Победители — стр. 3

Золотой Кинжал
Sara Paretsky 4.0
When Chicago Private Investigator V.I. Warshawski checks out reports of an intruder at derelict Larchmont Hall, she doesn't expect to stumble over a dead man. But the murdered journalist is about to lead V.I. deep into the heart of a dark mystery, involving a terrified young Muslim boy, two of Chicago's most powerful families, and a generation of shameful secrets - political and sexual. It seems that somebody is desperate for the past to stay buried. But who? And why? And if attempting to bring the truth to light has already cost at least one man his life . . . who's next?
Серебряный Кинжал
Джон Харви, Джон Харви 3.3
Дело об исчезновении шестнадцатилетней Сьюзен Блэклок так и осталось нераскрытым.
Главные подозреваемые - насильники и убийцы Шейн Доналд и Алан Маккернан - давно сидят в тюрьме за совершенно другое преступление.
Но старая история не дает покоя детективу Фрэнку Элдеру.
Он подозревает: прошлое обязательно вернется.
И однажды его подозрения перерастают в уверенность.
Вскоре после побега Доналда полиция находит чудовищно изуродованное тело еще одной девушки, и Элдер имеет все основания полагать, что следующая в кровавом списке - его собственная дочь...
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Джеффри Дивер 3.9
Пол Шуман — американец немецкого происхождения, ветеран Первой Мировой войны. И в гангстерских, и в полицейских кругах Нью-Йорка он хорошо известен как киллер, виртуозно выполняющий «заказы». И хотя он принципиально убивает только других убийц, спецпрокурор, давший клятву покончить с организованной преступностью в городе, мечтает посадить его на электрический стул.

Угодив в подстроенную спецслужбой ловушку, Шуман получает предложение, от которого нельзя отказаться. Он должен отправиться в Берлин и уничтожить Рейнхарда Эрнста, гениального организатора, руководящего перевооружением гитлеровского рейха.

Роман удостоен премии «Стальной кинжал Яна Флеминга» Ассоциации писателей-криминалистов.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Mark Mills 0.0
In the small town of Amagansett, perched on Long Island's windswept coast, generations have followed the same calling as their forefathers, fishing the dangerous Atlantic waters. Little has changed in the three centuries since white settlers drove the Montaukett Indians from the land. But for Conrad Labarde, a second-generation Basque immigrant recently returned from the Second World War, and his fellow fisherman Rollo Kemp, this stability is shattered when a beautiful New York socialite turns up dead in their nets.
On the face of it, her death was accidental, but deputy police chief Tom Hollis - an incomer from New York - is convinced the truth lies in the intricate histories and family secrets of Amagansett's inhabitants. Meanwhile the enigmatic Labarde is pursuing his own investigation.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Penny Grubb 0.0
PI Annie Raymond's dreams of being a successful insurance fraud investigator start to look precarious when she is accused of corruption. She decides that it is time to come clean, both to her aunt who raised her as her own, and to her estranged father, a police sergeant in rural Argyle. However, neither wants to listen. Her father is swamped by a murder enquiry and her aunt is full of conspiracy theories and gossip. Suddenly, news from London has Annie racing south, but the case is not the lifeline she hoped for—or is it? After all, it wouldn't take much to fake the evidence and deliver the miracle. Annie knows she has to clear her head and concentrate, yet echoes from Scotland resonate, and when a witness in London provides a horrifying revelation, the loose ends in her case become entangled with events hundreds of miles north. All at once, Annie realizes that she must get back to her father before it is too late.
Исторический кинжал
Барбара Клеверли 0.0
In her acclaimed mysteries set in the age of the British Raj, Barbara Cleverly brilliantly captures a fascinating collision of cultures against a backdrop of jasmine-scented nights and neatly trimmed English gardens. In her gripping new novel, the author of The Last Kashmiri Rose and Ragtime in Simla transports us to the remote and exotic setting of India’s North-West Frontier, where a group of travelers is swept into a spellbinding drama of kidnapping, vengeance, and murder.

Scotland Yard Detective Joe Sandilands has been given the unenviable mission of guarding a spirited young American woman with far more wealth than sense. Lily Coblenz, accompanied by a cunning businessman, a woman doctor, and two quarreling military strategists, expects the adventure of a lifetime when she arrives at a remote British outpost. But when the son of a Pathan tribal leader is discovered dead, Sandilands, a decorated war veteran, knows that his mission to protect Lily has suddenly taken a startling new turn that may bring them all to the brink of war.

Now, from the far reaches of an empire, Joe Sandilands must separate lies from truths, innocents from killers—and find the one person with a desperate motive for murder and the key to India’s destiny.
Лучший рассказ
Jeffery Deaver 0.0
Originally issued as part of the short story collection Twisted. This story spans one fateful evening, when an attempted drug store robbery goes horribly wrong. Following one patron's murder, Jack Prescot kidnaps a man and drags him to a vacant summer home. There Jack learns the true meaning of faith and patience.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Джон Дики 4.3
Hailed in Italy as the best book ever written about the mafia in any language, Cosa Nostra is a fascinating, violent, and darkly comic account that reads like fiction and takes us deep into the inner sanctum of this secret society where few have dared to tread.In this gripping history of the Sicilian mafia, John Dickie uses startling new research to reveal the inner workings of this secret society with a murderous record. He explains how the mafia began, how it responds to threats and challenges, and introduces us to the real-life characters that inspired the American imagination for generations, making the mafia an international, larger than life cultural phenomenon. Dickie's dazzling cast of characters includes Antonio Giammona, the first "boss of bosses''; New York cop Joe Petrosino, who underestimated the Sicilian mafia and paid for it with his life; and Bernard "the Tractor" Provenzano, the current boss of bosses who has been hiding in Sicily since 1963.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Сара Уайз 0.0
"A work of great skill and sympathy, a meditation on one of the sorrowful mysteries once to be found on the streets of London. For any student of the city and its secret life, it is indispensable reading."
-Peter Ackroyd, The Times (London)

Before his murder in 1831, the "Italian boy" was one of thousands of orphans on the streets of London, begging among the livestock, hawkers, and con men. When his body was sold to a medical college, the suppliers were arrested for murder. Their high-profile trial would unveil a furtive trade in human corpses carried out by "resurrection men" who killed to satisfy the first rule of the cadaver market: the fresher the body, the higher the price.

