Вручение 2010 г.

Премия вручалась за 2009 год.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 2010 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Говард Шриер 0.0
After his successful debut, Buffalo Jump, Howard Shrier is back with High Chicago, the next in the Jonah Geller series.

Toronto investigator Jonah Geller has opened his own agency, World Repairs, and he and his partner, Jenn Raudsepp, are immediately drawn into investigating the apparent suicide of a young girl — and the high-stakes world of construction and development on a long-neglected parcel of Toronto’s waterfront. Clues lead them to suspect that fabled real estate tycoon Simon Birk — the partner of the dead girl’s father — is killing people who get in the way of the project, but the evidence isn’t rock solid. And Jonah has to craft an audacious plan to take down one of Chicago’s most powerful men.
Энтони Бидулка 0.0
From the calm Pacific to the storm-tossed prairie, a teasing puzzle turns into a frightening game of cat and mouse for gay PI Russell Quant. Russell can't be sure whether a dead man's surprising last gift will take him on a treasure hunt or a treacherous game of life or death. With a series of clues spanning decades-from a shocking modern-day murder to Saskatoon's dark, hidden past-he revisits the harsh realities of early homesteading, investigates the blackmail of one of the literary world's most esteemed writers, and digs for clues at the site of a never-forgotten scourge. As past reveals future, the hunter becomes the hunted. Racing to keep up with his latest case, Russell must balance his professional life with the demands of a wedding, a memorial, and at least one home-cooked meal at Mom's. With the Hawaiian sand barely shook free from his hair, Russell is confronted, professionally and personally, with the harsh consequences of indecision. Saying aloha is not always easy.  Welcome to the world of Russell Quant....
Р. Дж. Харлик 0.0
The sparsely populated Arctic is no stranger to murder. The fourth in the Meg Harris series follows Meg's adventures into the Canadian Arctic as she searches for the truth about the disappearance of her father when she was a child. Many years ago, her father's plane had gone missing in the Arctic and he was never seen again. What happened on that fateful flight? Thirty-six years later, her mother receives some strange Inuit drawings that suggest he might have survived. Intent on discovering the answers, no matter how painful, Meg travels to Iqaluit to find the artist and is sucked into the world of Inuit art forgery. Arctic Blue Death is not only a journey into Meg's past and the events that helped shape the person she is today, but it's also a journey into the land of the Inuit and the culture that has sustained them for thousands of years. Finalist for the Arthur Ellis Award for best crime novel.
Ли Ламот 0.0
Charlie Tate and Elodie Gray make a striking couple. Charlie is a shaven-headed weightlifter who has worked as a seaman, carnival huckster and hustler and now earns his keep as an unlicensed private investigator specializing in extricating clients’ money from thieves. Elodie Gray comes from money—lot’s of money. An accident when she was a teen confined her to a wheelchair, so she does the inside work—using her computer knowledge to find people who want to remain hidden. In The Finger’s Twist, Charles and Elodie are hired to investigate a bombing attempt at the Ontario legislature, purportedly committed by an anarchist group called The Black Bloc. While the city drops into paranoia fuelled by the police and the mayor, Charlie and Elodie try to keep the black sheep daughter of a prominent family from a certain prison sentence. The Finger’s Twist is more than a whodunit—it’s the story of a romantic relationship that’s constantly in jeopardy from within and without.
Джеймс В. Николь 0.0
This complex, multi-layered thriller opens with a hero�s welcome for the wounded Wilf McLauchlin, a celebrated WWII Canadian Spitfire fighter pilot. Almost immediately after his homecoming, a series of bizarre murders erupt in his hometown. Wilf finds himself trying to solve them and wondering if he is somehow causing them. Wilf follows his own trail back to when he was shot down over Germany in the last days of the war and makes the shattering connection. *Nominated for the Arthur Ellis Best Novel Award

Лучший дебютный роман

Алан Брэдли 4.1
В старинном английском поместье Букшоу обитают последние представители аристократического рода - эксцентричный полковник де Люс и три его дочери. Летом 1950 года тягучее болото сельской жизни нарушают невероятные события: убийство незнакомца и арест полковника. Пока старшие дочери, как положено хорошо воспитанным английским леди, рыдают в платочки, младшая, одиннадцатилетняя Флавия, в восторге: наконец-то в ее жизни что-то произошло! Аналитический склад ума, страсть к химии и особенно к ядам помогут ей разобраться в этом головоломном деле, на котором сломали зубы местные полицейские. Флавия приступает к поискам, которые приведут ее ни больше ни меньше, как к королю Англии собственной персоной. В одном она уверена: отец невиновен - наоборот, он защищает своих дочерей от чего-то ужасного... СЛАДОСТЬ НА КОРОЧКЕ ПИРОГА - это мастерски рассказанная история обманов и пронзительное в своей достоверности погружение в английскую жизнь середины XX века.
Элизабет Дж. Дункан 0.0
Elizabeth J. Duncan spins a charming tale of murder and intrigue in this winning first novel.

