Вручение 11 июля 2008 г.

Грегори Бенфорд (Gregory Benford) — известный писатель-фантаст, профессор кафедры физики и астрономии.
Пол Картер (Paul Allen Carter) — литературовед и писатель-фантаст, профессор истории.
Джеймс Ганн (James Gunn) — известный писатель-фантаст, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA).
Элизабет Энн Халл (Elizabeth Anne Hull) — литературовед и критик, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA), профессор английского языка.
Пол Кинкейд (Paul Kincaid) — британский критик и редактор.
Кристофер Маккитрик (Chris McKitterick) — писатель, директор Центра по изучению научной фантастики при Канзасском университете.
Памела Сарджент (Pamela Sargent) — писательница, редактор и исследователь фантастики, магистр философии.
Томас Шиппи (Thomas A. Shippey) — британский литературовед, специалист по древнеанглийской литературе, исследователь творчества Дж.Р.Р. Толкина.

Страна: США Место проведения: Канзасский университет, Лоуренс, штат Канзас Дата проведения: 11 июля 2008 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Kathleen Ann Goonan 0.0
Sam Dance is a young enlisted soldier in 1941 when his older brother Keenan is killed at Pearl Harbor. Afterwards, Sam promises that he will do anything he can to stop the war.

During his training, Sam begins to show that he has a knack for science and engineering, and he is plucked from the daily grunt work of twenty-mile marches by his superiors to study subjects like code breaking, electronics, and physics in particular, a science that is growing more important to the war effort. While studying, Sam is seduced by a mysterious female physicist that is teaching one of his courses, and given her plans for a device that will end the war, perhaps even end the human predilection for war forever. But the device does something less, and more, than that.

After his training, Sam is sent throughout Europe to solve both theoretical and practical problems for the Allies. He spends his free time playing jazz, and trying to construct the strange device. It's only much later that he discovers that it worked, but in a way that he could have never imagined.
Майкл Шейбон 3.7

2-е место

В одном из отелей американского города Ситка, штат Аляска, выстрелом в висок убит талантливый шахматист. Расследование дела поручено двум неразлучным друзьям - детективам Меиру Ландсману и Берко Шемецу...
Изюминкой нового романа Майкла Чабона "Союз еврейских полисменов" является идиш - язык его предков. Замысел книги возник случайно. Однажды писатель обнаружил в кладовке разговорник для туристов "Как это сказать на идише?". Он представил, как здорово было бы, если бы эта книга когда-нибудь и впрямь пригодилась туристам, если бы и правда существовала страна, где все говорят на идише. И фантазия Чабона создала особый мир - колонию еврейских беженцев, которые пытаются обрести Землю обетованную за Полярным кругом.
Ken MacLeod 0.0

3-е место

It's after 9/11. After the bombing. After the Iraq war. After 7/7. After the Iran war. After the nukes. After the flu. After the Straits. After Rosyth. In a world just down the road from our own, on-line bloggers vie with old-line political operatives and new-style police to determine just where reality lies.

James Travis is a British patriot and a French spy. On the day the Big One hits, Travis and his daughter must strive to make sense of the nuclear bombing of Scotland and the political repercussions of a series of terrorist attacks. With the information war in full swing, the only truth they have is what they're able to see with their own eyes. They know that everything else is--or may be--a lie.
Роберт Чарльз Уилсон 3.6


Вот уже тридцать лет, как пал барьер Спина, - но приключения землян не закончены. Однажды над Индийским океаном выросла Арка, ведущая в другой -и поразительно похожий на наш - мир. Мир, который называют попросту Новым Светом. Началась колонизация - точнее, хищнический грабеж ресурсов. Но одновременно Новый Свет стал и последним убежищем для всех, кому, по тем или иным причинам, нет места на "старой" Земле.
Matt Ruff 3.4


Jane Charlotte has been arrested for murder.

She tells police that she is a member of a secret organization devoted to fighting evil; her division is called the Department for the Final Disposition of Irredeemable Persons—"Bad Monkeys" for short.

