Вручение 31 июля 1980 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Канзасский университет, г. Лоуренс Дата проведения: 31 июля 1980 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Thomas M. Disch 5.0
Named one of science fiction's 100 best books by noted genre editor David Pringle, Thomas M. Disch's On Wings of Song is at once allegory, social satire, political fable, and brilliantly written science fiction of the ultimate out-of-body experience. In Disch's dazzlingly imagined future America, Daniel Weinraub dreams of escaping the repressive midwest of the mid-twenty-first century through an electronic device with which the user takes flight into cyberspace when activated with a quasi-musical code called "The Symphonette." Daniel's adventures take him from Iowa's God-fearing police state and its "correctional" labor camps for the sinful to Manhattan's mean streets and "cyberspatial flight paths."
John Crowley 4.0

2-е место

Born into the community of Truthful Speakers one thousand years after the Storm, he was raised on stories of the old days -- a world filled with saints, a world in which all things were possible, a world which finally destroyed itself. In love with a beautiful woman, Rush journeys far and learns much. Taken into the society of Dr. Boots's List, attached to the old mysteries, Rush grows closer to a sainthood he could never have imagined.
Дж. Г. Баллард 3.5

3-е место

Хронический неудачник и латентный психопат Блейк падает в Темзу на краденом легкомоторном самолете – и командовать парадом начинает фабрика грез: сонный городок Шеппертон преображается в апокалиптическое царство необузданных желаний и воспаленного воображения, в залитую буйным тропическим светом арену оргиастических празднеств.