Вручение 2006 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Шайенн Дата проведения: 2006 г.

Премия «Индийская кисть»

Билл Уоллес 0.0
After losing Dandy, her family's beloved horse, Kristine decides that she will never get close to another pet again. It's just too heartbreaking. So when her father surprises her with a new puppy for her birthday, Kristine is furious! With a new sister on the way, who need a wriggling, messy, noisy yellow ball of fur to look after? But how can an animal-loving girl resist the sweet brown eyes of a puppy that just wants to be loved?
Блю Баллье 3.9
События, описанные в книге, заставят вас по-новому взглянуть на картины знаменитого голландского художника Яна Вермера. Возможно, именно вам удастся разгадать не одну загадку, таящуюся в его полотнах...
Черил Эйлуорд Уайтсел 0.0
Book DescriptionThe power and prowess of ninja never seem to lose their appeal to young readers, especially boys. Blue Fingers, a suspenseful, action-packed coming-of-age story set in feudal Japan, offers an up-close look at this noble, fierce way
Тим Кеннемор 0.0
Book Description A fantastically funny concoction One day, Lizzie Sharp decides to concoct a potion to cast a spell on her family’s only neighbors, the unbearable, ancient Potwards. The very next day, Mrs. Potward breaks her
Патрик Кэрмен 4.3
Таинственная Земля Элиона — необыкновенная страна, вокруг которой возведены высокие стены, дабы преградить дорогу неведомому злу, обитающему в окрестных лесах. Двенадцатилетней Алексе Дэлей ужасно хочется узнать, что же лежит за этими стенами... Благодаря своему пытливому уму и наблюдательности Алекса обнаруживает потайную дверь и, выбравшись из города, пускается в невероятные приключения. Алекса сталкивается с опасностью, которая может разрушить все, что ей дорого, и навсегда изменить облик Земли Элиона. Удастся ли ей раскрыть Тайну Темных холмов, вы узнаете, прочитав эту удивительную книгу...
Кэтрин Ханниган 0.0
Ida B. Applewood believes there is never enough time for fun.

That's why she's so happy to be homeschooled and to spend every free second outside with the trees and the brook.

Then some not-so-great things happen in her world. Ida B has to go back to that Place of Slow but Sure Body-Cramping, Mind-Numbing, Fun-Killing Torture—school. She feels her heart getting smaller and smaller and hardening into a sharp, black stone.

How can things go from righter than right to a million miles beyond wrong? Can Ida B put together a plan to get things back to just-about perfect again?
Ди Джей Макхейл 4.5
Alternate cover for this ISBN can be found here


Bobby Pendragon is a seemingly normal fourteen-year-old boy. He has a family, a home, and even Marley, his beloved dog. But there is something very special about Bobby.

He is going to save the world.

And not just Earth as we know it. Bobby is slowly starting to realize that life in the cosmos isn't quite what he thought it was. And before he can object, he is swept off to an alternate dimension known as Denduron, a territory inhabited by strange beings, ruled by a magical tyrant, and plagued by dangerous revolution.

If Bobby wants to see his family again, he's going to have to accept his role as savior, and accept it wholeheartedly. Because, as he is about to discover, Denduron is only the beginning....
Эльвира Вудрафф 0.0
Book Description It's 1735. Forrest Harper's life inside the Tower of London consists of three ways to pass the time: chores, chores, and more chores. His only friends are the spirited ravens he tends with his father. So when vicious Scottish
Грэм Бейс 0.0
Amazon.comBeloved Australian author and illustrator Graeme Base of Animalia , and Eleventh Hour fame tries his hand at writing something longer--"a novel in four bites"--but with mixed results. Set in the imaginary outback world of