Вручение 2020 г.

Лауреаты были объявлены 18 марта 2021 года.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2020 г.

Лучшая политическая книга непарламентария

Иэн Дейл 0.0
'Many of my predecessors were giants, some had feet of clay, all possessed human foibles.' - From the foreword by Boris Johnson

It has almost been 300 years since Sir Robert Walpole arguably became the first holder of the office of Prime Minister in 1721 - an office which today is under scrutiny like never before. The Prime Ministers, edited by leading political commentator Iain Dale, brings to life all 55 of Britain's 'First Among Equals' with an essay for each office holder, written by key figures in British politics. From the obscure 18th-century figures like the Earl of Shelburne to 20th-century titans like Churchill and Thatcher, this book provides a much-needed reminder about their motivations, failures and achievements.
Тайный адвокат 4.2
Если вы в чем-то можете быть уверены, так это в том, что закон работает не на вас. Удивлены? Тогда вам точно стоит прочитать эту книгу. Ее автор называет себя "Тайный адвокат", он специализируется на уголовном праве и скрывает свое настоящее имя, чтобы рассказать всю правду о законах, правосудии и пропаганде СМИ. Кто на самом деле стоит за решениями по громким юридическим делам? Правда ли то, что нам говорят в СМИ, когда освещают тот или иной процесс? И главное, как незнание закона и своих прав может лишить всего, что мы имеем? На все эти вопросы вам ответит автор этого издания.
Хелен Льюис 4.3
Патриархальная культура веками навязывала женщине идеалы кротости, жертвенного служения и смирения, роль домашнего ангела, сладость подчинения. Героини Хелен Льюис – совсем не такие. Их имена окружали скандалы. Их сажали в тюрьмы, побивали камнями, а в нынешние времена – ведь нравы смягчились! – просто осмеивают. Сложные, нетерпимые, неудобные и эгоцентричные, порой агрессивные, порой смешные – оригиналки, чудачки, выскочки, они открыто формулировали замалчиваемые проблемы и показывали, что то, что что-то является привычным, не означает, что оно является также и нормальным. Они ломали стереотипы, заставляли общество пересматривать гендерные нормы, меняли уклад, законы и государственные институты – в интересах всех остальных. Бесстрастный педантизм историка-архивиста и честность журналиста-расследователя, аналитический ум, горячая эмпатия и готовность видеть малоприятную правду о своих героинях позволили Хелен Льюис собрать трезвую, проницательную, горькую, веселую и бесстрашную историю феминизма, его побед и провалов. Без торжественности и ненависти рассказать о том, как половина человечества добивалась права распоряжаться своими телом и голосом, своими временем и доходами, права ошибаться и исправлять ошибки, права быть несовершенными – быть людьми.

Лучшая научно-популярная книга парламентария

Крис Брайант 0.0
We like to think we know the story of how Britain went to war with Germany in 1939, but there is one chapter that has never been told. In the early 1930s, a group of young, queer British MPs visited Berlin on a series of trips that would change the course of the Second World War. As Hitler rose to power, they watched the Nazis arrest their gay and Jewish friends, send them to concentration camps and murder them.

These men were some of the first to warn Britain about Hitler, repeatedly speaking out against their government's policy of appeasing him. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain hated them. Branding them 'the glamour boys', he had them followed, harassed, spied upon and derided in the press. They suffered abuse, innuendo and threats of de-selection. At a time when even the suggestion of homosexuality could land you in prison, the bravery these men were forced to show in their personal lives gave them extraordinary courage in public. Adept at hiding their true nature, some became talented spies, while others witnessed the brutality of Hitler's camps first hand. Four of them died in action. And without them, this country would never have faced down the Nazis.

Based on years of archival research, this is a story of unsung bravery at a defining moment in Britain's history.
Магид Магид 0.0
A guide to being courageous and community-minded, and to disrupting and dismantling age-old power structures in work, life and politics, written by someone who has done exactly that.

Let's be honest. Magid Magid's story seems an unlikely one. He's a Somali-born black Muslim refugee who became the youngest ever Lord Mayor of Sheffield and one of the last UK MEPs. Magid has made headlines nationally and internationally for his creative ways of campaigning while not conforming to tradition and being unapologetically himself.