Historian Sarah Wise reconstructs not only the boy's murder but the chaos and squalor of his world. In 1831 London, the poor were desperate and the wealthy petrified, the population swelling so fast that class borders could not hold. All the while, early humanitarians were attempting to protect the disenfranchised, the courts were establishing norms of punishment, and doctors were pioneering the science of anatomy.

As vivid and intricate as a novel by Charles Dickens, The Italian Boy restores to history the lives of the very poorest Londoners and offers an unparalleled account of England's great metropolis at the brink of a major transformation.
Золотой Кинжал
Майнет Уолтерс 3.8
В английском загородном поместье время охоты на лис.
Однако погибают почему-то не звери, а люди...
Первая жертва - жена хозяина имения, полковника Локайер-Фокса. Ее убийство пока остается нераскрытым.
Вскоре за этим преступлением следуют новые и новые...
Кто же убийца?
Соседи и даже полиция подозревают полковника, а тот почему-то не произносит ни слова в свою защиту.
Расследование начинают Нэнси, внучка Локайер-Фокса, и ее друг - поверенный - Марк Анкертон.
Серебряный Кинжал
Мораг Джосс 0.0
A gripping tale of psychological suspense perfect for the readership of Minette Walters and Ruth Rendell, Half Broken Things is a novel that peers into the lives of three dangerously lost people…and the ominous haven they find when they
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Дэн Фесперман 0.0
Vlado Petric, a former homicide detective in Sarajevo, is now living in exile, and making a meagre living working at a Berlin construction site, when an American investigator for the International War Crimes Tribunal recruits him to return home on a mission. The assignment sounds simple enough. He is to help capture an aging Nazi collaborator who has become a war profiteer. But nothing is simple in the Balkans: Petric is also being used as bait to lure his quarry into the open, and when the operation goes sour he is drawn across Europe into a dangerous labyrinth of secret identities, stolen gold, and horrifying discoveries about his own family’s past.

Intelligent and suspenseful, The Small Boat of Great Sorrows brings together chilling crimes, the lies people live and the cold facts of international politics into a masterful, electrifying thriller.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Уильям Лэндей 3.9
Нити от загадочного убийства, совершенного в маленьком тихом городишке Версаль, тянутся в Бостон - и местный шериф Бен Трумэн отправляется туда.
Но в Бостоне "коллеги по работе" с явной издевкой относятся к "копу из захолустья", - а расследование превращается в цепь вопросов без ответов.
Бену готов помочь только один полицейский, знающий о бостонском криминальном мире все - и подозревающий, что "версальское дело" связано с серией таинственных преступлений, совершенных двадцать лет назад...
Исторический кинжал
Эндрю Тейлор 3.6
Школьный учитель Томас Шилд волею судеб оказывается вовлеченным в непростую жизнь семьи своего воспитанника Чарльза Франта, который знакомит наставника с лучшим школьным другом Эдгаром Алленом По, будущим гениальным писателем и мистификатором: жизнь юного Эдгара началась с таинственного исчезновения его отца, а закончилась не менее таинственной смертью самого По.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Samantha Weinberg 0.0
This is the true story of thirty-five-year-old Helena Greenwood, a doctor with a Ph.D. in chemical pathology, who had recently moved with her husband from England to California and was embarking on a new, exciting career in biotechnology when she was the victim of sexual assault in her own home. She survived and was scheduled to appear in court as the key witness against her attacker. But after moving to another town to escape her past, one morning she was found brutally murdered in her garden. Everyone believed the killer was her past attacker, but there was not enough evidence to convict him--until ten years later when a local district attorney working the "cold cases" used Helena's own DNA research to finally bring her killer to justice. Pointing from the Grave is not only a riveting true-crime story but also a fascinating history of the development of DNA research and its role in forensics, taking the reader on a virtual history of DNA with hard science presented in a very accessible and exciting way. It is also an unforgettable story about an unforgettable woman
Золотой Кинжал
Хосе Карлос Сомоса 3.9
Афины времен Платона.
Эпоха расцвета философии - и серии жестоких, непонятных убийств, жертвами которых становятся юноши-эфебы.
Снова и снова находят в уединенной роще останки тел, на первый взгляд, растерзанных волками...
Снова и снова уходит от расплаты истинный убийца...
Наконец, расследование преступлений начинают двое друзей-философов, способных подойти к нему с самой неожиданной стороны...
Серебряный Кинжал
Джеймс Крамли 0.0
James Crumley caught the attention of crime-fiction aficionados as a promising new writer with his 1975 debut, The Wrong Case , a memorably sleazy thriller featuring hard-drinking private investigator Milo Milodragovitch. Three years later he delivered on that promise with his masterpiece, The Last Good Kiss , which has become one of the seminal PI novels of the late 20th century.

