Вручение 1993 г.

Премия за 1992 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1993 г.


Thomas F. Monteleone 3.0
The previous Pope died in his arms, blessing him with his last breath. He can perform miracles. His mother was a virgin. His DNA came from the Shroud of Turin. Peter Carenza is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy and a secret, Vatican-sponsored experiment. But is he the Second Coming, or something far, far worse?
Believers the world over hail Carenza as the new Pope and rejoice as he creates a new Church for the new Millennium. Few people know the truth -- that mixing science with the works of God has created not a Savior but the Anti-Christ.

Now the latest -- and last -- Pope scours the world for the human guardians of the Biblical seven seals, which must be destroyed before the final cataclysm can begin. Opposing him are a lone Archbishop, the female American journalist who chronicled Carenza's rise to power, and Peter's mother, a nun who truly hears the Word of the Lord.
Matthew J. Costello 0.0
American hostage, Simon Farrell is coming home...to a world he thought he'd never see again. To a wife who has found a new lover. To sleepless nights of torment, haunted by the horrors he has witnessed.

An ex-convict is coming home, too... to kill for the pleasure of killing. To turn terrible memories of mental and physical abuse into brutal realities. To terriorize one perfect family...

By probing the tortured mind of Simon Farrell.
Дин Кунц 4.0
Владелец антикварного магазина Хатч Харрисон, попав в страшную автомобильную катастрофу, находится в состоянии клинической смерти. Усилиями гениального реаниматолога он возвращается к жизни, но таинственным образом обретает на уровне психики запредельную связь с маньяком-убийцей, возомнившим себя князем Тьмы Вассаго, попавшим на Землю из Ада и собирающим чудовищную коллекцию мертвецов. Только добравшись до логова убийцы, можно прервать его кровавый путь.
Дэн Симмонс 3.5
Румыния сразу после падения Чаушеску. В стране, где царит хаос, а в приютах оказываются миллионы детей, встречаются американский врач Кейт Нойман и ирландский священник — знакомый нам по «Лету ночи» Майкл О'Рурк. Помогая Кейт с усыновлением румынского мальчика Джошуа, страдающего странной патологией крови, Майкл даже не мог себе представить, что дает толчок к развитию цепи странных и страшных событий, в которых окажутся замешаны сам Господарь Валахии Влад Цепеш и старинный орден Дракона.

Дебютный роман

Элизабет Мэсси 0.0
This grim, claustral story is about the consequences of a primitive form of Christianity practiced in the mountains of Virginia, the author's home state. The sineater is a man shunned by all, a man whose face should never be seen. He performs the valuable service of absorbing all the sins of each person who dies, by eating ritual food laid out on their corpses. When the sineater's son, Joel, is allowed to attend school, a series of violent omens convinces the fanatic locals that God is punishing them and that Judgment Day is nigh. As Joel searches for the real perpetrator of the crimes, along with other adolescents who reluctantly listen to him, the plot (the weakest part of the book) begins to resemble a wandering sort of whodunit. The focus of the novel, though, is on the well-evoked mood of fear and despair. Elizabeth Massie works her horror effects with an intimate approach, closing in on her characters as if she's trapping them. And her descriptions do justice to the rustic setting, where people live in four-room cabins and honeysuckle winds around the knotty rails of the fences.
Уэйн А. Сэлли 2.2
Обыкновенный с виду человек бродит по улицам Чикаго, знакомится с инвалидами и пожирает их, считая, что таким образом он спасает людей, отправляя их в рай. Полиция сбивается с ног в поисках маньяка. Параллельно Болеутолителя разыскивает психически ненормальный человек. Чудовищной схваткой сумасшедшего с монстром и заканчивается роман.
Поппи З. Брайт 4.0
…Они бродят по улицам современных городов. …Они тусуются по продвинутым рок-клубам. Вы слушаете, КАК они играют, КАК говорят, КАК смеются. Вы не поймете — КТО ОНИ ТАКИЕ. Не поймете, пока не станет слишком поздно. Пока поцелуй ВАМПИРА — ночного хищника — не станет последним, что вы почувствовали в жизни. ...Они знают: человеческая душа — просто игрушка для того, кто превратил умение убивать в высокое искусство. Они потеряли ВСЕ — все, кроме умения не просто отнять у вас жизнь, но сделать это СТИЛЬНО!..
Брайан Д'Амато 0.0
"People will do absolutley anything for youth. . .if they can risk horrible infections with face-lifts, and worse things from liposuction, then they can accept the risk of a little plastic." Ex Yale pre-med Jamie Angelo is part artist and part alchemist. His work is a modern miracle of computer imaging and scientific engineering. A technique light-years beyond medicine. A creation so revolutionary the world must never know. He can reimagine and reinvent you as he transforms your old, unlovley flesh into a masterpiece of ageless beauty. He is not God. But he is close. To ambitious downtown performance artist Jaishree Manglaiabout to become his most radical experimentJamie is the ultimate fantasy. . .a dark erotic obsession that knows no bounds. . .a master illusionist who turns every woman's shattered hope for the few who can choose to wear beauty's monstrous-and deadly-face. . .
Gary Raisor 0.0
The Greyhound pulled into Carruthers, Texas a little after nine and unlaoded seventeen people into the unseasonably cold autumn night. All had family waiting for them. All, except two. The town of Carruthers, Texas, has seen its share of drifters and lowlifes. But never anyone like Steven and Earl. They move from town to town. Hustling the pool halls. Raising a little hell. Drinking a little blood. They sleep by day and hunt by night--the ultimate predators. The perfect life. Until now. A barroom brawl ends in disaster. The soil from Steven's grave has been stolen. And a young boy's death sparks an all out war between vampires and mortals that will turn the local Frontier Day celebration into a blood bath....
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