This confession earns Jane a trip to the jail's psychiatric wing, where a doctor attempts to determine whether she is lying, crazy—or playing a different game altogether. What follows is one of the most clever and gripping novels you'll ever read.
Йен Макдональд 3.6


2032 год. Случайная встреча вовлекает Эдсона, молодого человека, пытающегося выбиться из нищеты, в опасный мир квантовых хакеров, таинственных двойников и паранойи. Он узнает секрет, способный изменить всю историю человечества, но куда бежать в стране, где царит тотальная слежка? 2006 год. Марселина, амбициозный телепродюсер, в поисках материала для реалити-шоу наталкивается на свидетельства древнего заговора, и вскоре мир вокруг начинает рушиться, угрожая не только ее рассудку, но и жизни. 1732 год. Иезуит Луис Квинн отправляется в Бразилию, чтобы по заданию Святого престола призвать к ответу священника, преступившего законы церкви. Но задание оказывается куда сложнее, и в дебрях Амазонки Луис находит то, что ставит под сомнение не только его веру, но и взгляды на устройство Вселенной. Три героя, три истории, три Бразилии, связанные через пространство и время, в эпическом романе о природе самой реальности, где ничто не случайно, и даже название с секретом.
Jeffrey Thomas 0.0


Punktown, crime-ridden metropolis on the colony world, Oasis, is home to the scum of countless alien races. Stalking its mean streets is Jeremy Stake, the private detective with chameleon-like abilities he does not want and cannot control. There's his wealthy client, Fukuda, whose company makes synthetic life forms as playthings for the rich. Then there's Fukuda's beautiful teenage daughter, whose priceless one-of-a-kind living doll has been stolen. And there is the doll itself, growing in size, intelligence, and resentment. The destinies of all these individuals will converge, and collide, in Punktown.
Brian W. Aldiss 0.0


From one of science fiction’s greatest living writers comes an unforgettable near-future novel in the hortatory tradition of Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Orwell’s 1984, and Dick’s A Scanner Darkly. Both a searing indictment of a fear-drenched political climate and a visionary allegory that shines a piercing light on timeless human verities, HARM is a powerfully compact masterwork that is sure to be one of the most passionately discussed books of the year.

The time is today or tomorrow–or perhaps the day after tomorrow. Paul Fadhil Abbas Ali, a young British citizen of Muslim descent, has written a satirical novel in which two characters joke about the assassination of the prime minister. Arrested by agents of HARM–the Hostile Activities Research Ministry–Paul is thrown into a nameless Abu Ghraib-like prison, possibly located in Syria, where he is held incommunicado and brutally interrogated by jailers to whom his Muslim heritage is itself a crime meriting the harshest punishment. Under this sadistic regime, Paul’s personality begins to show signs of radical fragmentation. . . .

On the remote planet of Stygia, a man named Fremant, haunted by memories of torture that seem drawn from Paul’s mind, is one of a small group of colonists struggling for survival on a harsh but weirdly beautiful world whose dominant life-forms are insects. The sole humanoid race on the planet has been hunted to extinction by the human settlers, whose long journey to Stygia has left them unable to understand their own history and technology.

Thrown back to a more primitive state, they seem destined to repeat all the sins of the world they fled to Stygia to escape.

Is Paul dreaming Fremant as a way of escaping the horrors of his imprisonment? Or is there a stronger–and far stranger–connection between the two men, whose very different circumstances begin to take on uncanny parallels?

As aspects of their identities blur and, finally, merge, astonishing answers take shape–and profound new questions arise.
Jay Lake 4.0


Jay Lake's first trade novel is an astounding work of creation. Lake has envisioned a clockwork solar system, where the planets move in a vast system of gears around the lamp of the Sun. It is a universe where the hand of the Creator is visible to anyone who simply looks up into the sky, and sees the track of the heavens, the wheels of the Moon, and the great Equatorial gears of the Earth itself.

Mainspring is the story of a young clockmaker's apprentice, who is visited by the Archangel Gabriel. He is told that he must take the Key Perilous and rewind the Mainspring of the Earth. It is running down, and disaster to the planet will ensue if it's not rewound. From innocence and ignorance to power and self-knowledge, the young man will make the long and perilous journey to the South Polar Axis, to fulfill the commandment of his God.
Sheri S. Tepper 0.0


The myriad alien civilizations populating far, distant worlds have many good reasons to detest the blight called "humankind" . . .