The picturesque North Wales market town of Llanelen is shocked when Meg Wynne Thompson, a self-made beauty who has turned out to be something of an unpopular bride, goes missing on her wedding day…and turns up dead. The last person believed to have seen her is manicurist Penny Brannigan, an expatriate Canadian who has lived in North Wales for almost twenty-five years. When Penny notices that something is not quite right at the funeral of her dearest friend, she becomes emotionally invested in the case, and sets out to investigate.

It seems that several people, including the bride’s drunken, abusive father, had reasons to wish Meg dead, but when the trail leads to her groom’s home, an explosive secret will shake the small town.

With its bucolic Welsh setting and vivid, colorful characters, this mystery is sure to delight the most discerning of traditional-mystery fans.
Си Би Форрест 0.0
Toronto at the close of 1999. It is a time of change, but Detective Charlie McKelvey’s life is stuck on pause since the murder of his runaway son, Gavin. As his wife focuses on healing, McKelvey is burdened with guilt for his role in kicking the teen out of the family home—and his inability to move the case to resolution. Obsessed with the stalled murder investigation, McKelvey’s behavior becomes increasingly unhinged. He is convinced the person responsible for the murder is an ex-convict sent to Toronto to establish a chapter of a biker gang, The Blades. The question is, does McKelvey have the right man, or is he blinded by his grief? When unexpected illness forces McKelvey’s early retirement—and his wife heads to the west coast to live with a relative—the conditions are finally ripe for McKelvey to focus entirely on his plans for revenge. This novel explores the daily and random decisions we make and their consequences as it stares into the heart of grief and sees the impact violent crime has on all of us.
Юджин Миз 0.0
When the scalped remains of a Jane Doe are discovered within the rubble of a demolished house, Detective Jake Fry is assigned the task of hunting down Calgary's most disturbed murderer. Working against a rising body count and police department politics, Fry must relentlessly pursue a murderer with an agenda no one but he can comprehend.During Calgary's first economic boom, people flocked from all corners of the country to the city rumoured to have streets paved in gold. Explore the dark side of this boom in A Magpie's Smile, a tautly chronological police thriller and cinematic portrait of the frenetic Calgary of the 1970s.

Лучший детектив на французском языке

Женевьев Лефевр 0.0
Antoine Gravel, scénariste doué mais fragile, se voit proposer par la productrice Maggy Sullivan d’écrire le scénario de la sainte patronne des victimes, Maria Goretti. Le sujet lui semble stupide, mais il n’a pas les moyens de refuser. Il vient de vivre la pire année de sa vie : sa femme l’a quitté, le laissant seul dans une maison de campagne en ruine. Puis une série de meurtres de jeunes filles dans le quartier de Griffintown lui rappelle étrangement son sujet. Il s’incruste alors dans les parages. Dans cet ancien quartier d’immigrants catholiques pauvres, infiltré par les voyous et où foisonnent les bars de danseuses, un petit café est tenu par Lucie, une mère de famille célibataire qui vient de retrouver la garde de sa fille, Laurie. Antoine s’attache vite à la fillette, qui fréquente le centre du Dr Doisneau, un homme dévoué aux enfants du quartier et qui a permis à un couple de cinéastes de tourner un documentaire sur ses protégés. Antoine plonge dans l’écriture de la sainte « qui a dit non » et, bizarrement, ce qui arrive dans le quartier ressemble à son scénario. Un nouveau corps d’adolescente est découvert alors que les enfants du Dr Doisneau partent pour une semaine dans un camp de vacances, là même où on a retrouvé le crâne d’un homme assassiné. Le scénariste à l’imagination débordante fait des liens troublants. Une déformation professionnelle qui lui fait-elle voir l’histoire autrement ou est-ce bien la réalité ? Antoine se retrouvera au coeur d’une histoire encore plus terrifiante que celle qu’il aurait pu imaginer… Un jour, il en tirera un livre. En attendant, il compte les morts…
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