Вручение 8 декабря 2021 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 8 декабря 2021 г.

Лучший криминальный роман

Элли Гриффитс 0.0

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The night hawks, a group of metal detectorists, are searching for buried treasure when they find a body on the beach. DCI Nelson believes that the dead man might be an asylum seeker, but he turns out to be a local boy, Jem Taylor, recently released from prison.
S.A. Cosby 3.2

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Ike Randolph has been out of jail for fifteen years, with not so much as a speeding ticket in all that time. But a Black man with cops at the door knows to be afraid.

The last thing he expects to hear is that his son Isiah has been murdered, along with Isiah’s white husband, Derek. Ike had never fully accepted his son but is devastated by his loss.

Derek’s father Buddy Lee was almost as ashamed of Derek for being gay as Derek was ashamed of his father's criminal record. Buddy Lee still has contacts in the underworld, though, and he wants to know who killed his boy.

Ike and Buddy Lee, two ex-cons with little else in common other than a criminal past and a love for their dead sons, band together in their desperate desire for revenge. In their quest to do better for their sons in death than they did in life, hardened men Ike and Buddy Lee will confront their own prejudices about their sons and each other, as they rain down vengeance upon those who hurt their boys.

Provocative and fast-paced, S. A. Cosby's Razorblade Tears is a story of bloody retribution, heartfelt change - and maybe even redemption.

“A visceral full-body experience, a sharp jolt to the heart, and a treat for the senses…Cosby's moody southern thriller marries the skillful action and plotting of Lee Child with the atmosphere and insight of Attica Locke.” ―NPR
Джозеф Нокс 4.0
«Что происходит с пропавшими девушками? С такими, как Зоуи Нолан?» Ночью 17 декабря 2011 года девятнадцатилетняя студентка Манчестерского университета Зоуи Нолан вышла с вечеринки в общежитии — и пропала. Длительные полицейские поиски не дали никаких результатов. Через семь лет писательница Эвелин Митчелл решает провести свое расследование и заново опрашивает друзей и родственников Зоуи. В чем-то их истории сходятся, в чем-то — противоречат друг другу, рисуя тревожную картину тайной жизни пропавшей девушки. Всем фигурантам дела есть что скрывать, а кто-то неотступно следит за Эвелин из теней — и она обращается за помощью к «главной надежде британского криминального романа» (по утверждению газеты «Таймс») Джозефу Ноксу, автору прославленной трилогии об Эйдане Уэйтсе («Сирены», «Улыбающийся человек», «Блуждающий в темноте»)…
Вэл Макдермид 0.0
Hailed as Britain's Queen of Crime, Val McDermid's award-winning, internationally bestselling novels have captivated readers for more than thirty years. Now, in 1979, she returns to the past with the story of Allie Burns, an investigative journalist whose stories lead her into world a corruption, terror, and murder.

The year started badly and only got worse–blizzards, strikes, power cuts, and political unrest were the norm. For journalist Allie Burns, however, someone else's bad news was the unmistakable sound of opportunity knocking, and the year is ripe with possibilities. But Allie is a woman in a man's world. Desperate to get away from the "women's stories" the Glasgow desk keeps assigning her, she strikes up an alliance with wannabe investigative journalist Danny Sullivan. From the start, their stories create enemies. First an international tax fraud, then a potential Scottish terrorist group aiming to cause mayhem ahead of the impending devolution referendum. And then Danny is found murdered in his flat. For Allie, investigative journalism just got personal.

The first novel in McDermid's newest series, 1979 is an atmospheric journey into the past with intriguing insight into the present, and the latest addition to McDermid's crime pantheon.
Иэн Рэнкин, Уильям Макилванни 0.0
In this scorching crime collaboration, bestselling author Ian Rankin and Scottish crime-writing legend William McIlvanney join forces for the first ever case of DI Laidlaw, Glasgow's original gritty detective.

Lawyer Bobby Carter did a lot of work for the wrong type of people. Now he's dead and it was no accident. Besides a distraught family and a heap of powerful friends, Carter's left behind his share of enemies. So, who dealt the fatal blow?

DC Jack Laidlaw's reputation precedes him. He's not a team player, but he's got a sixth sense for what's happening on the streets. His boss chalks the violence up to the usual rivalries, but is it that simple? As two Glasgow gangs go to war, Laidlaw needs to find out who got Carter before the whole city explodes.

