Вручение сентябрь 2017 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, магазин Goldsboro Books Дата проведения: сентябрь 2017 г.

Премия «Стеклянный колокол»

Chris Cleave 3.5
London, 1939.

The day war is declared, Mary North leaves finishing school unfinished, goes straight to the War Office, and signs up.

Tom Shaw decides to ignore the war—until he learns his roommate Alistair Heath has unexpectedly enlisted. Then the conflict can no longer be avoided.

Young, bright, and brave, Mary is certain she’d be a marvelous spy. When she is—bewilderingly—made a teacher, she finds herself defying prejudice to protect the children her country would rather forget.

Tom, meanwhile, finds that he will do anything for Mary.

And when Mary and Alistair meet, it is love, as well as war, that will test them in ways they could not have imagined, entangling three lives in violence and passion, friendship and deception, inexorably shaping their hopes and dreams.

Set in London during the years of 1939–1942, when citizens had slim hope of survival, much less victory; and on the strategic island of Malta, which was daily devastated by the Axis barrage, Everyone Brave is Forgiven features little-known history and a perfect wartime love story inspired by the real-life love letters between Chris Cleave’s grandparents. This dazzling novel dares us to understand that, against the great theater of world events, it is the intimate losses, the small battles, the daily human triumphs that change us most.
Бет Льюис 3.8
Мир после ядерной катастрофы. Человечество выжило, но высокие технологии остались в прошлом – цивилизация откатилась назад, во времена Дикого Запада.

Своенравная строптивая Элка была совсем маленькой, когда страшная буря унесла ее в лес. Суровый охотник, приютивший у себя девочку, научил ее всему, что умел сам – ставить капканы, мастерить ловушки для белок, стрелять из ружья и разделывать дичь.

А потом она выросла и узнала страшную тайну, разбившую вдребезги привычную жизнь. И теперь ей остается только одно – бежать, далеко на север, на золотые прииски, куда когда-то в поисках счастья ушли ее родители.

Это будет долгий, смертельно опасный и трудный путь. Путь во мраке. Путь по Волчьей тропе… Путь, где единственным защитником и другом будет таинственный волк с черной отметиной…
Ян Мак-Гвайр 3.8
Охота на китов — занятие для настоящих мужчин! На судне, идущем по направлению к Антарктике, встретились двое бездушных людей: опустившийся гарпунер Генри Дракс и военный врач Патрик Самнер, скрывающийся от следствия. Первый прослыл жестоким, опустившимся человеком, второй — беглец, который скрывается от суда за выдуманной биографией. Дракс опасается за свое будущее на борту корабля, а Самнер — за собственную шкуру. Остаться в живых должен только один из них…
Колсон Уайтхед 3.9
Роман Колсона Уайтхеда получил несколько престижных премий, газета New York Times назвала его бестселлером номер один, им восхищаются литературные критики и видные общественные деятели. Это история о борьбе с рабством в Америке XIX века, и историческая правда переплетена в ней не только с художественным вымыслом, но и с фантастическими допущениями. Подземной железной дорогой называли организацию, помогавшую неграм добираться с рабовладельческого Юга на Север, но в книге Уайтхеда это настоящая железная дорога, со станциями, поездами, машинистами. Именно по ней уезжает юная Кора, сбежавшая с хлопковой плантации в Джорджии, по ней путешествует, преодолевая суровые испытания, по стране, там же находит путь к спасению.
Harry Parker 4.2
Anatomy of a Soldier is a stunning first novel—of patriotism, heroism, and profound humanism—that will immediately take its place on the shelf of classics about what it truly means to be at war.

Let’s imagine a man called Captain Tom Barnes, aka BA5799, who’s leading British troops in the war zone. And two boys growing up together there, sharing a prized bicycle and flying kites before finding themselves estranged once foreign soldiers appear in their countryside. And then there’s the man who trains one of them to fight against the other’s father and all these infidel invaders. Then imagine the family and friends who radiate out from these lives, people on all sides of this conflict where virtually everyone is caught up in the middle of something unthinkable.

But then regard them not as they see themselves but as all the objects surrounding them do: shoes and boots, a helmet, a bag of fertilizer, a medal, a beer glass, a snowflake, dog tags, and a horrific improvised explosive device that binds them all together by blowing one of them apart—forty-five different narrators in all, including the multiple medical implements subsequently required to keep Captain Barnes alive.