Crumley published only three more novels (Dancing Bear, The Mexican Tree Duck, and Bordersnakes) over the next 18 years and has come to be known as an author who takes his time to perfect his craft, although none of his later novels matched the level of his early work. Given that context, The Final Country is an unexpected pleasure -- a fierce, funny, wickedly well written novel, easily Crumley's finest since The Last Good Kiss.

The Final Country brings back Milo Milodragovitch, who has stumbled into a prosperous, peaceful late middle age and hates every minute of it. He owns a bar and a motel in the Texas Hill Country, has more money than he ever really wanted, and has entered the terminal stages of his latest long-term relationship. To counteract the boredom that has permeated his life, Milo resumes his interrupted career as a private eye. While tracking down a runaway wife, he meets -- and shares a drink with -- an on-the-lam ex-con named Enos Walker, who has just gunned down a drug dealer in the Over the Line Saloon. Milo feels an atavistic sympathy for Walker, who might have acted in self-defense. For various complex reasons, he attempts to follow Walker's trail and to investigate his criminal past. That investigation threatens to unearth some long-buried secrets and also threatens the security of some ruthless, highly placed people.

Milo's quest, which seems simple at first, widens exponentially, gradually encompassing a vast, interconnected web of lies, crimes, and betrayals that reach back 20 years into the past. His inquiry takes him from Texas to Las Vegas to Montana and involves a vividly drawn cast of characters on both sides of the law. Among them are a corrupt district attorney and his lethal twin, a multimillionaire with a questionable past, a slightly kinky acupuncturist, and a number of Milo's own closest associates. In the course of his investigation, Milo nearly dies on a number of occasions, ingests heroic quantities of alcohol and cocaine, and endures more physical punishment than most of us will ever experience. By the time the last shot has been fired and the final secret illuminated, the 60-year-old Milo has changed for good, becoming an old, virtually unrecognizable man.

The Final Country is a lurid, over-the-top account of violence, retribution, and greed. In lesser hands, it might have collapsed into parody, but Crumley holds it together with his effortless mastery of setting, character, and mood, his drop-dead accurate dialogue, and his rhythmic, flexible prose. (Bill Sheehan)

Bill Sheehan reviews horror, suspense, and science fiction for Cemetery Dance, The New York Review of Science Fiction, and other publications. His book-length critical study of the fiction of Peter Straub, At the Foot of the Story Tree, won the International Horror Guild's award for best nonfiction book of 2000.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
John Creed 0.0
Jack Valentine has been in the intelligence game too long and it is starting to show, but he accepts one more mission. He always does. It seems like a simple task but it starts to throw up questions and he doesn't know the answers. What were American Special Forces doing in Ireland twenty-five years ago and why does it matter now? What is the thread that leads from a deserted mountainside to the offices of the White House? Suddenly Valentine has information that everybody wants and he finds himself the quarry in a pitiless chase. To complicate matters he is joined by an old friend who is staying just ahead of his own deadly pursuit. And he draws an old flame into danger, because it seems that wherever Jack Valentine goes, innocence seems to suffer. Valentine no longer know which threatens him most - the dark alliance of men who want to kill him, the terrible storm crossing he is forced to undertake in a battered, converted trawler, or his own dangerous cynicism.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Луиза Уэлш 3.5
Случайно наткнувшись на фотографии со "снаффом", мистер Рильке решает узнать правду об их происхождении. Над ним смеются, его бьют, забирают в полицию, ему рассказывают истории. Безумцы, наркоманы, религиозные фанатики и люди, имена которых лучше не
Кинжал Дебютанта
Илона ван Мил 0.0
Hidden among the glacial hills and lakes of the Canadian Shield lies Sugarmilk Falls, a close-knit community with the worst of secrets. Everyone, including the aging priest and the town’s sole policeman, who have their own reasons for concealing the facts, remembers a different version of what really happened there over twenty years ago.

But secrets cannot stay buried forever. As the thick snow of a winter’s night sets in, the inhabitants gather together, induced by a questioning stranger to talk openly for the first time about the sinister events of the past. Some think that it all began when Grand’mère Osweken, an Ojibwa shaman, lost the maple forests on a gamble during a game of craps. Others contend it goes further back, to the arrival of the schoolteacher Marina Grochowska, a newcomer with a tightly guarded past. Or perhaps it really started years before that when the woodsman Zack Guillem discovered a curious powdery coating over an area of foliage in the bush.

Beautifully crafted and darkly compelling, this is a remarkable debut that captures the spirit and repression of a blighted community as it slowly turns in on itself. Sugarmilk Falls has earned comparisons with David Guterson’s Snow Falling on Cedars, as it similarly takes readers deep inside a community riven by prejudice and by the secrets of the past.
Исторический кинжал
Сара Уотерс 3.9
Лондонский бедный квартал, вторая половина XIX века. Сью Триндер, сирота, выросшая среди воров и мошенников, не знает, что судьба странными узами соединила ее жизнь с юной наследницей богатого имения, живущего замкнуто и уединенно. И едва порог дома переступает неотразимый Джентльмен, начинаются приключения, захватывающие дух своей непредсказуемостью.
Золотой Кинжал
Хеннинг Манкелль 4.3
Роман из сериала о шведском полицейском Валландере. Следователь по уголовным делам разыскивает маньяка, совершившего кошмарные убийства-жертвоприношения. Но в арсенале полицейского нестандартные ходы, обостренная интуиция и немного удачи в распутывании детективных головоломок.