William McIlvanney's Laidlaw books changed the face of crime fiction. When he died in 2015, he left half a handwritten manuscript of Laidlaw's first case. Now, Ian Rankin is back to finish what McIlvanney started. In The Dark Remains, these two iconic authors bring to life the criminal world of 1970s Glasgow, and Laidlaw's relentless quest for truth.
Стив Кавана 4.0
They call him the King of Death Row. Randal Korn has sent more men to their deaths than any district attorney in the history of the United States.
When a young woman, Skylar Edwards, is found murdered in Buckstown, Alabama, a corrupt sheriff arrests the last person to see her alive, Andy Dubois. It doesn't seem to matter to anyone that An
Имран Махмуд 4.0
Немыслимое убийство. И единственный свидетель, которому никто не верит.

Некогда успешный и обеспеченный банкир Ксандер Шют теперь живет на улице и встревает в драки с другими бездомными. Однажды, забравшись в чужую квартиру, чтобы переночевать, Ксандер становится свидетелем жестокого убийства. Но в полиции ему не верят, а сам он страдает провалами в памяти и помнит лишь отрывки.

В попытке восстановить события той ночи со свойственной ему математической точностью Ксандер сталкивается с воспоминаниями о своем прошлом, все это время отодвинутым на задворки...

И как бы трудно ему ни было, Ксандер намерен доказать правду, ведь он точно знает, что видел.

Лучший дебютный криминальный роман

Sarah Sultoon 0.0

Лауреат выбранный читателями.

A young TV journalist is forced to revisit her harrowing past when she's thrust into a sex-trafficking investigation in her hometown. A startling, searing, debut thriller by award-winning CNN journalist Sarah Sultoon.

'A brave and thought-provoking debut novel. Sarah Sultoon tackles a challenging and disturbing subject without sensation, and her sensitive handling, tight plotting and authentic storytelling make for a compelling read' Adam Hamdy

'A stunning debut ... a powerhouse writer' Jo Spain

'A powerful, compelling read that doesn't shy away from some upsetting truths ... written with such energy' Fanny Blake
David Heska Wanbli Weiden 0.0

Лауреат выбранный редакцией.

“Winter Counts is a marvel. It’s a thriller with a beating heart and jagged teeth. This book is a brilliant meditation on power and violence, and a testament to just how much a crime novel can achieve. Weiden is a powerful new voice. I couldn’t put it down.”
—Tommy Orange, author of There There

A Recommended Read from:
Buzzfeed * Electric Literature * Lit Hub * Shondaland * Publishers Weekly

A groundbreaking thriller about a vigilante on a Native American reservation who embarks on a dangerous mission to track down the source of a heroin influx.

Virgil Wounded Horse is the local enforcer on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. When justice is denied by the American legal system or the tribal council, Virgil is hired to deliver his own punishment, the kind that’s hard to forget. But when heroin makes its way into the reservation and finds Virgil’s nephew, his vigilantism suddenly becomes personal. He enlists the help of his ex-girlfriend and sets out to learn where the drugs are coming from, and how to make them stop.

They follow a lead to Denver and find that drug cartels are rapidly expanding and forming new and terrifying alliances. And back on the reservation, a new tribal council initiative raises uncomfortable questions about money and power. As Virgil starts to link the pieces together, he must face his own demons and reclaim his Native identity. He realizes that being a Native American in the twenty-first century comes at an incredible cost.

Winter Counts is a tour-de-force of crime fiction, a bracingly honest look at a long-ignored part of American life, and a twisting, turning story that’s as deeply rendered as it is thrilling
Leonora Nattrass 0.0
This is the confession of Laurence Jago. Clerk. Gentleman. Reluctant spy.

July 1794, and the streets of London are filled with rumours of revolution. Political radical Thomas Hardy is to go on trial for treason, the war against the French is not going in Britain's favour, and negotiations with the independent American colonies are on a knife edge.

Laurence Jago - clerk to the Foreign Office - is ever more reliant on the Black Drop to ease his nightmares. A highly sensitive letter has been leaked to the press, which may lead to the destruction of the British Army, and Laurence is a suspect. Then he discovers the body of a fellow clerk, supposedly a suicide.

Blame for the leak is shifted to the dead man, but even as the body is taken to the anatomists, Laurence is certain both of his friend's innocence, and that he was murdered. But after years of hiding his own secrets from his powerful employers, and at a time when even the slightest hint of treason can lead to the gallows, how can Laurence find the true culprit without incriminating himself?

A thrilling historical mystery, perfect for readers of C.J. Sansom, Andrew Taylor, Antonia Hodgson and Laura Shepherd-Robinson.
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