Céline tombe enceinte et va faire voler en éclats la famille, libérant la rage sourde d’un père impatient d’en découdre avec le premier venu, surtout s’il n’est pas « comme eux ».
Хорхе Галан 0.0
November is a moving and unsettling fictional retelling of the murder of six Jesuit priests by the Salvadorian army in 1989 by rising star Jorge Galan.
1989. Salvadorian society is immersed in the horror of civil war. On a fateful November dawn, a group of armed men entered the Universidad Católica and murder six Jesuits priests and two women in cold blood. Survivor of the massacre Father Tojeira is forced to take the reins of control in the sinister days following the attack, desperate to uncover the truth behind the terrible slaughter.

Inspired by the real-life tragic events that shook El Salvador and Latin America, November is a moving and unsettling novel about fear, hate and impunity. It is the first book to cast some light on the crime that was never solved and an attempt to speak out, as the murdered Jesuits attempted to do, in the defence of the disadvantaged.

Following the publication of this book, the author has received death threats and been forced to flee the country.
Серхио Ольгин 0.0
When she hears about the suicide of a Buenos Aires train driver who has left a note confessing to four mortal ‘accidents’ on the train tracks, journalist Veronica Rosenthal decides to investigate. For the police the case is closed (suicide is suicide), for Veronica it is the beginning of a journey that takes her into an unfamiliar world of grinding poverty, crime-infested neighborhoods, and train drivers on commuter lines haunted by the memory of bodies hit at speed by their locomotives in the middle of the night. Aided by a train driver with whom she has a tumultuous and reckless affair, a junkie in rehab and two street kids willing to risk everything for a can of Coke, she uncovers a group of men involved in betting on working-class youngsters convinced to play Russian roulette by standing in front of fast-coming trains to see who endures the longest.
Антти Туомайнен 4.0
A man with dark thoughts on his mind is racing along the remote snowy roads of Hurmevaara in Finland, when there is flash in the sky and something crashes into the car. That something turns about to be a highly valuable meteorite. With euro signs lighting up the eyes of the locals, the unexpected treasure is temporarily placed in a neighbourhood museum, under the watchful eye of a priest named Joel.

But Joel has a lot more on his mind than simply protecting the riches that have apparently rained down from heaven. His wife has just revealed that she is pregnant. Unfortunately Joel has strong reason to think the baby isn’t his. As Joel tries to fend off repeated and bungled attempts to steal the meteorite, he must also come to terms with his own situation, and discover who the father of the baby really is.

Transporting the reader to the culture, landscape and mores of northern Finland Little Siberia is both a crime novel and a hilarious, blacker-than-black comedy about faith and disbelief, love and death, and what to do when bolts from the blue – both literal and figurative – turn your life upside down.

Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга

Lou Berney 0.0
Set against the assassination of JFK, a poignant and evocative crime novel that centers on a desperate cat-and-mouse chase across 1960s America—a story of unexpected connections, daring possibilities, and the hope of second chances from the Edgar Award-winning author of The Long and Faraway Gone.

Frank Guidry’s luck has finally run out.

A loyal street lieutenant to New Orleans’ mob boss Carlos Marcello, Guidry has learned that everybody is expendable. But now it’s his turn—he knows too much about the crime of the century: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Within hours of JFK’s murder, everyone with ties to Marcello is turning up dead, and Guidry suspects he’s next: he was in Dallas on an errand for the boss less than two weeks before the president was shot. With few good options, Guidry hits the road to Las Vegas, to see an old associate—a dangerous man who hates Marcello enough to help Guidry vanish.

Guidry knows that the first rule of running is "don’t stop," but when he sees a beautiful housewife on the side of the road with a broken-down car, two little daughters and a dog in the back seat, he sees the perfect disguise to cover his tracks from the hit men on his tail. Posing as an insurance man, Guidry offers to help Charlotte reach her destination, California. If she accompanies him to Vegas, he can help her get a new car.

For her, it’s more than a car— it’s an escape. She’s on the run too, from a stifling existence in small-town Oklahoma and a kindly husband who’s a hopeless drunk.

It’s an American story: two strangers meet to share the open road west, a dream, a hope—and find each other on the way.

Charlotte sees that he’s strong and kind; Guidry discovers that she’s smart and funny. He learns that’s she determined to give herself and her kids a new life; she can’t know that he’s desperate to leave his old one behind.

Another rule—fugitives shouldn’t fall in love, especially with each other. A road isn’t just a road, it’s a trail, and Guidry’s ruthless and relentless hunters are closing in on him. But now Guidry doesn’t want to just survive, he wants to really live, maybe for the first time.

Everyone’s expendable, or they should be, but now Guidry just can’t throw away the woman he’s come to love.

And it might get them both killed.
Том Чатфилд 0.0
When the Dark Web destroys all privacy, an elite hacker must enter the belly of the beast in this compelling international conspiracy thriller.

