Вручение 2019 г.

Лауреаты были объявлены 26 февраля 2020 года.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2019 г.

Лучшая политическая книга непарламентария

Джеймс О'Брайен 4.0
Every day, James O’Brien listens to people blaming hard-working immigrants for stealing their jobs while scrounging benefits, and pointing their fingers at the EU and feminists for destroying Britain. But what makes James’s daily LBC show such essential listening – and has made James a standout social media star – is the incisive way he punctures their assumptions and dismantles their arguments live on air, every single morning.

In the bestselling How To Be Right, James provides a hilarious and invigorating guide to talking to people with unchallenged opinions. With chapters on every lightning-rod issue, James shows how people have been fooled into thinking the way they do, and in each case outlines the key questions to ask to reveal fallacies, inconsistencies and double standards.

If you ever get cornered by ardent Brexiteers, Daily Mail disciples or corporate cronies, this book is your conversation survival guide.
Кэролайн Криадо Перес 4.2
Представьте себе мир, где врач, сам того не ведая, выписывает препарат, который вам вреден; где вероятность получения вами серьезных увечий в случае автомобильной аварии на 47% выше, чем у другой половины человечества; где ваш домашний труд после напряженного рабочего дня мало кто замечает и ценит. Знакомая картина? Значит, вы, скорее всего, женщина.

Кэролайн Криадо Перес вскрывает в книге серьезную проблему, напрямую влияющую на здоровье и благополучие женщин: разработчики различных продуктов и технологий опираются на данные, собранные о человеке, где «человек» по умолчанию «мужчина». Женщины же с их особенностями и потребностями остаются незамеченными. Автор обходит стороной глубокие дебаты о природе современного феминизма, но представляет бесспорные факты дефицита гендерных данных в самых разных областях — от политики и медицинских исследований до технологий, трудовых отношений, планирования городского пространства и медиа.

Эта блестящая книга, получившая множество престижных наград, доказывает необходимость перемен и заставляет взглянуть на устройство нашего мира по-новому.
Лемн Сиссей 4.0
At the age of seventeen, after a childhood in an adopted family followed by six years in care homes, Norman Greenwood was given his birth certificate. He learned that his real name was not Norman. It was Lemn Sissay. He was British and Ethiopian. And he learned that his mother had been pleading for his safe return to her since his birth. Here Sissay recounts his life story. It is a story of neglect and determination. Misfortune and hope. Cruelty and beauty. Sissay reflects on adoption, self-expression and Britishness, and in doing so explores the institutional care system, race, family and the meaning of home. Written with all the lyricism and power you would expect from one of the nation's best-loved voices, this moving, frank and timely memoir is the result of a life spent asking questions, and a celebration of the redemptive power of creativity.

Лучшая научно-популярная книга парламентария

Рэйчел Ривз 0.0
In 1919 Nancy Astor was elected as the Member of Parliament for Plymouth Sutton, becoming the first woman MP to take her seat in the House of Commons. Her achievement was all the more remarkable given that women (and even then only some women) had only been entitled to vote for just over a year. In the past 100 years, a total of 491 women have been elected to Parliament. Yet it was not until 2016 that the total number of women ever elected surpassed the number of male MPs in a single parliament. The achievements of these political pioneers have been remarkable – Britain has now had two female Prime Ministers and women MPs have made significant strides in fighting for gender equality from the earliest suffrage campaigns to Barbara Castle's fight for equal pay to Harriet Harman's recent legislation on the gender pay gap. Yet the stories of so many women MPs have too often been overlooked in political histories. In this book, Rachel Reeves brings forgotten MPs out of the shadows and looks at the many battles fought by the Women of Westminster, from 1919 to 2019.
Мелвин Брэгг 0.0
A classic love story, retold for our times.

Paris in 1117. Heloise, a brilliant young scholar, is astonished when the famous, radical philosopher, Peter Abelard, consents to be her tutor. But what starts out as a meeting of minds turns into a passionate, dangerous love affair, which incurs terrible retribution.