Книги о Валландере пользуются огромным успехом на Западе, неизменно становятся бестселлерами, экранизируются. Они переведены на 26 языков.
Серебряный Кинжал
Джайлс Блант 3.8
В маленьком канадском городке Алгонкин-Бей пропадают четыре подростка. Расследование заходит в тупик, и полиция готова сдать дело в архив. С этим согласны все, кроме детектива Джона Кардинала, который своим упорством добивается лишь того, что его увольняют из отдела убийств. Тут-то и обнаруживается изуродованное тело тринадцатилетней Кэти Пайн. Но даже теперь Кардинал остается в одиночестве: никто в этой патриархальной глуши не готов признать, что здесь орудует самый чудовищный из маньяков и очередная жертва - у него в руках.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Сюзанна Джонс 3.3
Люси Флай — изгой. Она сбежала из Англии и смогла обрести покой только в далеком и чуждом Токио. Загадочный японский фотограф подарил ей счастье. Но и оно было отнято тупой размалеванной соотечественницей-англичанкой. Мучительная ревность, полное отчаяние, безумие... А потом соперницу находят убитой и расчлененной. Неужели это сделала Люси? Возможно. Она не знает точно. Не знает даже, был ли на самом деле повод для ревности. Ничего не понимает и полиция. Известно лишь, что в жизни Флай было столько случайных смертей, что ее впору считать непреднамеренным серийным убийцей…

Вместе с героиней вы будете прорываться к истине сквозь толщу ее сознания, замутненного комплексами, страхами и саморазрушением.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Wright, Edward 0.0
Once he was Sierra Lane, hero to countless youngsters in a series of B-movie westerns. Now, after two years in prison, John Ray Horn lives on the margins of post-World War II Los Angeles. His wife has left him, and, blacklisted by the studios, he makes ends meet by collecting debts for his old Indian co-star, Joseph Mad Crow. Then an old friend, Scotty, contacts Horn. He has come across some obscene photos, including one, several years old, of Horn's stepdaughter, Clea. Within days, Scotty is dead, and Clea has run away. Horn's search takes him from neon-lit ocean-front piers to wooded canyons, from rich homes in the Hollywood Hills to Central Avenue, the Harlem of LA, a street rich in jazz and corruption. But will the on-screen tough-guy hero be able to sustain his role off-screen?
Исторический кинжал
Andrew Taylor 0.0
Janet Byfield has everything Wendy Appleyard lacks: she's beautiful; she has a handsome husband, a clergyman on the verge of promotion; and most of all she has an adorable little daughter, Rosie. So when Wendy's life falls apart, it's to her oldest friend, Janet, that she turns.

At first it seems to Wendy as though nothing can touch the Byfields' perfect existence in 1950s Cathedral Close, Rosington,, but old sins gradually come back to haunt the present, and new sins are bred in their place. The shadow of death seeps through the Close, and only Wendy, the outsider, is able to glimpse the truth. But can she grasp its dark and twisted logic in time to prevent a tragedy whose roots lie buried deep in the past?

The Office of the Dead is a chilling novel of crime and retribution, and is the third volume of Andrew Taylor's stunning and acclaimed Roth Trilogy
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Philip Etienne, Tony Thompson 0.0
Philip Etienne and Martin Maynard are two of London's most successful villains. They specialize mainly in drugs, trading huge amounts of cocaine, ecstasy, crack and cannabis. They also deal in guns, stolen cars, credit cards and pretty much anything else that comes their way. And business is booming; crime does pay. Martin drives a brand-new top-of-the-range BMW, Philip a slick Mercedes. When they hit town their wallets are fat with banknotes. If a deal looks good they can lay their hands on hundreds of thousands of pounds in cash at a moment's notice. They can be contacted only through word-of-mouth recommendation. Only too aware that you can never be sure who's listening in, they never brag about their exploits. Tough, streetwise, professional and absolutely fearless, they're the kind of men other crooks feel comfortable dealing with. And that's just the idea, because Philip and Martin are undercover police officers. Revealed for the first time, "The Infiltrators" is the story of Scotland Yard's covert operations from the two men in the front line. It's an intense, unpredictable world of gangsters, drug dealers, contract killers and gun runners where any mistake can have lethal consequences. We're lucky they're the good guys!
Золотой Кинжал
Джонатан Летем 3.5
Четверо сирот, в числе которых страдающий нервными тиками Лайонел Эссрог, слепо преданы своему покровителю Фрэнку Минне, вытащившему их из приюта, чтобы сделать "своими парнями". Они готовы выполнить любое его поручение, чем, собственно, и занимаются под крышей то ли транспортного, то ли детективного агенства. Но в один черный день Фрэнка убивают, и Лайонелу приходится стать настоящим детективом, расследующим преступление.
Серебряный Кинжал
Донна Леон 3.9
В дом к комиссару Брунетти является некий Франко Росси, чиновник Кадастрового отдела муниципалитета Венеции, и сбивчиво объясняет, что квартира комиссара, надстроенная над зданием XV века, будет снесена, если не отыщутся документы более чем полувековой давности, разрешающие перепланировку этого памятника архитектуры. Через несколько месяцев тот же Франко Росси звонит комиссару с мобильного телефона с намерением сообщить ему нечто сугубо секретное, но связь рвется, а на следующий день чиновника находят под строительными лесами реставрируемого здания с тяжелейшими увечьями, от которых он и умирает. Брунетти берется расследовать странную смерть, однако без друзей в верхах ему все-таки не обойтись...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Boston Teran 5.0
The feral wasteland of the southern California desert and the badlands of Mexico: these are the settings for Boston Teran’s searing debut novel—a dark, wrenching thriller about personal conviction, retribution, and survival.

Fall 1970. In a remote playa a twelve-year-old boy stumbles upon a hideous scene in a dust-strewn trailer: the savage murder of a woman that will remain unsolved for twenty-five years.

