Вручение август 2016 г.

Премия "За заслуги перед жанром" (Lifetime Achievement Award) была вручена Л. Нейлу Смиту 28-го октября, на конвенте MileHiCon в Денвере, штат Колорадо.

Страна: США Место проведения: 74-й Всемирный конвент научной фантастики (MidAmeriCon II), Канзас-Сити, штат Миссури Дата проведения: август 2016 г.


Нил Стивенсон 4.0
Неожиданная катастрофа обрекла Землю на медленную, но неотвратимую гибель. Нации всего мира объединились для осуществления грандиозного проекта — спасти человечество, отправив его представителей в космос. Но непредсказуемость человеческой натуры вкупе с непредвиденными проблемами губят эту затею, и в живых остается лишь горстка людей... Пять тысяч лет спустя их потомки готовятся к очередному путешествию в неведомый и странный мир, полностью преображенный катаклизмом и ходом времени. Они возвращаются на Землю.
Ramez Naam 3.2
Global unrest spreads as mass protests advance throughout the US and China, Nexus-upgraded riot police battle against upgraded protestors, and a once-dead scientist plans to take over the planet's electronic systems. The world has never experienced turmoil of this type, on this scale.They call them the Apex - humanity's replacement. They're smarter, faster, better. And infinitely more dangerous.

Humanity is dying. Long live the Apex.
Gene Wolfe 4.0
A Borrowed Man: a new science fiction novel, from Gene Wolfe, the celebrated author of the Book of the New Sun series.

It is perhaps a hundred years in the future, our civilization is gone, and another is in place in North America, but it retains many familiar things and structures. Although the population is now small, there is advanced technology, there are robots, and there are clones.

E. A. Smithe is a borrowed person. He is a clone who lives on a third-tier shelf in a public library, and his personality is an uploaded recording of a deceased mystery writer. Smithe is a piece of property, not a legal human.

A wealthy patron, Colette Coldbrook, takes him from the library because he is the surviving personality of the author of Murder on Mars. A physical copy of that book was in the possession of her murdered father, and it contains an important secret, the key to immense family wealth. It is lost, and Colette is afraid of the police. She borrows Smithe to help her find the book and to find out what the secret is. And then the plot gets complicated.
Пирс Браун 4.4
Дэрроу – бунтарь, которого выковала трагедия. Многие годы он и его товарищи Красные (Reds) работали в шахтах, стараясь сделать поверхность Марса пригодной для жизни. Они верили, что являются последней надеждой человечества. До тех пор, пока Дэрроу не обнаружил, что всё это ложь и что Красные (Reds) – это просто безропотные рабы элитного господствующего класса, Золотых (the Golds) , которые поколениями жили на Марсе, купаясь в роскоши. Во время восстания Красных Дэрроу проник в общество Золотых, пытаясь втайне улучшить жизнь своего народа. Как следует законспирировавшись среди Золотых, Дэрроу продолжает свою опасную деятельность. Это путешествие заведёт его дальше, чем когда-либо прежде. Но готов ли он заплатить ту цену, что требует бунтарство?
Здесь водятся львы.
© Перевод аннотации piglet
Jo Walton 4.6
"Here in the Just City you will become your best selves. You will learn and grow and strive to be excellent."

Created as an experiment by the time-traveling goddess Pallas Athene, the Just City is a planned community, populated by over ten thousand children and a few hundred adult teachers from all eras of history, along with some handy robots from the far human future—all set down together on a Mediterranean island in the distant past.

The student Simmea, born an Egyptian farmer's daughter sometime between 500 and 1000 A.D, is a brilliant child, eager for knowledge, ready to strive to be her best self. The teacher Maia was once Ethel, a young Victorian lady of much learning and few prospects, who prayed to Pallas Athene in an unguarded moment during a trip to Rome—and, in an instant, found herself in the Just City with grey-eyed Athene standing unmistakably before her.

Meanwhile, Apollo—stunned by the realization that there are things mortals understand better than he does—has arranged to live a human life, and has come to the City as one of the children. He knows his true identity, and conceals it from his peers. For this lifetime, he is prone to all the troubles of being human.

Then, a few years in, Sokrates arrives—the same Sokrates recorded by Plato himself—to ask all the troublesome questions you would expect. What happens next is a tale only the brilliant Jo Walton could tell.