Azi Bello is an amiable outsider with a superior talent for hacking. He's also living in a 21st century world where the dark side of technology is decimating privacy. "The Dark Web" rule: those who have the right connections have access to anything imaginable, and it's all theirs for the taking.

When Azi is sets off to unravel the mysterious online marketplace known as Gomorrah, he meets a young, secretive Muslim woman named Munira, and his carefully constructed privacy suddenly shatters. Munira's world starts spiraling out of control as well when her hacker cousin is recruited to work for terrorists. Working together to find her cousin and return him to safety, the two uncover an unimaginable conspiracy.

But in the Dark Web where identities can so easily be switched, how far is Azi willing to go to upend the nightmare he's living?

Debut novelist and technology expert Tom Chatfield deftly explores the lengths people will go to when the struggle for ultimate power becomes an international, high-stakes game.
А. А. Дханд 0.0
A bomb detonates in Bradford’s City Park.

When the alert sounds, DCI Harry Virdee has just enough time to get his son and his mother to safety before the bomb blows. But this is merely a stunt.

The worst is yet to come.

A new and aggressive nationalist group, the Patriots, have hidden a second device under one of the city’s mosques. In exchange for the safe release of those at Friday prayers, the Patriots want custody of the leaders of radical Islamist group Almukhtaroon – the chosen ones.

The government does not negotiate with terrorists. Even when thousands of lives are at risk.

There is only one way out.

But Harry’s wife is in one of those mosques. Left with no choice, Harry must find the Almukhtaroon, to offer the Patriots his own deal.

Because sometimes the only way to save lives, is to take them.
Ева Долан 0.0
As the country bakes under the relentless summer sun, a young doctor is found brutally murdered at his home in a picturesque Cambridgeshire village. Is his death connected to his private life - or his professional one? Dr Joshua Ainsworth worked at an all-female detention centre, one still recovering from a major scandal a few years before. Was he the whistle-blower - or an instigator? As Detective Sergeant Ferreira and Detective Inspector Zigic begin to painstakingly reconstruct Dr Ainsworth's last days, they uncover yet more secrets and more suspects. But this isn't the only case that's demanding their attention - a violent criminal has been released on a technicality and the police force know he will strike again: the only question is who will be his first victim...
Дэвид Кепп 3.3
1989 год. Два агента спецслужб — Роберто Диаз и его напарница Трини Романо — отправляются на задание в Австралию. В местной общине, после падения туда обломков космического спутника начался мор. Оказывается, там поселился грибок — мутант, получивший название, Cordyceps novus. Он не просто паразитирует, но и меняет поведение зараженных.

Образец грибка в итоге прячут в подземном хранилище США, но позже бункер приватизируют и переоборудуют под обычный склад.

2019 год. «Чужой» вырывается наружу, и на его пути оказываются живые существа. Неясно, кто заразился, а кому пока повезло.

Роберто Диаз и Трини Романо снова в строю.

Итак, главный вопрос, кто кого?
Алекс Норт 3.9
Двадцать лет назад серийный убийца, прозванный прессой Шептальщиком, устроил для жителей маленького английского городка Фезербэнк настоящий ад. Он похищал маленьких мальчиков, нашептывая посулы и обещания в их открытые окна. А потом жестоко убивал. Убийцу поймали, и вот уже много лет как его упрятали за решетку. В городке воцарился покой. Именно поэтому сюда решили переехать писатель Том Кеннеди со своим сыном Джейком. После недавней трагедии в их семье, покой — это как раз то, что им нужно. И тут в городе пропадает еще один мальчик. Стало известно, что днем ранее он слышал чей-то шепот за своим окном. Давний ужас, похоже, вернулся... Но кто сделал это — если маньяк сидит в тюрьме? И кто будет следующей жертвой? Может быть, Джейк?

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Тревор Вуд 0.0
'I can safely say it will be huge ... an excellent read' PATRICIA GIBNEY, author of the DI Lottie Parker series

'A unique protagonist and a cracking plotline ... bags of heart and humanity' MARI HANNAH

When homeless veteran Jimmy thinks he witnesses a murder in Newcastle, the police refuse to believe him. He's not quite sure he believes his own eyes. Then he sees missing persons posters matching the description of the man he saw killed, and he realises he wasn't mistaken. But how do you catch a killer when nobody believes a murder has been committed?

Together Jimmy and the dead man's daughter decide to take matters into their own hands and hunt down the murderer themselves. They soon realise it will be a far more dangerous task than they could ever imagine.

But Jimmy has one big advantage: when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.
Steph Cha 4.0
A powerful and taut novel about racial tensions in LA, following two families—one Korean-American, one African-American—grappling with the effects of a decades-old crime

In the wake of the police shooting of a black teenager, Los Angeles is as tense as it’s been since the unrest of the early 1990s. Protests and vigils are being staged all over the city. It’s in this dangerous tinderbox that two families must finally confront their pasts.