Nine centuries later, Arthur is in Paris to recreate the extraordinary story of Heloise and Abelard in a novel. To his surprise, his daughter visits and agrees to help, challenging his portraits of a couple who seem often inscrutable, sometimes breathtakingly modern. It soon emerges she is on her own mission to discover more about her parents' fractured relationship - and that Arthur's connection to his subject is more emotional than he cares to admit.
Джесс Филлипс 0.0

At a time when many of us feel the world isn’t listening, Jess Phillips offers inspiration to those of us who want to speak out and make a difference.

No stranger to speaking truth to power herself, she will help you dig deep and get organised, finding the courage and the tools you need to take action.

As well as bringing us hope through her own experiences Jess talks to the accidental heroes who have been brave enough to risk everything, become whistle-blowers and successfully fight back.

Entertaining, empowering and uncompromising, TRUTH TO POWER is the book we all need to help us call time on the seemingly unstoppable tide of bullshit in our lives.

Лучшая биография, мемуары или автобиография парламентария

Йен Мюррэй 0.0
Imagine if your club, the love of your life, was about to play its last ever game. The club you’ve cheered on as a child, which your family has supported for generations, whose colours you have dressed in every Saturday. How would you feel? This is his story of Heart of Midlothian, Edinburgh’s oldest football club, and the 8,000 heroic fans (or Jambos, as they’re affectionately known), who donated their own money to help rescue ‘the boys in maroon’. Former Chair of the Foundation of Hearts Ian Murray here chronicles the unprecedented story of the turmoil and uncertainty that the club battled in the fight against liquidation. This book honours Hearts fans and their sheer determination to rescue their beloved club from the brink of extinction and raise it back up to the top of Scottish football. This is our story, this is our song...
Дэвид Кэмерон 0.0
‘The political memoir of the decade’ Sunday Times

The referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU is one of the most controversial political events of our times. For the first time, the man who called that vote talks about the decision and its origins, as well as giving a candid account of his time at the top of British politics.
David Cameron was Conservative Party leader during the largest financial crash in living memory. The Arab Spring and the Eurozone crisis both started during his first year as prime minister. The backdrop to his time in office included the advent of ISIS, surging migration and a rapidly changing EU.

Here he talks about how he confronted those challenges, from modernising a party that had suffered three successive electoral defeats to forming the first coalition government for seventy years. He sets out how he helped turn around Britain’s economy, implementing a modern, compassionate agenda that included education and welfare reform, the legalisation of gay marriage, the referendum on Scottish independence and world-leading environmental policies.

David Cameron is searingly honest about the key players from his time in politics. And he is frank about himself – the things he got right and the things he got wrong. He opens up about family life too, including the tragic loss of his eldest son.

We learn why he kept Britain’s promise on overseas aid spending and what it was like to commit British troops to conflicts in Libya, Iraq and Syria. He sets out how he won the first outright Conservative majority in nearly a quarter of a century, and describes the events leading up to the EU referendum, the renegotiation, the campaign – and his thoughts on it all today.

It is the most compelling record yet of what it’s like to lead in modern times and to live behind the most famous door in the world.
Долар Попат 0.0
Fleeing Idi Amin's regime, seventeen year-old Ugandan Indian immigrant Dolar Popat landed at Heathrow in 1971 with just £10 and a cardboard suitcase to his name but with everything to prove.

Fuelled by a tenacious entrepreneurial spirit, a sharp talent for finance and an unparalleled drive for success, Popat worked relentlessly to pay his gratitude to the country that offered him a fresh start: Great Britain. With this same passion, he tells the incredible story of his journey from Wimpy Bar waiter to business magnate to member of the House of Lords.

Despite battling prejudice, he found allies in the Conservative Party and, with guidance from David Cameron and his spiritual leader, Morari Bapu, has become one of the most influential people in commerce and politics today. Full of life lessons and business wisdom, A British Subject is a timely testament to the importance of integration in Britain.

A love letter to his adopted country, this is the inspirational tale of how the barefoot boy from the streets of Tororo now treads the corridors of Parliament.