Magid had no idea that the poster he dreamed up for a local music festival in 2018 would go viral. The poster contained the 10 commandments he tries to live by. He had no idea that this poster would come to represent a movement that has swept him to the heart of local and European establishment politics. Now, for the first time, he reveals the stories behind each of these 'commandments'; what drives him, the obstacles he overcame and what makes him hopeful.
Дэвид Лэмми 0.0
David was the first black Briton to study at Harvard Law School and practised as a barrister before entering politics. He has served as the Member of Parliament for Tottenham since 2000. Today, David is one of Parliament's most prominent and successful campaigners for social justice. He led the campaign for Windrush British citizens to be granted British citizenship and has been at the forefront of the fight for justice for the families affected by the Grenfell Tower fire.

In 2007, inspired by the bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act and looking to explore his own African roots, David Lammy took a DNA test. Ostensibly he was a middle-aged husband & father, MP for Tottenham and a die-hard Spurs fan. But his nucleic acids revealed that he was 25% Tuareg tribe (Niger), 25% Temne tribe (Sierra Leone), 25% Bantu tribe (South Africa), with 5% traces of Celtic Scotland and a mishmash of other unidentified groups.

Both memoir and call-to-arms, Tribes explores both the benign and malign effects of our need to belong. How this need - genetically programmed and socially acquired - can manifest itself in positive ways, collaboratively achieving great things that individuals alone cannot. And yet how, in recent years, globalisation and digitisation have led to new, more pernicious kinds of tribalism. This book is a fascinating and perceptive analysis of not only the way the world works but also the way we really are.

Лучшая биография, мемуары или автобиография парламентария

Дэн Джарвис 0.0
'Dan Jarvis's story is a belter. It's about love, loss, courage and determination told with his customary modesty which fails to disguise the amazing man behind the story' Alan Johnson

Dan Jarvis is an MP and a Mayor, but this is not a book about politics. This is a book about service and family - specifically his time serving in the elite Parachute Regiment, and the tragic death of his wife Caroline.

Dan used to be a soldier, and although soldiering provides the backdrop to some of the book, what it is really about is love, life and death - and all the stuff that goes in between. It is about making decisions when under extreme pressure, about keeping calm, keeping going and keeping a smile on your face - well, most of the time, anyway. Specifically, it is about the two biggest challenges Dan faced and the way he tried to cope with them - taking on the Taliban in Afghanistan, and losing his wife to cancer at a tragically young age.

For a long time Dan did not feel ready or able to talk about it, but ten years on, he now wants to tell the story. From the mortal danger and nerve-tangling fear of night-fighting in Helmand province to the aching heartache of bereavement, this is a unique and compelling memoir by a man of courage and character. Though it has been a hard book for Dan to write, it is a gripping and inspiring one to read.
Эндрю Адонис 0.0
As a statesman, Ernest Bevin is second only to Churchill in impact and legacy. Born in abject poverty to a single mother, and with virtually no formal education, Bevin went on to become the founder of the largest trade union in British history and then made it to the top of politics and government.

As Minister of Labour from 1940 to 1945 he was the nation’s wartime mobiliser-in-chief. Clement Attlee, Churchill’s Deputy Prime Minister, kept the wartime coalition in good administrative order, but it was the charismatic Bevin who really drove the domestic war effort.

As post-war Foreign Secretary, Bevin was Britain’s last world power envoy and did much to thwart Stalin’s Soviet Union, and to prevent Europe sinking back into conflict. No one did more to stabilise and democratise Europe, and to pave the way for the European Union.

In this major, wide-ranging new biography Andrew Adonis brings to life one of our greatest statesmen – a politician whose light is often unjustly hidden beneath that of his more celebrated contemporaries.
Дэвид Эймисс 0.0
I kept asking myself, how could someone like me, born into relative poverty and with no great political helping-hand, become a Conservative Member of Parliament... I was undoubtedly in awe of and quite possibly overwhelmed by the high esteem in which I held the Palace of Westminster and elected politicians. Decades later my feelings at being re-elected as an MP for the ninth time could not have been more different.

David Amess has been at the heart of British politics for over 37 years. He has witnessed unprecedented changes in technology, the economy, parliamentary procedure, the state of the Union and the European Union. In Ayes & Ears he reviews the major scandals and events of this time and reveals the inner workings of Britain s most important institution. David opens up the world of Westminster for us to explore, to wonder at the historic traditions and to examine the myriad changes which have taken place over the last few decades.