Grace Park lives a sheltered existence: living at home with her Korean-immigrant parents, working at the family pharmacy, and trying her best to understand why her sister Miriam hasn’t spoken to their mother in years. The chasm in her family is growing wider by the day and Grace is desperate for reconciliation, and frustrated by the feeling that her sister and parents are shielding her from the true cause of the falling out.

Shawn Matthews is dealing with a fractured family of his own. His sister, Ava, was murdered as a teenager back in 1991, and this new shooting is bringing up painful memories. Plus, his cousin Ray is just released from prison and needs to reconnect with their family after so many years away. While Shawn is trying his best to keep his demons at bay, he’s not sure Ray can do the same.

When another shocking crime hits LA, the Parks and the Matthewses collide in ways they never could have expected. After decades of loss, violence, and injustice, tensions come to a head and force a reckoning that could clear the air or lead to more violence.
Саманта Даунинг 3.6
Если Декстер столкнется с мистером и миссис Смит, получится захватывающий, кровавый психологический триллер.
На первый взгляд наша история любви ничем не отличается от многих других пар. Я встретил великолепную женщину. Мы влюбились. У нас родились дети. Мы переехали в пригород. Мы поделились друг с другом нашими самыми сокровенными мечтами. И... нашими самыми темными секретами.
А потом нам стало скучно, и мы решили немного развлечься. Мы похожи на нормальную пару. Мы - ваши соседи, родители друга вашего ребенка, знакомые, с которыми вы ходите вместе обедать. У всех нас есть свои секреты, которые помогают сохранять наш брак. Вы ходите в кино. Ездите в отпуск.
А мы иногда убиваем...
Филиппа Ист 0.0
She only looked away for a second…
Anne White only looked away for a second, but that’s all it took to lose sight of her young daughter.

But seven years later, Abigail is found.

And as Anne struggles to connect with her teenage daughter, she begins to question how much Abigail remembers about the day she disappeared…

Addictive, edge-of-your-seat dark women’s fiction perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, BCC drama Thirteen, and Emma Donoghue’s Room.
Робин Морган-Бентли 0.0
One fatal crash. Two colliding worlds. Three wrecked lives.

School teacher Ben is driving on the motorway, on his usual commute to work.

A day like any other…

Except for one man who, in a final despairing act, jumps in front of Ben’s car, turning the teacher’s world upside down in a single horrifying instant…

Wracked with guilt and desperate to clear his conscience, he develops a friendship with Alice, the dead man’s wife, and her 7-year-old son Max.

But as he tries to escape the trauma of the wreckage, could he go too far in trying to make amends?

How would you cope, knowing you’d caused someone’s death?

Исторический кинжал

Abir Mukherjee 4.5
1905, London. As a young constable, Sam Wyndham is on his usual East London beat when he comes across an old flame, Bessie Drummond, attacked in the streets. The next day, when Bessie is found brutally beaten in her own room, locked from the inside, Wyndham promises to get to the bottom of her murder. But the case will cost the young constable more than he ever imagined.

1922, India. Leaving Calcutta, Captain Sam Wyndham heads for the hills of Assam, to the ashram of a sainted monk where he hopes to conquer his opium addiction. But when he arrives, he sees a ghost from his life in London – a man thought to be long dead, a man Wyndham hoped he would never see again.

Wyndham knows he must call his friend and colleague Sergeant Banerjee for help. He is certain this figure from his past isn’t here by coincidence. He is here for revenge . . .

Praise for the Sam Wyndham series:

‘A thought-provoking rollercoaster’ Ian Rankin

'Death in the East is as vivid and atmospheric as its predecessors' Guardian

‘Confirms Abir Mukherjee as a rising star of historical crime fiction’ The Times

‘Cracking… A journey into the dark underbelly of the British Raj’ Daily Express

‘A brilliantly conceived murder mystery set amidst political and social turmoil – beautifully crafted’ C. J. Sansom

'Mukherjee brings sardonic wit to his portrayal of British rule in India, and the action is perfectly paced.' Daily Mirror

'An absolute delight' Daily Mail
** Selected by the Telegraph, FT and Guardian as one of the best crime books of 2019**

**'A skilfully blended dual narrative: twice the intrigue, twice the fun. Mukherjee is at the top of his game' Mick Herron, author of the Jackson Lamb series, on Death in the East**

**'The gloriously atmospheric Death in the East is his [Mukherjee’s] best book so far, a cracking read' Scotsman**

**'The perfect combination of mystery and history' Telegraph**

Calcutta police detective Captain Sam Wyndham and his quick-witted Indian Sergeant, Surrender-not Banerjee, are back for another rip-roaring adventure set in 1920s India.
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