Вручение 1996 г.

Best Title for Younger Readers
Batman & Robin Adventures, by Paul Dini, Ty Templeton, and Rick Burchett (DC) http://comicbookdb.com/title.php?ID=4242

Best Anthology
The Big Book of Conspiracies, edited by Bronwyn Taggart (Paradox Press) http://comicbookdb.com/issue.php?ID=16529

Best Archival Collection
The Complete Crumb Comics, vol. 11, by R. Crumb (Fantagraphics) http://comicbookdb.com/issue.php?ID=250306 (есть №17 https://www.livelib.ru/book/1000297903)

Best Writer/Artist, Humor
Sergio Aragones, Groo (Image) http://comicbookdb.com/title.php?ID=4814

Best Lettering
Stan Sakai, Groo (Image); Usagi Yojimbo (Mirage) *

Best Editor
Stuart Moore, Swamp Thing, The Invisibles, Preacher (DC/Vertigo) * (tie)
Bronwyn Taggart, The Big Book of Weirdos, The Big Book of Conspiracies, Brooklyn Dreams, Stuck Rubber Baby (Paradox Press) * (tie)

Best Comics-Related Publication: Periodical
The Comics Journal (Fantagraphics) *

Best Comics-Related Publication: Book
Alex Toth, edited by Manuel Auad (Kitchen Sink) *

Best Comics-Related Item
Comic strip stamps (U.S. Postal Service) *

Страна: США Место проведения: Комик-Кон в Сан Диего Дата проведения: 1996 г.

Лучшая короткая история

Эван Доркин 0.0

"The Eltingville Comic-Book, Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Role-Playing Club in Bring Me the Head of Boba Fett" by Evan Dorkin, in Instant Piano #3 (Dark Horse)

Take-no-prisoners trivia-offs. Pill-fueled Twilight Zone marathons. Fan interventions. Here is the ultimate word on the fugly side of fandom, collecting every Eltingville story from the Dork, House of Fun, and The Eltingville Club #1-2, comics three of which won the Eisner Award for Best Short Story. Also features the Northwest Comix Collective alt-comics smackdown and an afterword about the 2002 Adult Swim animated pilot. Definitive, complete and unashamed, this is fandom at it's fan-dumbest, in the mighty Eltingville manner!

Лучший выпуск/отдельная история

Kurt Busiek 4.0

Kurt Busiek's Astro City #4: "Safeguards," by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson (Jukebox Productions/Image)

new edition

Best Serialized Story

Terry Moore 3.4

Strangers in Paradise #1-8 (Abstract Studios)

Katchoo is a beautiful young woman living a quiet life with everything going for her. She's smart, independent and very much in love with her best friend, Francine. Then Katchoo meets David, a gentle but persistent young man who is determined to win Katchoo's heart. The resulting love triangle is a touching comedy of romantic errors until Katchoo's former employer comes looking for her and $850,000 in missing mob money. As her idyllic life begins to fall apart, Katchoo discovers no one can be trusted and that the past she thought she left behind now threatens to destroy her and everything she loves, including Francine. This is the first edition in the series - don't miss it!

Лучшая постоянная серия

Chris Ware 0.0

Acme Novelty Library

With all his literary accolades and awards, it's easy to forget Ware is one of the warmest, funniest cartoonists in America. The Acme Novelty Library collects a few issues of Ware's comic book series by the same name and adds plenty of new pages and visual delights. It is, like all of his work, an utterly immersive experience. You're not just reading his comics, you're inhabiting his world: from fake ads to diagrams for paper models to a lengthy and very funny fictional history of the Acme Novelty Company. These strips combine complex and beautiful visuals with the humor of hapless, often sad characters in ridiculous predicaments. "Rusty Brown", a series of strips based around an obsessive collector who will be the subject of Ware's next graphic novel, is particularly strong. These comics showcase Ware's unusual sensitivity towards his characters, building an incisive, multi-dimensional portrait of Brown and his friend Chalky White. On top of all of these riches there is Ware's own personal "history of art" in cartoon form, and a multi-page story about a naked superhero. Combining surreal humor, cutting satire, stunning visuals, and empathic characters, Ware's latest is a wondrous journey into the universe of a master cartoonist in peak form.

Лучшая законченная серия / серия с ограниченным количеством выпусков

Фрэнк Миллер 4.3
Город Грехов - мегаполис, даже днем живущий ночной жизнью. Это город, населенный сильными и неуправляемыми людьми, уличными хищниками и их жертвами, полицейскими и маньяками; город, душа которого опрокинута во тьму. Но именно благодаря этой тьме в Городе Грехов так хорошо виден каждый проблеск света. Здесь не остаются незамеченными ни самоубийственное благородство вора, ни полоснувшая по женской щеке слеза. Город такого не пропускает. И не прощает...
Фрэнк Миллер начинал как художник в сериях популярных комиксов, но настоящую известность получил после того, как стал создавать собственные графические романы. В его работах соединены традиции классического "черного детектива" Хэммета и кровавая эстетика "Бешенных псов" Тарантино, и все это - в поразительном контрасте черного и белого. "Город Грехов", самый известный цикл Фрэнка Миллера, насчитывает семь выпусков и впервые выходит на русском языке в полном объеме.
Новое лицо, фальшивые документы, больная совесть. Дуайт Маккарти пытается уйти от прошлого, но настоящее оказывается ничуть не лучше. Даже его роман с официанткой Шелли оборачивается прологом к жестоким и кровавым событиям, которые поначалу выглядят как рядовая стычка с распоясавшимися хулиганами. Но в Городе Грехов даже одна пролитая капля крови может привлечь стаи акул...

Лучшая новая серия

Kurt Busiek 4.0

Kurt Busiek's Astro City, by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson (Jukebox Productions/Image)

new edition

Лучший юмористический комикс

Эван Доркин 0.0

Milk & Cheese #666 (Slave Labor)

Milk and Cheese: Dairy Products Gone Bad

Лучший графический альбом: Новое

Лучший графический альбом: Репринт

Лучший сценарист/художник

Лучший художник обложек

Лучший дизайн издания

Chris Ware 0.0

Acme Novelty Library #7, дизайн by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics)

With all his literary accolades and awards, it's easy to forget Ware is one of the warmest, funniest cartoonists in America. The Acme Novelty Library collects a few issues of Ware's comic book series by the same name and adds plenty of new pages and visual delights. It is, like all of his work, an utterly immersive experience. You're not just reading his comics, you're inhabiting his world: from fake ads to diagrams for paper models to a lengthy and very funny fictional history of the Acme Novelty Company. These strips combine complex and beautiful visuals with the humor of hapless, often sad characters in ridiculous predicaments. "Rusty Brown", a series of strips based around an obsessive collector who will be the subject of Ware's next graphic novel, is particularly strong. These comics showcase Ware's unusual sensitivity towards his characters, building an incisive, multi-dimensional portrait of Brown and his friend Chalky White. On top of all of these riches there is Ware's own personal "history of art" in cartoon form, and a multi-page story about a naked superhero. Combining surreal humor, cutting satire, stunning visuals, and empathic characters, Ware's latest is a wondrous journey into the universe of a master cartoonist in peak form.