Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет

Филип Рив 3.8


В новом переводе — первый роман эпопеи «Хроники хищных городов». Действие этой фантастической саги происходит в будущем, после Шестидесятиминутной войны, когда экологические и техногенные катастрофы заставили города встать на колеса. Оторвавшись от земли, Лондон, Архангельск и прочие мегаполисы принялись путешествовать через постапокалиптический ландшафт, разыскивая артефакты Древних — и пожирая друг друга. Том Нэтсуорти, ученик в лондонской Гильдии Историков, и представить себе не мог, чем обернется для него случайная встреча с Эстер Шоу из только что проглоченного Лондоном шахтерского городка: Тому и Эстер становится известна тайна, способная изменить мировой порядок…

Возможно, самая ожидаемая премьера 2018 года — это экранизация «Хищных машин», выходящая на экраны в декабре 2018 года под названием «Хроники хищных городов». Исполнительным продюсером картины выступает Питер Джексон, постановщиком — Кристиан Риверс (мастер спецэффектов, работавший с Джексоном на съемках «Властелина колец», «Хоббита» и «Кинг-Конга»), в ролях Стивен Лэнг из «Аватара» и Хью Уивинг («Матрица», «Властелин колец»).
Салли Прю 0.0


Part human, part elfin, young Tom struggles to find a place to call home in this striking debut fantasy novel.

Tom is both elfin and human, and running for his life. Cast out from the elfin Tribe, he must hide among the hated humans, whom the Tribe call "demons." Tom's Tribe-half seeks freedom and thrives on a connection with nature which lets him "call on the stars" and turn invisible when in danger. But Tom's human side is emerging, and he is confused and appalled by this change. For he fears the twining emotional bonds, which he sees literally as vines, that bind one human to another. But when he is helped by a kind "demon" girl, it is these strong bonds that save him-and draw him to his true home.
Джеральдин Маккорин 0.0


Cissy Sissney and her family are staking their claim. Along with a handful of other entrepreneurs, they've stepped off the train into the brand-new town of Florence, Oklahoma, and started building a future.

But the president of the railroad says no more trains will stop in Florence -- ever. Without the railroad, the town can't survive. So it's up to Cissy, her family, friends, and neighbors to stop the train any way they can.

Книги для детей 6-8 лет

Лорен Чайлд 0.0


Sometimes when I am tucked into my crisp packet, I look up at all the cosy windows and wonder what it would be like to live with creature comforts. To belong to somebody, to be an actual pet.

This is the funny, touching tale of how a pesky street rat finds home, sweet home!
Ричард Платт 4.6


"Завтра я с дядей Биллом отправляюсь на его корабль "Салли Энн" и стану моряком - хотя бы на некоторое время. Билл рассказывал мне про морских чудовищ, про русалок и про плавучие ледяные острова, о том, как он попал в ураган и спасся от пиратов.
Michael Morpurgo 0.0


Michael Morpurgo has created a sweeping and dramatic story of travels in the time of Bonnie Prince Charlie. This spellbinding tale is complemented perfectly by Michael Foreman's illustrations. Robbie McLeod and a wolf cub, both orphaned, venture far from their birthplace, a land of rebellious fighters and vicious redcoats. There is little constancy in Robbie's adventurous life, save for the companionship of his wolf. But when at last Robbie finds a place where he can peacefully make his home, he knows in his heart that the wolf must find his own natural home too-

Книги для детей до 5 лет

Люси Казенс 0.0


Meet Jazzy, the baby lemur, and his mama Jo Jo! Jazzy and his mama are playing hide and seek in the jungle, can you help Mama find Jazzy? Lift the leaves, peep through the tum tum trees and pull aside the fliff-fluff flowers for a riot of colour and disco
Шарлотта Воаке 0.0


Lucy, Bert and Joe don't want fish-fingers for their tea - they want pizza. And they certainly don't want lettuce or peas! Mum and Dad are fed up of the mess and fuss that accompanies mealtimes. They want their kittens to sit down, eat up and behave. But however well-meaning the kittens may be, can they manage to have the perfect family meal? With characteristic energy and expression, Charlotte Voake has explored a new bold and colourful style to illustrate this funny story, portraying brilliantly the dynamics of family mealtimes with young children.
Нил Лейтон 0.0


Oscar was a woolly mammoth. And so was Arabella. Did anyone ever tell you that woolly mammoths weren't very smart? Don't believe them if they did! Oscar and Arabella were two woolly mammoths who had to think very fast to outwit the scary creature lurking in the cave. Quirky and imaginative—this is a startlingly distinctive picture book, wildly and wittily illustrated.

Специальная награда сети детских клубов

Лорен Чайлд 0.0
Sometimes when I am tucked into my crisp packet, I look up at all the cosy windows and wonder what it would be like to live with creature comforts. To belong to somebody, to be an actual pet.

This is the funny, touching tale of how a pesky street rat finds home, sweet home!