Вручение 3 ноября 2013 г.

Лауреатами премии также стали:
Художник - Шон Филлипс (Sean Phillips);
Нехудожественное издание или сайт - Энн Перри, Джаред Шурин "Pornokitsch";
Сценарий - Хижина в лесу (реж. Дрю Годдар) (сценаристы - Джосс Уидон и Дрю Годдар);
Независимое издательство - ChiZine Publications (Brett Alexander Savory and Sandra Kasturi);
Периодическое издание - Журнал "Interzone" (ред. Энди Кокс).

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: World Fantasy Convention, Брайтон Дата проведения: 3 ноября 2013 г.

Лучший роман ужасов (Премия Августа Дерлета)

Адам Нэвилл 3.8
Находясь на грани банкротства, режиссер Кайл Фриман получает предложение, от которого не может отказаться: за внушительный гонорар снять документальный фильм о давно забытой секте Храм Судных дней, почти все члены которой покончили жизнь самоубийством в 1975 году. Все просто: три локации, десять дней и несколько выживших, готовых рассказать историю Храма на камеру. Но чем дальше заходят съемки, тем более ужасные события начинают твориться вокруг съемочной группы: гибнут люди, странные видения преследуют самого режиссера, а на месте съемок он находит скелеты неведомых существ, проступающие из стен. Довольно скоро Кайл понимает, что некоторые тайны лучше не знать, а Храм Судных дней в своих оккультных поисках, кажется, наткнулся на что-то страшное, потустороннее, и оно теперь не остановится ни перед чем.
Грэм Джойс 3.7
"Как бы волшебная сказка" - в буквальном смысле волшебный роман мастера британского магического реализма, автора, который, по словам именитого Джонатана Кэрролла, пишет именно те книги, которые мы всю жизнь надеемся отыскать, но крайне редко находим.

Тара Мартин ушла гулять в весенний лес - и пропала без вести. Ее родные, соседи, полиция обшарили окрестность сверху донизу, но не нашли ни малейших следов шестнадцатилетней девушки. В отсутствие каких-либо улик полиция даже пыталась выбить признание из возлюбленного Тары - талантливого гитариста Ричи со всеми задатками будущей рок-звезды. Но вот проходит двадцать лет - и Тара вдруг возвращается. Она совершенно не изменилась, будто не постарела ни на день. И те истории, которые она рассказывает, иначе как сказками не назовешь...
Гари Макмахон 0.0
Twenty years ago three young boys staggered out of an old building, tired and dirty yet otherwise unharmed. Missing for a weekend, the boys had no idea of where they’d been. But they all shared the same vague memory of a shadowed woodland grove…and they swore they’d been gone for only an hour.

When Simon returns to the Concrete Grove to see his old friends and unearth painful memories from his childhood, things once buried begin to claw their way back to the surface.

The hummingbirds are flying again, bringing a warning of something terrible. Bad dreams take on physical form and walk the streets of the estate. A dark, hideously patient entity is calling once again from the shadows, reaching out towards three terrified boys who have now grown into emotionally damaged men. And the past is about to catch up with them all, staining their lives with a darkness they could never truly escape. Welcome back to the Concrete Grove. The place you can never really leave…
Кейтлин Кирнан 3.4
Индия Морган Фелпс, или просто Имп, отчетливо помнит, что впервые встретила Еву, молчаливую и обнаженную, летней ночью у озера. Не менее ярки ее воспоминания и о первой встрече с беззащитной Евой на осенней дороге. Но разве возможны два варианта одного и того же события? Разве сирены и волчицы-оборотни существуют на самом деле? Мучимой шизофренией и тревожными расстройствами Имп придется преодолеть ненадежность собственного разума, чтобы рассказать свою историю, собрать воспоминания в единую картину и попытаться узнать правду.

Премия им. Сиднея Дж. Баундса лучшему дебютанту

Helen Marshall 3.5
British Fantasy Award for Best Newcomer (2013)
Prix Aurora Award Nominee for Best Related Work Shortlist (2013)
This is Horror Award Nominee for Short Story Collection (2013)