Christmas week, 1995. A fourteen-year-old girl is kidnapped by a bloodthirsty satanic cult that calls itself the Left-Handed Path. The leader, Cyrus, considers murder the “ultimate freedom, ultimate joy…ultimate service.” His “tribe” is a group of drug-fueled young psychopaths honing their skills under the tutelage of a master. Helter Skelter. And then some.

Bob Hightower, the girl’s father, is a cop, suddenly more desperate than he ever imagined possible. There are no clues to his daughter’s whereabouts, only a scene of unfathomable carnage—the mutilated corpses of her mother and stepfather—left behind by the kidnappers. His only hope is a fierce ex-cult member named Case Hardin, a woman tempered to an extraordinary strength by what she’s endured, who’s just getting off the junkie trail in a halfway house in Hollywood. Bob has absolutely no reason, and every need, to trust her.

Case suspects that the killings, committed within fifty miles of each other and separated by a quarter of a century, are part of a byzantine nightmare she knows too well, a nightmare that has now engulfed Bob’s daughter. Their quest—he for his child, she to exorcise her demons—becomes a primal hunt-and-chase through a savage subculture of drugs and ritualistic violence (“the black land of plenty”) that takes them inexorably toward the limits of physical and psychological torment and trauma.

God Is a Bullet is an indelible story of people who must discover what it means to surrender oneself completely—to drugs, or power, or faith, or love—and, when necessary, what it takes to come back. It is a stunning debut.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Саймон Ливек 3.5
Жрецы и прорицатели оказались не в силах растолковать страшные сны, терзающие властителя ацтекской империи Монтесуму.

Царь приказал бросить их в темницу... но вскоре узники бесследно исчезли из заточения.

Возможно, их похитили демоны?

Возможно, им удалось открыть путь в обитель богов?

Но Яотль, секретарь и тайный дознаватель министра Монтесумы, которому поручено расследование случившегося, уверен - к похищению не причастны ни боги, ни демоны.

Виною всему люди.

Люди настолько высокопоставленные и могущественные, что не страшатся даже гнева самого Монтесумы...
Исторический кинжал
Gillian Linscott 0.0
December 1918. The vote has been won at long last, the Great War is over and suffragette Nell Bray is standing for election. Everything seems to be falling into place for the dedicated activist. Yet, with a month to go to the first general election, Nell is still without party backing, writing desperately to friends and contacts to drum up support for her cause. Further, the former Conservative candidate has been blown up by a firework while celebrating the Armistice, his widow is certain that he's sending her messages about his killer through a haunted piano, and at least one person in the constituency has a murderous hatred of all politicians. To add to Nell's troubles, two men from her checkered past are home from the war.

Nell finds herself in the middle of a baffling case, with the odds most definitely against her--both for election victory and survival. The suffragette turned amateur sleuth must then show a dedication to the truth as strong as her loyalty to women's rights to solve the mystery and come out on top.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Edward Bunker 0.0
In Education of a Felon, the reigning champion of prison novelists finally tells his own story.The son of an alcoholic stagehand father and a Busby Berkley chorus girl, Bunker was--at seventeen--the youngest inmate ever in St. Quentin.His hard-won experiences on L.A.'s meanest streets and in and out of prison gave him the material to write some of the grittiest and most affecting novels of our time. From smoking a joint in the gas chamber to leaving fingerprints on a knife connected to a serial killer, from Hollywood's seamy underside to swimming in the Neptune pool at San Simeon, Bunker delivers a memoir as colorful as any of his novels and as compelling as the life he led. AUTHORBIO: EDWARD BUNKER'S novels No Beast So Fierce and Animal Factory were made into the movies Straight Time with Dustin Hoffman and Animal Factory with Edward Furlong.Bunker played Mr. Blue in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and was a cowriter of the screenplay for Runaway Train.Education of a Felon is his first nonfiction book.He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and son.
Золотой Кинжал
Роберт Уилсон 3.4
На морском берегу в окрестностях Лиссабона обнаружено тело юной девушки. Расследуя ее гибель, инспектор Зе Коэлью обнаруживает, что убитая старшеклассница вела отнюдь не добродетельный образ жизни. Однако выясняется, что ни подозрительные дружки, ни окрестные наркоманы не имеют отношения к смерти Катарины Оливейры. Корни преступления уходят в далекое прошлое, каким-то загадочным образом с ним связано семейство Абрантеш, в эпоху диктатора Салазара обогатившееся на торговле с немцами. Но когда преступник оказывается за решеткой, а все средства массовой информации дружно превозносят Зе Коэлью, инспектор приходит к выводу, что настоящий убийца — совсем другой человек…
Англичанин Роберт Уилсон — автор уже десяти триллеров, которые сделали его фантастически популярным как в Европе, так и в Америке. За роман “Смерть в Лиссабоне” Уилсон удостоен премии Британской ассоциации авторов-детективщиков “Золотой кинжал” (1999), его “Севильский слепец” вошел в шорт-лист той же премии (2003). “Смерть в Лиссабоне” награждена еще и немецкой премией за лучший зарубежный детектив (2003), а “Немые и проклятые” — американской премией “Сыщик” интернет-журнала Mistery Ink за лучший европейский криминальный роман (2006).
Серебряный Кинжал
Adrian Mathews 0.0
Vienna, Winter 2026. A place filled with post-millennial excess: pollution, nco-Nazis, designer drugs, holographic TV, and ultra-intelligent environments. When a commodities broker named Leo Detmers winds up dead -- the victim of a seemingly random traffic accident -- his pregnant widow, Petra, turns to a tabloid columnist named Sharkey to look into what she believes was a calculated murder. But just who was Leo Detmers and who would want him dead? Beginning with a graffiti message on the wall of Leo's apartment, Sharkey peels back the layers of Leo's life and death, each revealing a larger, more chilling design. As he attempts to link puzzling coincidences and perilous secrets, Sharkey soon realizes he's in over his head, party to a conspiracy with roots in Vienna's dark past that could change the world forever.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Дэн Фесперман 0.0
Investigator Petric makes his living from the dead. Lately business has been slow, what with the siege around Sarajevo. Condoned killing has displaced the crime of passion; his services with the civil police as a homicide investigator have been less in demand. Unluckily one premeditated death does land on the detective's desk. It is no abused lover or a distant sniper's victim but a government official - the chief of the interior ministry's police - shot dead at close range.In a thriller that recalls the first excitement of Martin Cruz Smith's Moscow and the Vienna of Graham Greene's The Third Man, author Dan Fesperman brilliantly renders the fragmented society and underworld of Sarajevo at war - the freelancing gangsters, guilty bystanders, drop-in correspondents, the bureaucrats frightened for their jobs and very lives - and he weaves through this torn cityscape one man's desperate, deadly pursuit of the wrong people in the worst places.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Caroline Carver 0.0
Winner of the CWA Debut Dagger, CJ Carver's debut thriller is a dark and gripping story set in a town with a pitch-dark legacy of blood.