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Donald Kingsbury 0.0
A vast alien landscape, a human culture based on our own, yet evolved in strange ways by the forces of an inimical nature provide a panoramic backdrop for the romantic adventures of a large cast of memorable & attractive characters.
Courtship Rite is a sf novel by American writer Donald Kingsbury, originally serialized in Analog magazine in 1982. The book is set in the same universe as some of his other stories, such as Shipwright (1978) & the unpublished The Finger Pointing Solward. In the UK, the novel was entitled Geta, in France, Parade nuptiale. Courtship Rite was the 1st winner of the Compton Crook Award for best 1st novel & was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1983.
The novel details the attempts of two of the priest-clans, the Kaiel & the Mnankrei, to expand into territory controlled by the Stgal. Ultimately, all the priest clans are trying to attain dominance of the planet through the use of new technology, propaganda, treachery & "war", a new concept in this world. Previously, killing was done merely in order to provide food.
Jo Walton remarked that Courtship Rite "is about a distant generation of colonists on a planet with no usable animals. This is the book with everything, where everything includes cannibalism, polyamory, evolution & getting tattoos so your skin will make more interesting leather when you’re dead."
Редьярд Киплинг 5.0
Середина двадцать первого века. Район Северный Иллинойс внезапно отключился от планетарной сети, его представители предъявляют прибывшим из Лондона представителям Воздушного Контрольного Совета странные требования — что-то о свободе собраний и волеизъявлении посредством сбора каких-то бумажек с какими-то пометками...
Джон Мэддокс Робертс, Eric Kotani 0.0

It is the 21st century, and life on Planet Earth is not what it used to be, as the warnings of Left and Right have proved all too accurate. Teh rich have grown richer, the poor poorer, and raw materials ever scarcer and more expensive -- perhaps because a world-spanning socialistic bureaucracy has made it impossible for private enterprise to function, perhaps because the greedy capitalists have ridden rough-shod over the rest of us. Whatever the reason, the way to be free and happy is to get off Earth.

Space is where it's all happening, especially in the asteroid belt. But there are those on both sides who say the Solar System is too small to be part slave and part free. The war of independence is about to begin...
Ли Корри 0.0
Lee Correy was the pen name used by the late G. Harry Stine for his works of fiction. He was a long time proponent of Space Exploration and more importantly Exploitation.

Manna is a story set in a future where the world is split into military/economic factions, competition for energy and resources, and the struggle for people to remain free. It is a world where Stine's vision of an industrial revolution in space is well under way: routine commercial and military space flight, solar power satellites, orbital factories, bases on the moon - and orbiting laser cannon.

The story begins with ex-US Aerospace Force pilot Sandy Baldwin traveling to a job interview in a small country in Africa of which he knows little. He's been cashiered - when targeted by a Russian military spacecraft, he was the one who survived - but only because he exceeded his authority by defending himself. Now unemployable in the US, he arrives worrying about his job prospects but does really well in the interview by managing to break up an assassination attempt against the people he's come to see.

From there Baldwin begins a personal journey of discovery, finding out that the world is not what he thought it was. As his new employers begin to use his space and military skills, he finds they also need him as a leader in a war he's stumbled into. The human race is on the verge of changing the rules of the game completely. His new employers and soon adopted countrymen have begun to realize an economy based on the near limitless resources available in space; the entrenched powers that be who are still treating the world as a finite pie that can only be sliced up so many ways are determined to reign them in.

Mankind is on the verge of a new age - but the old one is loath to give up its grip. The story of Baldwin finding his own place in this new world and doing his best to make it happen is good, engrossing entertainment. The larger picture of what the world could be is engrossing in its own right. Although this book was written several decades ago, recent events make it even more timely
Эдгар Пенгборн 4.0
Эдгар Пенгборн (1909–1976) дебютировал в фантастике поздно, в 1951 г., и написал в этом жанре очень немного — однако навсегда остался в истории американской и мировой научной фантастики как один из ярчайших и оригинальнейших ее представителей. Достаточно сказать, что самое известное из произведений Пенгборна, роман «Зеркало для наблюдателей», был удостоен Международной премии по фантастике — «в компании» с «Городом» Саймака и «Властелином Колец» Толкина. Почему? Прочитайте — и узнаете сами!
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