A child receives the body of Saint Lucia of Syracuse for her seventh birthday. A rebelling angel rewrites the Book of Judgement to protect the woman he loves. A young woman discovers the lost manuscript of Jane Austen written on the inside of her skin. A 747 populated by a dying pantheon makes the extraordinary journey to the beginning of the universe. Lyrical and tender, quirky and cutting, Helen Marshall's exceptional debut collection weaves the fantastic and the horrific alongside the touchingly human in fifteen modern parables about history, memory, and cost of creating art.
Юджин Майерс 3.7
Эфраилу Скотту 16 лет. Он живет в маленьком городке Саммерсайд с матерью-алкоголичкой, влюблен в девочку, которая его не замечает, и жизнь его скучна и непримечательна. Все меняется, когда в местную больницу привозят труп человека, невероятно похожего на самого Эфраила. Среди вещей двойника он находит таинственную монету, способную исполнять желания. Только у монеты есть побочные эффекты. Она изменяет мир вокруг, и с каждым броском реальность становится все больше непредсказуемой.
Элисон Мур 2.0
The Lighthouse begins on a North Sea ferry, on whose blustery outer deck stands Futh, a middle-aged, recently separated man heading to Germany for a restorative walking holiday. Spending his first night in Hellhaus at a small, family-run hotel, he finds the landlady hospitable but is troubled by an encounter with an inexplicably hostile barman. In the morning, Futh puts the episode behind him and sets out on his week-long circular walk along the Rhine. As he travels, he contemplates his childhood; a complicated friendship with the son of a lonely neighbour; his parents’ broken marriage and his own. But the story he keeps coming back to, the person and the event affecting all others, is his mother and her abandonment of him as a boy, which left him with a void to fill, a substitute to find. He recalls his first trip to Germany with his newly single father. He is mindful of something he neglected to do there, an omission which threatens to have devastating repercussions for him this time around. At the end of the week, Futh, sunburnt and blistered, comes to the end of his circular walk, returning to what he sees as the sanctuary of the Hellhaus hotel, unaware of the events which have been unfolding there in his absence.
Anne Lyle 4.0
When Tudor explorers returned from the New World, they brought back a name out of half-forgotten Viking legend: skraylings. Red-sailed ships followed in the explorers’ wake, bringing Native American goods--and a skrayling ambassador--to London. But what do these seemingly magical beings really want in Elizabeth I’s capital?

Mal Catlyn, a down-at-heel swordsman, is seconded to the ambassador's bodyguard, but assassination attempts are the least of his problems. What he learns about the skraylings and their unholy powers could cost England her new ally--and Mal his soul.
Ким Карран 0.0
When your average, 16-year old loser, Scott Tyler, meets the beautiful and mysterious Aubrey Jones, he learns he's not so average after all. He's a 'Shifter'. And that means he has the power to undo any decision he's ever made. At first, he thinks the power to shift is pretty cool. But as his world starts to unravel around him he realises that each time he uses his power, it has consequences; terrible unforeseen consequences. Shifting is going to get him killed. In a world where everything can change with a thought, Scott has to decide where he stands.
Lou Morgan 0.0
"What's the first thing you think of when I say 'angel'?" asked Mallory. Alice shrugged. "I don't know... guns?"

Alice isn't having the best of days. She was late for work, she missed her bus, and now she's getting rained on. What she doesn't know is that her day's about to get worse: the epic, grand-scale kind of worse that comes from the arrival of two angels who claim everything about her life is a lie.

The war between the angels and the Fallen is escalating; the age-old balance is tipping, and innocent civilians are getting caught in the cross-fire. If the balance is to be restored, the angels must act - or risk the Fallen taking control. Forever.

That’s where Alice comes in. Hunted by the Fallen and guided by Mallory - a disgraced angel with a drinking problem and a whole load of secrets - Alice will learn the truth about her own history… and why the angels want to send her to hell.

What do the Fallen want from her? How does Mallory know so much about her past? What is it the angels are hiding - and can she trust either side?

Caught between the power plays of the angels and Lucifer himself, it isn't just hell's demons that Alice will have to defeat...
Молли Танзер 0.0
Re-Animator meets The Secret History in this Tale of Sex and Science
Henry Milliner thinks his days of being the school pariah are over forever when he attracts the attention of Wadham College's coolest Fellow Commoner, St John Clement, the Lord Calipash. St John is everything Henry isn't: Brilliant, graceful, rich, universally respected. And as if that wasn't enough, St John is also the leader of the Blithe Company, the clique of Natural Philosophy majors who rule Wadham with style. But when being St John's protege ends up becoming a weirder experience than Henry anticipated -- and the Blithe Company doesn't quite turn out to be the decadent, debauched crew he dreamed of -- Henry has some big decisons to make. Should he beg the forgiveness of his only friend, naive underclassman John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, or should he ride it out with St John and try to come out on top?

Tangling with a Calipash is an invariably risky endeavor. From antiquity to the modern era, few who have encountered members of that family have benefited from the acquaintance. If only Henry knew the that Calipashes are notorious for their history of sinister schemes, lewd larks, and eldritch experiments, he would realize there are way worse things than being unpopular...
Saladin Ahmed 3.8
From Saladin Ahmed, finalist for the Nebula and Campbell Awards, comes one of the year's most anticipated fantasy debuts, THRONE OF THE CRESCENT MOON, a fantasy adventure with all the magic of The Arabian Nights.