Journalist India Kane's trip to the Australian outback takes a horrifying turn when she arrives in the town of Cooinda to find that her best friend Lauren is missing.

Seemingly no one knows what has happened to her, but it's not long before India finds herself arrested for a double murder that she didn't commit, caught up in the dark past of a small town hiding a devastating truth - one that could destroy a family, a friendship, and a nation.

Set in the unforgiving landscape of the Australian outback, Blood Junction won the CWA's Debut Dagger and is CJ Carver's powerful and compulsive thriller about a woman on the run from a brutal killer, as well as from her own past.
Исторический кинжал
Lindsey Davis 0.0
Lumbered with working alongside reptilian Chief Spy, Anacrites, Falco has the perfect plan to make money: he will assist Vespasian in the Emperor’s "Great Census" of AD 73. His potential fee could finally allow him to join the middle ranks and be worthy of long-suffering Helena Justina. Unexpectedly confronted with the murder of a man-eating lion, Falco uncovers a bitter rivalry between the gladiators’ trainers. With one star gladiator dead, Falco is forced to investigate and the trail leads from Rome to the blood-soaked arena in North Africa.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Брайан Кэткарт 0.0
Eighteen-year-old Stephen Lawrence, the son of Jamaican immigrants, was murdered on the night of 22 April 1993 whilst standing at a bus-stop, by a gang of white youths. Cathcart wrote a long piece about the murder and all its ramifications for Granta magazine (59), and this is the basis for his book: an account of the crime, the investigation and the criminal culture of South-East London that gave rise to the murderers.
Маргарет Йорк
Бриллиантовый Кинжал Картье
Маргарет Йорк / Margaret Yorke
4 книги
2 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
James Lee Burke 0.0
L'inspecteur de police Dave Robicheaux de New Iberia en Louisiane s'inquiète du retour au pays de Megan Flynn et de son frère Cisco. Leur enfance fut assombrie par l'horrible sort réservé à leur père Jack Flynn, un farouche syndicaliste retrouvé crucifié à la porte d'une grange. Ce crime est resté impuni, affichant la marque du silence de ceux qui ont laissé faire ou simplement tourné la tête, par indifférence ou par peur. Cisco est devenu un metteur en scène reconnu et influent et sa sœur une célèbre photographe. Dans le sillage de ce retour, les charognards ont flairé l'odeur du sang, de la haine et de la mort. Pourquoi Cisco protège-t-il Swede Boxleiter, un psychopathe engagé sur le plateau de son nouveau film financé par la mafia et le propriétaire terrien Archer Terrabonne dont la fille, Lila, noie ses secrets dans l'alcool ? Autour de ce brasier, les vieilles histoires du passé remontent à la surface entraînant règlements de compte, meurtres, vengeance, racisme. Le tout est orchestré par un ex-flic, essence même du mal, bien connu du FBI, peu empressé à collaborer avec la police de New Iberia.
Серебряный Кинжал
Николас Блинкоу 3.6
"«Манчестерская тусовка» – как всегда у Блинкоу, роман очень жизненный, своего рода социальный срез современной субкультуры, предлогом для которого служит детективный сюжет.
Действие происходит в двух временных пластах. Манчестерский следователь Дэйви Грин (этакий Жеглов минус романтика плюс пройдошистость и своеобразное мужланское чувство юмора) приезжает в Лондон и делает Джейку, менеджеру казино, предложение, от которого тот не сможет отказаться. Дело в том, что в начале 80-х Джейк был информатором Грина. И теперь пришла пора отдавать должок. Пласт «настоящего» перемежается сценками из прошлого Джейка и его друзей. Время и нравы изображены очень выпукло и достоверно, аж дрожь пробирает, но не от детективной интриги, а от мастерского описания язв современного общества, где понятия плохой/хороший переплетены настолько, что не всегда и разберешь."
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Mina Denise 2.0
Mental breakdown survivor Maureen is about to end her affair with a married man when she discovers his body in her living room, his throat slit. Suspected of murder, Maureen must act fast - before the real killer comes after her.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Joolz Denby 4.0
A dark psycholgical thriller from a brilliant new talent, set in the out-on-the-edge world of alternative comedy. Meet Lenny Bruce in a Dress (aka Jamie Gee), an inspirational stand-up comic with enough cutting edge to rival Boadicea. The punters love her -- they think she's tough and in control, but they don't know the real Jamie. Inside she's lost, vulnerable and desperate for love -- something Lily Carlson finds out when she becomes her best friend and then her manager. And sassy, smart-talking, ambitious Lily soon realizes that looking after Jamie means more than just booking gigs -- it's a lifetime's commitment. Lily's up for it , though, even when she can no longer ignore the fact that Jamie's fatal flaw is men. The victim of a brutal past, she has an unerring ability to pick Mr Wrong, and, as Jamie lurches from one bastard to the next, Lily and beautiful Asian transvestite Mojo do the damage-limitation thing, making a sanctuary of their rundown old house. But they'd all reckoned without Sean Powers, a vicious psychopath with the face and body of a god, who threatens to smash the menage a trois that sustains them.