The result is a novel that reveals not only an author with a striking literary talent and intelligence but also the lives of people—whether husband or wife, father or mother, son or daughter—who are part of this same heart-stopping journey. A work of extraordinary humanity and hope, created out of something hopeless and dehumanizing, it makes art out of pain and suffering and takes its place in a long and rich line of novels that articulate the lives that soldiers lead. In the boom of an instant, and in decades of very different lives and experiences, we see things we’ve never understood so clearly before.

From the Hardcover edition.
Адам Хэмди 0.0
You wake. Confused. Disorientated. A noose is round your neck. You are bound, standing on a chair. All you can focus on is the man in the mask tightening the rope. You are about to die.

John Wallace has no idea why he has been targeted. No idea who his attacker is. No idea how he will prevent the inevitable.

Then the pendulum of fate swings in his favour. He has one chance to escape, find the truth and halt his destruction. The momentum is in his favour for now. But with a killer on his tail, everything can change with one swing of this deadly pendulum...

You have one chance. Run.
Kit de Waal 3.8
Leon is nine, and has a perfect baby brother called Jake. They have gone to live with Maureen, who has fuzzy red hair like a halo, and a belly like Father Christmas. But the adults are speaking in low voices, and wearing Pretend faces. They are threatening to give Jake to strangers.

As Leon struggles to cope with his anger, certain things can still make him smile - like chocolate bars, riding his bike fast downhill, burying his hands deep in the soil, hanging out with Tufty (who reminds him of his dad), and stealing enough coins so that one day he can rescue Jake and his mum.
К. Э. Морган 0.0
Hellsmouth, a wilful thoroughbred filly, has the legacy of a family riding on her.

The Forges: one of the oldest and proudest families in Kentucky; descended from the first settlers to brave the Wilderness Road; as mythic as the history of the South itself – and now, first-time horse breeders.

Through an act of naked ambition, Henry Forge is attempting to blaze this new path on the family's crop farm. His daughter, Henrietta, becomes his partner in the endeavour but has desires of her own. When Allmon Shaughnessy, an African American man fresh from prison, comes to work in the stables, the ugliness of the farm's history rears its head. Together through sheer will, the three stubbornly try to create a new future – one that isn't determined by Kentucky's bloody past – while they mould Hellsmouth into a champion.

The Sport of Kings has the force of an epic. A majestic story of speed and hunger, racism and justice, this novel is an astonishment from start to finish.
Блейк Крауч 4.1
Джейсон Дессен, выдающийся физик, некогда отказался от блестящей научной карьеры и стал обычным преподавателем в колледже. Теперь все его внимание отдано семье – любимым жене и сыну. Они для Джейсона важнее всего. И вдруг – это нелепое похищение… Неизвестный в маске напал на Дессена на улице, под дулом револьвера усадил его в машину, отвез к заброшенному зданию и ввел ему в вену непонятный препарат. Джейсон потерял сознание. А очнувшись, обнаружил себя окруженным массой людей; все они обращались к нему, как к старому другу, и наперебой поздравляли его с возвращением – и с тем, что его открытие наконец-то сработало. Вот только Дессен не знал никого из этих людей. И уж тем более не ведал, что за открытие совершил…
Charlie Jane Anders 3.7
From the editor-in-chief of io9.com, a stunning novel about the end of the world--and the beginning of our future

Childhood friends Patricia Delfine and Laurence Armstead didn't expect to see each other again, after parting ways under mysterious circumstances during high school. After all, the development of magical powers and the invention of a two-second time machine could hardly fail to alarm one's peers and families.

But now they're both adults, living in the hipster mecca San Francisco, and the planet is falling apart around them. Laurence is an engineering genius who's working with a group that aims to avert catastrophic breakdown through technological intervention into the changing global climate. Patricia is a graduate of Eltisley Maze, the hidden academy for the world's magically gifted, and works with a small band of other magicians to secretly repair the world's ever-growing ailments. Little do they realize that something bigger than either of them, something begun years ago in their youth, is determined to bring them together--to either save the world, or plunge it into a new dark ages.

A deeply magical, darkly funny examination of life, love, and the apocalypse.
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