The Crescent Moon Kingdoms, land of djenn and ghuls, holy warriors and heretics, Khalifs and killers, is at the boiling point of a power struggle between the iron-fisted Khalif and the mysterious master thief known as the Falcon Prince. In the midst of this brewing rebellion a series of brutal supernatural murders strikes at the heart of the Kingdoms. It is up to a handful of heroes to learn the truth behind these killings:

Doctor Adoulla Makhslood, "The last real ghul hunter in the great city of Dhamsawaat," just wants a quiet cup of tea. Three score and more years old, he has grown weary of hunting monsters and saving lives, and is more than ready to retire from his dangerous and demanding vocation. But when an old flame's family is murdered, Adoulla is drawn back to the hunter's path.

Raseed bas Raseed, Adoulla's young assistant, a hidebound holy warrior whose prowess is matched only by his piety, is eager to deliver God's justice. But even as Raseed's sword is tested by ghuls and manjackals, his soul is tested when he and Adoulla cross paths with the tribeswoman Zamia.

Zamia Badawi, Protector of the Band, has been gifted with the near-mythical power of the Lion-Shape, but shunned by her people for daring to take up a man's title. She lives only to avenge her father's death. Until she learns that Adoulla and his allies also hunt her father's killer. Until she meets Raseed.

When they learn that the murders and the Falcon Prince's brewing revolution are connected, the companions must race against time--and struggle against their own misgivings--to save the life of a vicious despot. In so doing they discover a plot for the Throne of the Crescent Moon that threatens to turn Dhamsawaat, and the world itself, into a blood-soaked ruin.
Stephen Bacon 0.0
The shop mannequins that appear to have a life of their own . . .the monstrous insect that consumes men's thoughts . . . the shadowy organisation that wreaks terror to the public . . . the overgrown garden blighted by a centuries-old curse . . .

These 21 tales map the darkest recesses of our minds. They document the madness and cruelty that exists in the places we do not wish to visit.

The powerful first collection by Stephen Bacon
Number 1 in Gray Friar Press's NEW BLOOD series.
Стивен Блэкмур 0.0
Джо Сандей – головорез-наемник. Босс посылает его убить нового таинственного делового партнера, однако цель наносит ответный удар, да так, как Джо и представить себе не мог. Его убивают, возвращают к некому подобию жизни, и Сандей сразу оказывается в гуще погони за древним камнем, который дарует бессмертие. Получив камень, он будет жить вечно. А без него превратится в непотребную гниющую декорацию к фильмам Джорджа Ромеро.
Однако за камнем охотится не один Джо. В очереди за артефактом – спятивший колдун-нацист, карлик с острыми как бритва зубами, помешанный на сексе демон-бармен, невероятно могущественная ведьма, взявшая под свое крыло бездомных вампиров, и одна прекрасная незнакомка, у которой могут быть все необходимые ответы. Конечно, если Сандей сумеет выяснить, какую роль играет она во всей этой неразберихе.
Не пройдет и недели, как Джо узнает, на что готовы пойти люди ради бессмертия. И как долго могут хранить ненависть.

Лучший роман в жанре фэнтези (Премия Роберта Холдстока)

Грэм Джойс 3.7
"Как бы волшебная сказка" - в буквальном смысле волшебный роман мастера британского магического реализма, автора, который, по словам именитого Джонатана Кэрролла, пишет именно те книги, которые мы всю жизнь надеемся отыскать, но крайне редко находим.

Тара Мартин ушла гулять в весенний лес - и пропала без вести. Ее родные, соседи, полиция обшарили окрестность сверху донизу, но не нашли ни малейших следов шестнадцатилетней девушки. В отсутствие каких-либо улик полиция даже пыталась выбить признание из возлюбленного Тары - талантливого гитариста Ричи со всеми задатками будущей рок-звезды. Но вот проходит двадцать лет - и Тара вдруг возвращается. Она совершенно не изменилась, будто не постарела ни на день. И те истории, которые она рассказывает, иначе как сказками не назовешь...
Джо Аберкромби 4.3
Искатели счастья со всех окрестных земель стремятся в Дальнюю Страну в поисках наживы. Здесь нет единой власти и торжествует право сильного. Золото сводит с ума, а будущее принадлежит Союзу.

