Вручение 1998 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 1998 г.

Художественная литература

Винфрид Георг Зебальд 4.1
В.Г. Зебальд (1944-2001) - немецкий писатель, поэт и историк литературы, преподаватель Университета Восточной Англии, автор четырех романов и не скольких сборников эссе. Роман "Кольца Сатурна" вышел в 1998 году.

В августе 1992 года, когда спала летняя жара, я отправился в пешее путешествие по графству Суффолк, надеясь избавиться от охватившего меня (после окончания довольно большой работы) чувства пустоты. Эта надежда в какой-то степени осуществилась. Целыми днями я шагал вдоль берега моря мимо пустынных селений, испытывая странное чувство раскрепощенности.

Однако, с другой стороны, теперь мне кажется оправданным старинное суеверие, согласно которому под знаком Сириуса в нас застревают определенные болезни души и тела. Во всяком случае, потом меня томили воспоминания.

Не только о блаженной свободе перемещения, но и об ужасе, внезапно парализовавшем меня даже в этой отдаленной местности на востоке Англии при виде следов разрушения, ведущих далеко в прошлое.
William Trevor 0.0
In a dark and atmospheric novel, three tragedies strike one man's household during a stormy summer in the country.
Richard Price 0.0
The celebrated author of Clockers delivers his most compelling and accomplished novel to date.

A white woman, her hands gashed and bloody, stumbles into an inner-city emergency room and announces that she has just been carjacked by a black man. But then comes the horrifying twist: Her young son was asleep in the back seat, and he has now disappeared into the night.

So begins Richard Price's electrifying new novel, a tale set on the same turf--Dempsey, New Jersey--as Clockers. Assigned to investigate the case of Brenda Martin's missing child is detective Lorenzo Council, a local son of the very housing project targeted as the scene of the crime. Under a white-hot media glare, Lorenzo launches an all-out search for the abducted boy, even as he quietly explores a different possibility: Does Brenda Martin know a lot more about her son's disappearance than she's admitting?
Филип Рот 4.0
Натан Цукерман, герой нескольких романов Филипа Рота, приезжает к своему девяностолетнему учителю и вспоминает свою юность, пришедшуюся как раз на времена «охоты на ведьм» в Америке. Как и в прочих романах Филипа Рота, в центре повествования оказывается сексуальная неудовлетворенность героя и всепроникающий антисемитизм в его самой экстремальной форме — ненависти к собственному народу.

Молодежная литература

Джоан Бауэр 0.0
Meet Jenna Boller, star employee at Gladstone Shoe Store in Chicago. Standing a gawky 5'11" at 16 years old, Jenna is the kind of girl most likely to stand out in the crowd for all the wrong reasons. But that doesn't stop Madeline Gladstone, the president of Gladstone's Shoes 176 outlets in 37 states, from hiring Jenna to drive her cross country in a last ditch effort to stop Elden Gladstone from taking over his mother's company and turning a quality business into a shop-and-schlock empire. Now Jenna Boller shoe salesperson is about to become a shoe-store spy as she joins her crusty old employer for an eye-opening adventure that will teach them both the rules of the road and the rules of life.


Roy Porter 0.0
"To combine enormous knowledge with a delightful style and a highly idiosyncratic point of view is Roy Porter's special gift, and it makes [this] book . . . alive and fascinating and provocative on every page."—Oliver Sacks, M.D.

Porter's charting of the history of medicine affords readers the opportunity as never before to assess its culture and science and its costs and benefits to humankind. "A splendid and thoroughly engrossing book."--"L.A. Times." of illustrations.


A. Scott Berg 0.0
Charles Lindbergh is at once one of the century's best-known and most misunderstood figures. In Lindbergh, bestselling author and National Book Award winner A. Scott Berg lifts the veil of myth and mystery that has surrounded the aviator since his moment of triumph on May 21, 1927, when he landed in Paris, the first person to cross the Atlantic alone in an airplane. It's an insightful look at a remarkable life.

Нынешний интерес

Филипп Гуревич 4.3
В 1994 году мир шокировали новости из Руанды, когда в течение 100 дней были жестоко убиты более 800 000 человек.

Филип Гуревич, журналист The New Yorker, отправился в Руанду, чтобы собрать по кусочкам историю массового убийства, произошедшего в этой маленькой африканской стране. Он взял интервью у оставшихся в живых представителей тутси, которые рассказали ему свои ужасные истории потерь и опустошения.

Как случилось, что через 50 лет после Холокоста произошло подобное зверство? Почему люди согласились убивать соседей, друзей, коллег? Как жить дальше в стране насильников и жертв?

Эта мощная, мастерски написанная книга дает неожиданные ответы на вопросы.


Элис Нотли 0.0
Alice Notley vividly reconstructs the mysteries, longings, and emotions of her past in this brilliant new collection of poems that charts her growth from young girl to young woman to accomplished artist. In this volume, memories of her childhood in the California desert spring to life through evocative renderings of the American landscape, circa 1950. Likewise, her coming of age as a poet in the turbulent sixties is evoked through the era's angry, creative energy. As she looks backward with the perspective that time and age allows, Notley ably captures the immediacy of youth's passion while offering her own dry-eyed interpretations of the events of a life lived close to the bone. Like the colorful collages she assembles from paper and other found materials, Notley erects structures of image and feeling to house the memories that swirl around her in the present. In their feverish, intelligent renderings of moments both precise and ephemeral, Notley's poems manage to mirror and transcend the times they evoke. Her profound tributes to the stages of her life and to the identities she has assumed—child, youth, lover, poet, wife, mother, friend, and widow—are remarkable for their insight and wisdom, and for the courage of their unblinking gaze.

Наука и технология

Дуглас Старр 0.0
Powerfully involving narrative and incisive detail, clarity and inherent drama: Blood offers in abundance the qualities that define the best popular science writing. Here is the sweeping story of a substance that has been feared, revered, mythologized, and used in magic and medicine from earliest times--a substance that has become the center of a huge, secretive, and often dangerous worldwide commerce.

Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, Blood was described by judges as "a gripping page-turner, a significant contribution to the history of medicine and technology and a cautionary tale. Meticulously reported and exhaustively documented."

Премия Арта Сейденбаума за первую художественную книгу

Ч. С. Годшалк 0.0
One hundred and sixty years ago a young Englishman founded a private raj on the coast of Borneo. The world he created eventually took in a territory the size of England, its expansion campaigns paid for in human heads. Here, polite Victorian conventions coexisted tenuously with one of the most violent cultures on earth, often with startling results: pockets of tenderness and extreme brutality appearing where least expected.

Into this world flowed a small tribe of adventurers, fugitives, criminals, and saints-- the madly talented and simply mad. And the women followed: wives and would-be wives, spinster nursemaids and heartless schemers, the rigidly virtuous and the virtually desperate. And always, the children, innocents too often the victims of an elemental nature both lush and deadly.

Kalimantaan is the story of this world, these people. But the deeper story resides in the realm of the heart. It is about love in absurd conditions, the tenacity of it as well as our ability to miss it repeatedly and with perverse genius.