Вручение 1998 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 1998 г.

Художественная литература

Анна Майклз 3.7
"Пути памяти" - роман, принесший всемирную известность канадской писательнице Анне Майклз и ставший, по мнению критиков, лучшей книгой последнего десятилетия. На протяжении нескольких лет роман считается бестселлером №1 и переиздан в 24 странах на 10 языках мира. Наконец и на русском!

Роман поражает удивительной глубиной осмысления проблем жизни и смерти, пространства и времени, сознательного и подсознательного, волнующих людей во все времена.
Мордехай Рихлер 4.2
Словом "игра" определяется и жанр романа Рихлера, и его творческий метод. Рихлер тяготеет к трагифарсовому письму, роман написан в лучших традициях англо-американской литературы смеха - не случайно автор стал лауреатом престижной в Канаде премии имени замечательного юмориста и теоретика юмора Стивена Ликока. Рихлер-Панофски владеет юмором на любой вкус - броским, изысканным, "черным". "Версия Барни" изобилует остротами, шутками, каламбурами, злыми и меткими карикатурами, читается как "современная комедия", демонстрируя обширную галерею современных каприччос - ловчил, проходимцев, жуиров, пьяниц, продажных политиков, оборотистых коммерсантов, графоманов, подкупленных следователей и адвокатов, чудаков, безумцев, экстремистов.
Esther Freud 0.0
Sarah is already in her late twenties with an acting career in London and a baby on the way when she learns from her father about Gaglow, his family's grand East German country estate that was seized before the war. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the estate will now come back to them.

Sarah attempts to solicit from her father all he knows about Gaglow: the three lucky sisters, Bina, Martha, and Eva; their masterly governess, Fraulein Schulze; their father, Wolf Belgard, a prosperous Jewish grain dealer; their mother, Marianna, a "vulgar woman" whose children privately mocked her; and their older brother, Emanuel, wretched from the family to serve his country.

Alternating between Sarah's life and her grandmother's childhood during the First World War, Summer at Gaglow unites four generations of an extraordinary family across the vast reaches of silence, place, loss, and time.
David Grossman 4.5
David Grossman's classic novels See Under: Love and The Book of Intimate Grammar, earned him international acclaim as an author of childhood. The Zig Zag Kid is written in a more optimistic vein, and recounts thirteen-year-old Nonny Feuerberg's picturesque journey into adulthood. As Nonny's Bar Mitzvah year trip turns into an amazing adventure, he not only finds himself befriending a notorious criminal, and a great actress, but confronts the great mystery of his own identity.

With wit and humor, The Zig Zag Kid is a novel that explores the most fundamental questions of good and evil and speaks directly to both adults and teenagers.

Документальная литература

Клаудия Роден 5.0
A monumental work - the story of the Jewish people told through the story of Jewish cooking - The Book of Jewish Food traces the development of both Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jewish communities and their cuisine over the centuries. The 800 magnificent recipes, many never before documented, represent treasures garnered bu Roden through nearly 15 years of traveling around the world. 50 photos & illustrations
Лейла Берг 0.0
This autobiography is a re-living rather than a remembering. The children's author and writer on children and education, Leila Berg, re-experiences her early Jewish childhood and adolescence during the 1920s and 30s, up until the day when the first air-raid siren sounded. She introduces the sad, funny and passionate child who is seen growing through the years.
Салли Беркович 0.0
Speaking to her daughters as they will be in ten years or so, Sally Berkovic writes that "the moment that Avigayil, my first born, was delivered, I had a profound religious experience. I realized that feminist theologians who claim God is a woman are fundamentally mistaken--only a man would let this sort of thing happen." With wit and humor, warmth, and a down-to-earth sensibility, Berkovic lives out in her own life the contradictions between the opportunities of modern life and the constrictions of Orthodox practice. Her book is not an ideological tract, however, but a warm, personal account of her Orthodox upbringing, and the hope she has for herself and her daughters. Speaking to them, she admits that "sometimes I feel like this life your father and I have created for you is ... disconnected from our own childhood experiences and caught in a timewarp as Orthodoxy fails to address the changing roles of its daughters.... Because of that, it would be much easier to say Orthodoxy doesn't 'speak' to me, but I feel that I have the responsibility to 'speak' to Orthodoxy."
Jenny Diski 0.0
This strange and brilliant book recounts Jenny Diski's journey to Antarctica last year, intercut with another journey into her own heart and soul...a book of dazzling variety, which weaves disquisitions on indolence, truth, inconsistency, ambiguousness, the elephant seal, Shackleton, boredom and over and over again memory, into a sparse narrative, caustic observation and vivid description of the natural world. While Diski's writing is laconic, her images are haunting.'
Elspeth Barker, Independent on Sunday