Авантюрный роман-вестерн «Красная страна» — захватывающее возвращение в мир Земного Круга с «самой везучей женщиной» Шай Соут и солдатом удачи Никомо Коской, «самым трусливым трусом» Кротким и толковым стряпчим Темплом.
Чайна Мьевиль 3.9
Рельсоморье. Обширные пространства отравленной земли, покрытые сетью стальных рельсов и деревянных шпал. Колеи, соединяющие времена и страны, проложены во всех направлениях, куда ни глянь. Они уходят в вечность. Но с острова на остров ходят слухи, что где-то за горизонтом есть выход туда, где нет рельсов, туда, где находится Рай, преисполненный богатств… И именно он, Шэмус ап Суурап, помощник доктора на поезде-кротобое «Мидас», находит ключ к разгадке этой тайны. Но сможет ли он добраться до края Рельсоморья, прежде чем пираты и рельсовый флот доберутся до него?
Margo Lanagan 4.0
On remote Rollrock Island, men make their living--and fetch their wives--from the sea.
The Witch Misskaella knows how to find the girl at the heart of a seal. She'll coax a beauty from the beast for any man, for a price. And what man wouldn't want a sea-wife, to and to hold, and to keep by his side forever?
But though he may tell himself that he is the master, one look in his new bride's eyes will transform him just as much as it changes her. Both will be ensnared--and the witch will look on, laughing.
In this magical, seaswept novel, Margo Lanagan tells an extraordinary tale of desire, despair, and transformation. With devastatingly beautiful prose, she reveals characters capable of unspeakable cruelty, but also of unspoken love.
Lou Morgan 0.0
"What's the first thing you think of when I say 'angel'?" asked Mallory. Alice shrugged. "I don't know... guns?"

Alice isn't having the best of days. She was late for work, she missed her bus, and now she's getting rained on. What she doesn't know is that her day's about to get worse: the epic, grand-scale kind of worse that comes from the arrival of two angels who claim everything about her life is a lie.

The war between the angels and the Fallen is escalating; the age-old balance is tipping, and innocent civilians are getting caught in the cross-fire. If the balance is to be restored, the angels must act - or risk the Fallen taking control. Forever.

That’s where Alice comes in. Hunted by the Fallen and guided by Mallory - a disgraced angel with a drinking problem and a whole load of secrets - Alice will learn the truth about her own history… and why the angels want to send her to hell.

What do the Fallen want from her? How does Mallory know so much about her past? What is it the angels are hiding - and can she trust either side?

Caught between the power plays of the angels and Lucifer himself, it isn't just hell's demons that Alice will have to defeat...

Лучшая повесть

John Llewellyn Probert 0.0
"Someone is killing doctors in the style of the murders in Vincent Price movies, leaving the Bristol police baffled. The only man who could possibly be responsible died years ago . . . or did he . . .?" The police in Bristol have been confronted by a series of the most perplexingly elaborate deaths they've ever encountered in all their years of murder enquiries. The only thing which connects them is their seemingly random nature and their sheer outrageousness. As Detective Inspector Longdon and his assistant Sergeant Jenny Newham (with the help of pathologist Dr. Richard Patterson) race against time to find the murderer, they eventually realise that the link which connects the killings is even more bizarre than any of them dared to think...
Mike ODriscoll 0.0
TTA Press launches its new novellas series with Eyepennies by Mike O'Driscoll (cover art by Rik Rawling), which has already earned some very enthusiastic advance praise:

“A musician emotionally scarred by a near-death experience is haunted by his past, his present and his future in this chilling, slow burn of a ghost story. Read it!” Ellen Datlow

“Mike O’Driscoll is without doubt one of our best writers. I often wish he wrote more, because when he does produce something new – such as the excellent Eyepennies – it’s truly an occasion for celebration” Tim Lebbon

“Full of symbols and dread, a Cotard’s delusion set to O’Driscoll’s cool bluesy prose, Eyepennies makes a refined contribution to the TTA Press canon” Paul Meloy

“A beautiful story suffused with the entangled mysteries of pain and life, as radiant as it is dark: the best kind” Stephen Volk
Gary Fry 0.0
“What the monsters used to achieve with claws, they now manage with pens…

Three years ago, Josh lost a lot of money on the unforgiving stock market. Now he’s divorced and living with his teenage daughter in a seaside caravan. Sally wants a tattoo; Josh just needs work.
For solace, he explores Saltwick Bay, a secluded stretch of beach whose cliff-side rock runs back to the ruthless Jurassic periods. There’s also a rotting boat there, leftover from the violent Second World War.

But when eerie creatures appear at night, dancing in the silent bay, Josh’s mind starts turning along unfathomable tracks . . . which may lead right back to the birth of tyranny."

Gary Fry’s new novella channels the spirit of Algernon Blackwood and other great masters of the weird tale, summoning forces from this world and others in a relentless symphony of unease. The signed limited hardcover edition includes an extensively revised version of his Lovecraftian novella WORLD WIDE WEB, in which a young boy must make sense of his parents’ divorce in a world of buried secrets and inexorable cosmic interventions . . .

Лучший рассказ

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