Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Премия Шарлотты Хак

Sharon M. Draper 0.0
When the Ku Klux Klan's unwelcome reappearance rattles Stella's segregated southern town, bravery battles prejudice in this Depression-era tour de force from Sharon Draper, the New York Times bestselling author of Out of My Mind.

Stella lives in the segregated South; in Bumblebee, North Carolina, to be exact about it. Some stores she can go into. Some stores she can't. Some folks are right pleasant. Others are a lot less so. To Stella, it sort of evens out, and heck, the Klan hasn't bothered them for years. But one late night, later than she should ever be up, much less wandering around outside, Stella and her little brother see something they're never supposed to see, something that is the first flicker of change to come, unwelcome change by any stretch of the imagination. As Stella's community - her world - is upended, she decides to fight fire with fire. And she learns that ashes don't necessarily signify an end.
Джонарно Лоусон 5.0
In this wordless picture book, a little girl collects wildflowers while her distracted father pays her little attention. Each flower becomes a gift, and whether the gift is noticed or ignored, both giver and recipient are transformed by their encounter. "Written" by award-winning poet JonArno Lawson and brought to life by illustrator Sydney Smith, Sidewalk Flowers is an ode to the importance of small things, small people, and small gestures.
Alex Gino 3.4

When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl.

George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's Web. George really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part . . . because she's a boy.

With the help of her best friend, Kelly, George comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte -- but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all.
Кэтрин Эпплгейт 4.2
«Креншоу» — впервые на русском языке! Книга популярной американской писательницы, обладательницы Медали Ньюбери.
Семья Джексона переживает тяжелые времена. Им нечем платить за квартиру, и даже не на что купить еду. Еще немного – и им придется жить в мини-вэне.
Креншоу — это кот.
Огромный, черно-белый, говорящий кот. Настоящий друг, который любит фиолетовые мармеладки так же сильно, как Джексон. Он появился в жизни мальчика, чтобы все изменить. Только вот Креншоу - не настоящий, а воображаемый. Как же он сможет помочь?
Но даже выдуманная дружба может творить чудеса!
Kate DiCamillo 0.0
Deckawoo Drive’s intrepid Animal Control Officer meets her match—or does she? A funny, heartfelt, and fast-paced romp from the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature.

Francine Poulet is the greatest Animal Control Officer in Gizzford County. She hails from a long line of Animal Control Officers. She’s battled snakes, outwitted squirrels, and stared down a bear. "The genuine article," Francine’s dad always called her. She is never scared—until, that is, she’s faced with a screaming raccoon that may or may not be a ghost. Maybe Francine isn’t cut out to be an Animal Control Officer after all! But the raccoon is still on the loose, and the folks on Deckawoo Drive need Francine back. Can she face her fears, round up the raccoon, and return to the ranks of Animal Control? Join a cast of familiar characters—Frank, Stella, Mrs. Watson, and Mercy the porcine wonder—for some riotous raccoon wrangling on Deckawoo Drive.
Кесси Бизли 4.3
Однажды дедушка рассказал своему внуку Мике о цирке Мирандус, который он видел в детстве. Там живет невидимая Тигрица, коварная Женщина-Птица и самый могущественный из могущественных магов - Повелитель света. Вместе с храброй подругой Дженни Мика отправляется на поиски волшебного цирка и загадочного чародея...