It's easy to see what makes Jamie fall so hard for Sean, but what's in it for him? And what does he really want from her? Dark, edgy and utterly convincing, Stone Baby is set to become the cult read of the year
Исторический кинжал
Lindsey Davis 0.0
Lumbered with working alongside reptilian Chief Spy, Anacrites, Falco has the perfect plan to make money: he will assist Vespasian in the Emperor’s "Great Census" of AD 73. His potential fee could finally allow him to join the middle ranks and be worthy of long-suffering Helena Justina. Unexpectedly confronted with the murder of a man-eating lion, Falco uncovers a bitter rivalry between the gladiators’ trainers. With one star gladiator dead, Falco is forced to investigate and the trail leads from Rome to the blood-soaked arena in North Africa.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Гитта Серени 0.0
England's controversial #1 best-seller.

What brings a child to kill another child? In 1968, at age eleven, Mary Bell was tried and convicted of murdering two small boys in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Gitta Sereny, who covered the sensational trial, never believed the characterization of Bell as the incarnation of evil, the bad seed personified. If we are ever to understand the pressures that lead children to commit serious crimes, Sereny felt, only those children, as adults, can enlighten us.

Twenty-seven years after her conviction, Mary Bell agreed to talk to Sereny about her harrowing childhood, her terrible acts, her public trial, and her years of imprisonment-to talk about what was done to her and what she did, who she was and who she became. Nothing Bell says is intended as an excuse for her crimes. But her devastating story forces us to ponder society's responsibility for children at the breaking point, whether in Newcastle, Arkansas, or Oregon.

A masterpiece of wisdom and sympathy, Gitta Sereny's wrenching portrait of a girl's damaged childhood and a woman's fight for moral regeneration urgently calls on us to hear the cries of all children at risk.
Золотой Кинжал
Ian Rankin 3.0
Bible John killed three women, and took three souvenirs. Johnny Bible killed to steal his namesake's glory. Oilman Allan Mitchelson died for his principles. And convict Lenny Spaven died just to prove a point. "Bible John" terrorized Glasgow in the sixties and seventies, murdering three women he met in a local ballroom--and he was never caught. Now a copycat is at work. Nicknamed "Bible Johnny" by the media, he is a new menace with violent ambitions.

The Bible Johnny case would be perfect for Inspector John Rebus, but after a run-in with a crooked senior officer, he's been shunted aside to one of Edinburgh's toughest suburbs, where he investigates the murder of an off-duty oilman. His investigation takes him north to the oil rigs of Aberdeen, where he meets the Bible Johnny media circus head-on. Suddenly caught in the glare of the television cameras and in the middle of more than one investigation, Rebus must proceed wiht caution: One mistake could mean an unpleasant and not particularly speedy death, or, worse still, losing his job.

Written with Ian Rankin's signature wit, style and intricacy, Black and Blue is a novel of uncommon and unforgettable intrigue.
Серебряный Кинжал
Джанет Иванович 4.3
Если любому другому агенту достаются интересные и выгодные задания, то Стефани Плам, как той Золушке из сказки, всегда что-нибудь такое, от чего одна только нервотрепка, тоска и головная боль. Вот и на этот раз ей поручено отыскать очень злостного преступника - старенького дядюшку Мо, хозяина кондитерской лавки и всеобщего любимца, оштрафованного за превышение скорости и не явившегося на суд. Правда, занимаясь поисками продавца сладостей, Стефани то и дело натыкается на трупы наркоторговцев и уворачивается от пуль таинственных людей в масках, идущих по ее следу...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Paul Johnston 0.0
"Gorky Park" meets "Brave New World" in this award-winning debut novel of a serial killer lost in a supposedly perfect society overtaken by the Enlightenment.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Пол Бриттон 5.0
The autobiography of Paul Britton, one of the foremost offender profilers in the world. What he searches for at the scene of a crime are not fingerprints, fibres or blood stains, he looks for the "mind trace" left behind by those responsible, the psycholgical characteristics that can help the police to identify and understand the nature of the perpetrator. Over the past dozen years, Britton has assisted the police in over 100 cases involving murder, rape, arson, extortion and kidnapping. Among them were he murder of Jamie Bulger on a lonely railway line in Liverpool, the abduction of baby Abbie Humphries, the brutal slaying of Rachel Nickell on Wimbledon Common and the notorious "House of Horror" in Gloucester. He has helped to solve some of Britain's mot baffling cases, and has also advised the FBI and the Russian Ministry of the Interior.
Золотой Кинжал
Бен Элтон 4.0
Бен Элтон - прозаик, сценарист и комедиограф, один из наиболее популярных современных английских писателей, автор сценариев таких знаменитых комедийных сериалов, как "Мистер Бин" (Mister Bean), "Блэкаддер" (Blackadder) и "Тонкая голубая линия" (The Thin Blue Line). Каждая его книга - бестселлер. Романы "Попкорн" (Popcorn, 1996) и "Непостижимый" (Inconceivable, 1999) разошлись миллионными тиражами, "Звонок из прошлого" (Blast from the Past, 1998) принес Бену Элтону славу "короля смеха и интриги", а "Смерть за стеклом" (Dead Famous, 2001) был назван критиками "бриллиантом юмора".
Серебряный Кинжал
Питер Лавси 4.1
Члены литературного детективного клуба "Ищейки" привыкли разгадывать книжные преступления. Но на этот раз им пришлось стать свидетелями настоящих преступлений! Сначала у эксцентричного пожилого Майло Моциона обнаруживается похищенная из музея накануне бесценная старинная марка. А потом происходит загадочное убийство... ,

