Вручение 2012 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2012 г.

Медаль герцога Вестминстерского за военную литературу

Макс Хейстингс 4.5
В Европе ВТОРАЯ МИРОВАЯ ВОЙНА британского военного историка Макса Хейстингса - самый известный и авторитетный однотомник об этой войне. В динамичном, захватывающем повествовании Хейстингс виртуозно сочетает масштабность видения с выразительностью деталей.
На гигантском полотне отчетливо и ярко различимы подробности сражений и экономики воюющих стран, логистика снабжения армий, политические портреты и зарисовки во французском Генеральном штабе, в Белом доме, в Министерстве по делам колоний или в ставке Сталина. Подлинные жемчужины книги - личные документы, письма, дневники, воспоминания самых разных людей - от простых солдат до известных писателей, таких как Василий Гроссман, Илья Эренбург.
В соединении памяти людей и документов перед нами предстает страшная и убедительная история самой чудовищной войны в человеческой истории.
- Цитата
"Несомненно, это лучший однотомник, посвященный истории войны, из когда-либо написанных".
The Sunday Times

"Один из лучших военных историков столетия".
Колин Гардинер, Oxford Times

"Он был рожден, чтобы написать эту книгу".
Sunday Times

"Хейстингсу удалось создать удивительный сплав из берущих за душу личных воспоминаний и общего курса военной истории".
Хью Строн, Thе Times

О чем книга
ВТОРАЯ МИРОВАЯ ВОЙНА. АД НА ЗЕМЛЕ по праву считается лучшей книгой автора и лучшим однотомником о Второй мировой войне. Более 35 лет своей жизни Хейстингс посвятил Второй мировой войне, считая ее одним из самых страшных человеческой истории.
В динамичном, захватывающем повествовании Хейстингс виртуозно сочетает масштабность видения с выразительностью деталей. На гигантском полотне отчетливо и ярко различимы подробности сражений и экономики воюющих стран, логистика снабжения армий, политические портреты и зарисовки во французском Генеральном штабе, в Белом доме, в Министерстве по делам колоний или в ставке Сталина. Подлинные жемчужины книги - личные документы, письма, дневники, воспоминания самых разных людей - от простых солдат до известных писателей, таких как Василий Гроссман, Илья Эренбург. В соединении памяти людей и документов перед нами предстает страшная и убедительная история самой чудовищной войны в человеческой истории.

Почему книга достойна прочтения
- Каждая книга крупного историка и писателя сэра Макса Хейстингса становится событием.
- Автор известен скрупулезным подходом к исследованиям, использованием огромного количества источников и прекрасным стилем.
- Писатель дает масштабную панораму и одновременно тщательно воспроизводит все детали гигантского полотна, от вторжения в Польшу до капитуляции Японии.
- Более 35 лет автор посвятил изучению Второй Мировой войны.

Кто автор
Макс Хейстингс - известный британский военный историк с многолетним опытом военного репортера (он начинал еще во Вьетнаме), автор 24 книг. В течение десяти лет был главным редактором The Daily Telegraph. Лауреат многочисленных журналистских премий.

Ключевые понятия
Вторая мировая война, мировая история, военная история, история России.
Тейлор Даунинг 0.0
SPIES IN THE SKY is the thrilling, little known story of the partner organisation to the famous code-breaking centre at Bletchley Park. It is the story of the daring reconnaissance pilots who took aerial photographs over Occupied Europe during the most dangerous days of the Second World War, and of the photo interpreters who invented a completely new science to analyse those pictures. They were inventive and ingenious; they pioneered the development of 3D photography and their work provided vital Intelligence throughout the war. With a whole host of larger than life characters at its heart, from the legendary pilot Adrian 'Warby' Warburton, who went missing while on a mission, to photo interpreters Glyn Daniel, later a famous television personality, and Winston Churchill's daughter, Sarah, SPIES IN THE SKY is compelling reading, and the first full account of the story of aerial photography and the Intelligence gleaned from it in nearly fifty years.
Джон Льюис Гэддис 5.0
Drawing on extensive interviews with George Kennan and exclusive access to his archives, an eminent scholar of the Cold War delivers a revelatory biography of its troubled mastermind.
In the late 1940s, George Kennan wrote two documents, the "Long Telegram" and the "X Article," which set forward the strategy of containment that would define U.S. policy toward the Soviet Union for the next four decades. This achievement alone would qualify him as the most influential American diplomat of the Cold War era. But he was also an architect of the Marshall Plan, a prizewinning historian, and would become one of the most outspoken critics of American diplomacy, politics, and culture during the last half of the twentieth century. Now the full scope of Kennan's long life and vast influence is revealed by one of today's most important Cold War scholars.
Пол Престон 0.0
The remains of General Francisco Franco lie in an immense mausoleum near Madrid, built with the blood and sweat of twenty thousand slave laborers. His enemies, however, met less-exalted fates. Besides those killed on the battlefield, tens of thousands were officially executed between 1936 and 1945, and as many again became "non-persons." As Spain finally reclaims its historical memory, a full picture can now be given of the Spanish Holocaust-ranging from judicial murders to the abuse of women and children. The story of the victims of Franco's reign of terror is framed by the activities of four key men-General Mola, Quiepo de Llano, Major Vallejo Najera, and Captain Don Gonzalo Aguilera-whose dogma of eugenics, terrorization, domination, and mind control horrifyingly mirror the fascism of Italy and Germany.

Evoking such classics as Gulag and The Great Terror, The Spanish Holocaust sheds crucial light on one of the darkest and most unexamined eras of modern European history.
Gary D. Sheffield 0.0
‘Well written and persuasive …objective and well-rounded….this scholarly rehabilitation should be the standard biography’ **** Andrew Roberts, Mail on Sunday

‘A true judgment of him must lie somewhere between hero and zero, and in this detailed biography Gary Sheffield shows himself well qualified to make it … a balanced portrait’ Sunday Times

‘Solid scholarship and admirable advocacy’ Sunday Telegraph

Douglas Haig is the single most controversial general in British history. In 1918, after his armies had won the First World War, he was feted as a saviour. But within twenty years his reputation was in ruins, and it has never recovered. In this fascinating biography, Professor Gary Sheffield reassesses Haig’s reputation, assessing his critical role in preparing the army for war.
Дэвид Стивенсон 0.0
This title is nominated for "Financial Times" History Book Of The Year and "Daily Telegraph" Books Of The Year. At the end of 1917 Britain and France faced a strategic nightmare. Their great offensives against Germany had been calamitous, leaving hundreds of thousands of young men dead and wounded for negligible territorial gains. Despite America's entry into the war the US army remained tiny, the Italian army had been routed, and Russia had dropped out of the conflict. The Central Powers now dominated Central and Eastern Europe, and Germany could move over forty divisions to the Western Front. Yet only one year later, on 11 November 1918, the fighting ended in a decisive Allied victory. In his new book David Stevenson retells the story of the final year of the First World War and, in a remarkable and fascinating piece of original research, goes to the roots of this dramatic reversal of fortune, analysing the reasons for Allied success and the collapse of Germany and its partners. Everything from food supply to finance, from strategy to technology, logistics, and morale, is explored in an assessment that lays bare the nerve-racking decisions taken on both sides and the sheer uncertainty faced by the leaders. Ironically Stevenson traces Germany's 1918 disaster to 'Operation Michael', the great spring offensive that tested the British army to the uttermost and led on to Field Marshal Haig's famous "With Our Backs to The Wall" order to his troops to fight to the last man. This is a rich and compelling study of a turning point in modern history. The consequences of the events of 1918 shaped the whole of the twentieth century - and still touch us today.