The only human child living in a work colony on the Martian satellite Phobos, little Margaret Bain has invented six imaginary companions to keep boredom and loneliness at bay. Each an extension of her personality, they are lost to her when she is forced to return to Earth. But they are not gone.

The time will come when Margaret, fully grown and wed, must leave this dying world as well—this Earth so denuded by thoughtlessness and chemistry that its only viable export is slaves. For now Margarets are scattered throughout the galaxy. And their creator must bring her selves home . . . or watch the human race perish.
Nalo Hopkinson 0.0


First it's her mother's missing gold brooch. Then, a blue and white dish she hasn't seen in years. Followed by an entire grove of cashew trees.

When objects begin appearing out of nowhere, Calamity knows that the special gift she has not felt since childhood has returned-her ability to find lost things. Calamity, a woman as contrary as the tides around her Caribbean island home, is confronting two of life's biggest dramas. First is the death of her father, who raised her alone until a pregnant Calamity rejected him when she was sixteen years old. The second drama: she's starting menopause. Now when she has a hot flash and feels a tingling in her hands, she knows it's a lost object calling to her.

Then she finds something unexpected: a four-year-old boy washes up on the shore, his dreadlocked hair matted with shells. Calamity decides to take the orphaned child into her care, which brings unexpected upheaval into her life and further strains her relationship with her adult daughter. Fostering this child will force her to confront all the memories of her own childhood-and the disappearance of her mother so many years before.
Robert J. Sawyer 3.7


Dr. Sarah Halifax decoded the first-ever radio transmission received from aliens. Thirty-eight years later, a second message is received and Sarah, now 87, may hold the key to deciphering this one, too . . . if she lives long enough.

A wealthy industrialist offers to pay for Sarah to have a rollback--a hugely expensive experimental rejuvenation procedure. She accepts on condition that Don, her husband of sixty years, gets a rollback, too. The process works for Don, making him physically twenty-five again. But in a tragic twist, the rollback fails for Sarah, leaving her in her eighties.

While Don tries to deal with his newfound youth and the suddenly vast age gap between him and his wife, Sarah struggles to do again what she'd done once before: figure out what a signal from the stars contains. Exploring morals and ethics on both human and cosmic scales, Rollback is the big new SF novel for 2007 by Hugo and Nebula Award-winner Robert J. Sawyer.
Rebecca Ore 0.0


Earth, 2308. Multiple pandemic plagues have ravaged the earth beyond recognition. Working desperately, the Philadelphia National Archives uses a mysterious time machine to bring key members of the past into the future, to save humanity from destroying itself.

Pulled from Renaissance Italy, former peasant Benedetta brings a friendship with master artist Leonardo da Vinci . . . and an unprecedented ability to change destiny, aided by her new partner, the Viking Ivar. But it is not easy to reconcile the past and the present, and the time refugees have their own plans for their new world.

Weaving together time travel, quantum mechanics, Templars, and outlaws, acclaimed author Rebecca Ore delivers a powerful tale of intrigue and possibility, and the fight to be free.
José Carlos Somoza 3.8


While an advanced physics graduate student at one of the most prestigious universities in Europe, Elisa Robledo, a young physics professor was invited to join a select research team working on manipulating String Theory, making it possible to witness images of the past as if they were live and actually happening. According to the team's research, breaking down particles of light, and accessing the code hidden within each fragment, they theorized that the possibility of witnessing the past, viewing such milestone events as of the crucifixion of Christ, or the earth when dinosaurs still roamed. Scurried away on a remote island in the Indian Ocean, they made leaping advancements in their analysis. Yet, their experiments resulted in something much more frightening and dangerous than any of them could have ever imagined. The team awoke something dangerous in their meddling into the fluctuation of Time.

Now, years later, Elisa is faced with solving the mysterious and gruesome deaths of each member of the team she was once so proud to be a part of. Something or someone has focused their sights on Elisa and her former academic fellowship. In order to solve the mystery behind what the team's experiments awoke and just who or what is behind the dark forces trailing the once team's every move, Elisa must discover what really happened on the island where her team was once sequestered, and where she had naively thought their dedicated science was meant for good.