Но кто и зачем избавился от самого тихого и неприметного из "литературных детективов" ночного сторожа Сида Тауэрса? Как его труп попал на яхту все того же Моциона? Почему таинственный анонимный осведомитель пытается обвинить в этом преступлении еще одного члена клуба — преуспевающуюю галеристку Джессику Шоу?

Пока у Питера Даймонда больше вопросов, чем ответов. А навязчивые попытки дилетантов "Ищеек" помочь запутывают расследование все сильнее...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Christopher Brookmyre 3.9
The book that gave us tartan noir: The novel which launched Christopher Brookmyre on an unsuspecting audience is being reissued with a new cover alongside other classic titles from the Abacus list in our 40th Anniversary year
Yeah, yeah, the usual. A crime. A corpse. A killer. Heard it. Except this stiff happens to be a Ponsonby, scion of a venerable Edinburgh medical clan, and the manner of his death speaks of unspeakable things. Why is the body displayed like a slice of beef? How come his hands are digitally challenged? And if it's not the corpse, what is that awful smell?

A post-Thatcherite nightmare of frightening plausibility, QUITE UGLY ONE MORNING is a wickedly entertaining and vivacious thriller, full of acerbic wit, cracking dialogue and villains both reputed and shell-suited.
Последний смех
Джанет Иванович 4.3
Неунывающая и сексуальная Стефани Плам, агент по поимке сбежавших из-под залога преступников, ввязывается в очередную умопомрачительную авантюру. Казалось бы, все до неприличия просто: ей поручают совсем пустяковое дело - разыскать юного Кенни Манкузо, парня из приличной семьи, прострелившего колено своему лучшему школьному другу. Правда, некоторое время спустя дело здорово осложняется, поскольку лучшего друга Кенни находят мертвым. А потом Стефани начинают подбрасывать угрозы и… отрезанные части тела. Однако она готова распутать этот опасный клубок, потому что у нее есть помощник по кличке Рейнджер, верный 38-й калибр, баллончик со слезоточивым газом, электрошокер, наручники и страшное оружие массового поражения - бабушка Мазур, которая никогда не бросит внучку в беде. К тому же Стефани всегда может позвать на помощь неотразимого Джо Морелли. Ведь он не только "гроза всех женщин", но и опытный полицейский.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Antonia Fraser 0.0
Antonia Fraser, a popular historian, has delved into archives across Europe to unravel the true story of the plot by fanatical Roman Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I at the opening of Parliament in 1605.
Мариан Бабсон
Библиотечный Кинжал
Мариан Бабсон / Marian Babson
10 книг
1 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Вэл Макдермид 3.8
Город Брэдфилд на севере Англии охвачен ужасом – в нем орудует жестокий серийный убийца, не оставляющий ни следов, ни улик. Полиция не желает признавать серьезность ситуации, пока не обнаруживается четвертый изуродованный труп. Только тогда к делу подключают психолога Тони Хилла, который вместе с инспектором Кэрол Джордан пытается проникнуть в больной мозг преступника и разгадать его мотивы.
Серебряный Кинжал
Питер Лавси 4.1
Самое необычное дело суперинтенданта Питера Даймонда. Полиция Бата поднята по тревоге — из тюрьмы cбежал Джон Маунтджой, приговоренный к пожизненному заключению за убийство шведской журналистки. Более того, он ухитрился вернуться в Бат и взять в заложницы дочь местного крупного полицейского чиновника. Единственное требование Маунтджоя — повторное расследование его дела. Он утверждает, что убийства не совершал.... Неужели Даймонд, который вел дело, совершил ошибку? Неужели из-за него пострадал невиновный? Шаг за шагом детектив пытается понять, что же упустил много лет назад…
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Джанет Иванович 4.0
Серия искрометно веселых романов о Стефани Плам принесла американской писательнице Джанет Иванович грандиозную популярность. Каждый роман о незадачливой охотнице за сбежавшими из-под залога преступниками - чтение неимоверно увлекательное, интригующее и поразительно смешное.
В первой книге Стефани поручено крайне ответственное задание: отыскать Джо Морелли, полицейского, обвиняемого в убийстве, а по совместительству совершенно неотразимого мужчину и настоящего мачо. Это дело не сулило бы особых хлопот, если бы не осложнялось тем, что когда-то этот самый Морелли сумел воспользоваться наивностью и неопытностью новоиспеченного детектива. Причем не один раз... Впрочем, находчивости и изобретательности мисс Плам не занимать, а неиссякающий оптимизм и безграничное чувство юмора всегда выручают ее из множества дурацких и нелепых ситуаций, в которые она почему-то все время попадает.
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