Вручение 1981 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 1981 г.

Художественная литература

Дональд Майкл Томас 3.8
Вашему вниманию предлагается один из самых знаменитых романов современной английской литературы. Шокировавший современников откровенностью интимного содержания, моментально ставший бестселлером, вошедший в шорт-лист Букеровской премии и переведенный на тридцать языков, «Белый отель» строится как история болезни одной пациентки Зигмунда Фрейда. Прослеживая ее судьбу, роман касается самых болезненных точек нашей общей истории и вызывает у привыкшего, казалось бы, уже ко всему читателя эмоциональное потрясение.

Лишь мистическим совпадением можно объяснить то, что «Белый отель» до сих пор не добрался до большого экрана — хотя интерес к его постановке в разное время проявляли Бернардо Бертолуччи и Эмир Кустурица, Дэвид Линч и Педро Альмодовар, Теренс Малик и Дэвид Кроненберг, а на главные роли заявлялись Энтони Хопкинс, Мерил Стрип, Барбра Стрейзанд, Изабелла Росселлини, Жюльет Бинош. Ну а после того, как при таинственных обстоятельствах умерли сперва актриса Бриттани Мёрфи, а затем и ее муж режиссер Саймон Монджек, затеявшие новую попытку экранизации этого произведения современной классики, стали поговаривать о «голливудском проклятии „Белого отеля“»…
William Wharton 0.0
John Tremont, a middle-aged man with a family, is summoned to his mother's bedside after she has suffered a heart attack. When he arrives, he finds her shaken but surviving; it is his father, left alone, who is unable to cope, who begins to fail, to slip away from life. Joined by his nineteen-year-old son, John suddenly becomes enmeshed in the frightening, consuming, endless minutiae of caring for a beloved, dying parent. He also finds himself inescapably confronting his own middle age, jammed between his son's feckless impatience to get on with his life and his father's heartbreaking willingness to let go. A story of the love that binds generations, Dad celebrates the universe of possibilities within every individual life.
Elizabeth Bowen 0.0
Widely known for her much-admired novels, including The Heat of the Day, The House in Paris, and The Death of the Heart, Elizabeth Bowen established herself in the front rank of the century's writers equally through her short fiction.

This collection brings together seventy-nine magnificent stories written over the course of four decades. Vividly featuring scenes of bomb-scarred London during the Blitz, frustrated lovers, acutely obcerved children, and even vengeful ghosts, these stories reinforce Bowen's reputation as an artist whose finely chiseled narratives—rich in imagination, psychological insight, and craft—transcend their time and place.
Mark Helprin 0.0
Winner of the Prix de Rome and the National Jewish Book Award, these ten stories and the title novella, "Ellis Island," exhibit tremendous range and versatility of style and technique, yet are closely unified in their beauty and in their concern with enduring and universal questions.
Ray Bradbury 2.3
One hundred of Ray Bradbury’s remarkable stories which have, together with his classic novels, earned him an immense international audience and his place among the most imaginative and enduring writers of our time.

Here are the Martian stories, tales that vividly animate the red planet, with its brittle cities and double-mooned sky. Here are the stories that speak of a special nostalgia for Green Town, Illinois, the perfect setting for a seemingly cloudless childhood—except for the unknown terror lurking in the ravine. Here are the Irish stories and the Mexican stories, linked across their separate geographies by Bradbury’s astonishing inventiveness. Here, too, are thrilling, terrifying stories—including “The Veldt” and “The Fog Horn”—perfect for reading under the covers.

Read for the first time, these stories become as unshakable as one’s own fantasies. Read again—and again—they reveal new, dazzling facets of the extraordinary art of Ray Bradbury.
Филип Рот 4.4
«Цукерман освобожденный» — вторая часть знаменитой трилогии Филипа Рота о писателе Натане Цукермане, альтер эго самого Рота. Здесь Цукерману уже за тридцать, он — автор нашумевшего бестселлера, который вскружил голову публике конца 1960-х и сделал Цукермана литературной «звездой». На улицах Манхэттена поклонники не только досаждают ему непрошеными советами и доморощенной критикой, но и донимают угрозами. Это пугает, особенно после недавних убийств Кеннеди и Мартина Лютера Кинга. Слава разрушает жизнь знаменитости. Цукерман начинает сторониться старых друзей, расстается с женой, его младший брат порывает с ним. И все оттого, что сбылась писательская мечта: он создал мировой бестселлер...


David McCullough 0.0
Mornings on Horseback: The Story of an Extraordinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life, and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt is the brilliant biography of the young Theodore Roosevelt. Hailed as a masterpiece by Newsday, it also won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Biography. Now with a new introduction by the author, Mornings on Horseback is reprinted as a Simon & Schuster Classic Edition.
Mornings on Horseback is about the world of the young Theodore Roosevelt. It is the story of a remarkable little boy, seriously handicapped by recurrent and nearly fatal attacks of asthma, and his struggle to manhood: an amazing metamorphosis seen in the context of the very uncommon household (and rarefied social world) in which he was raised.

His father is the first Theodore Roosevelt, "Greatheart," a figure of unbounded energy, enormously attractive and selfless, a god in the eyes of his small, frail namesake. His mother, Mittie Bulloch Roosevelt, is a Southerner and celebrated beauty, but also considerably more, which the book makes clear as never before. There are sisters Anna and Corinne, brother Elliott (who becomes the father of Eleanor Roosevelt), and the lovely, tragic Alice Lee, Teddy Roosevelt's first love. And while such disparate figures as Abraham Lincoln, Mrs. John Jacob Astor, and Senator Roscoe Conkling play a part, it is this diverse and intensely human assemblage of Roosevelts, all brought to vivid life, which gives the book its remarkable power.

The book spans seventeen years � from 1869 when little "Teedie" is ten, to 1886 when, as a hardened "real life cowboy," he returns from the West to pick up the pieces of a shattered life and begin anew, a grown man, whole in body and spirit. The story does for Teddy Roosevelt what Sunrise at Campobello did for FDR � reveals the inner man through his battle against dreadful odds.

Like David McCullough's The Great Bridge, also set in New York, this is at once an enthralling story, with all the elements of a great novel, and a penetrating character study. It is brilliant social history and a work of important scholarship, which does away with several old myths and breaks entirely new ground. For the first time, for example, Roosevelt's asthma is examined closely, drawing on information gleaned from private Roosevelt family papers and in light of present-day knowledge of the disease and its psychosomatic aspects.

At heart it is a book about life intensely lived...about family love and family loyalty...about courtship and childbirth and death, fathers and sons...about winter on the Nile in the grand manner and Harvard College...about gutter politics in washrooms and the tumultuous Republican Convention of 1884...about grizzly bears, grief and courage, and "blessed" mornings on horseback at Oyster Bay or beneath the limitless skies of the Badlands. "Black care rarely sits behind a rider whose pace is fast enough," Roosevelt once wrote. It is the key to his life and to much that is so memorable in this magnificent book.

Премия Роберта Кирша

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