Вручение 16 октября 2007 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 16 октября 2007 г.

Букеровская премия

Anne Enright 3.7
Anne Enright is a dazzling writer of international stature and one of Ireland’s most singular voices. Now she delivers The Gathering, a moving, evocative portrait of a large Irish family and a shot of fresh blood into the Irish literary tradition, combining the lyricism of the old with the shock of the new. The nine surviving children of the Hegarty clan are gathering in Dublin for the wake of their wayward brother, Liam, drowned in the sea. His sister, Veronica, collects the body and keeps the dead man company, guarding the secret she shares with him —something that happened in their grandmother’s house in the winter of 1968. As Enright traces the line of betrayal and redemption through three generations her distinctive intelligence twists the world a fraction and gives it back to us in a new and unforgettable light. The Gathering is a daring, witty, and insightful family epic, clarified through Anne Enright’s unblinking eye. It is a novel about love and disappointment, about how memories warp and secrets fester, and how fate is written in the body, not in the stars.
Nicola Barker 5.0
Darkmans is a very modern book, set in Ashford (a ridiculously modern town), about two very old-fashioned subjects: love and jealousy. It’s also a book about invasion, obsession, displacement and possession, about comedy, art, prescription drugs and chiropody. And the main character? The past, which creeps up on the present and whispers something quite dark – quite unspeakable – into its ear.
Mohsin Hamid 3.6
Invited to join the mysterious stranger at a Lahore cafe for tea, you learn his name and what led this speaker of immaculate English to seek you out. For he is more worldly than you might expect; better travelled and better educated. He knows the West better than you do. And as he tells you his story, of how he embraced the Western dream - and a Western woman - and how both betrayed him, so the night darkens. Then the true reason for your meeting becomes abundantly clear...
Ллойд Джонс 4.1
Впервые на русском - всемирный бестселлер новозеландского писателя Ллойда Джонса, вошедший в шорт-лист Букеровской премии, переведенный на десятки языков и экранизированный Эндрю Адамсоном (постановщиком "Шреков" и фильмов о Нарнии), причем главную роль исполнил сам "доктор Хаус" - Хью Лори; фильм выходит на экраны в 2012 году.
Крошечная деревушка на тропическом острове на юге Тихого океана. Все белые улетели в Австралию, с другого конца острова приближается война, школа три месяца как закрыта. И вдруг живущий отшельником мистер Уоттс - единственный оставшийся в деревне белый человек, и никогда прежде не замеченный в склонности к учительству - возобновляет школьные занятия. Дети, говорит он, я познакомлю вас с мистером Диккенсом.
Тринадцатилетняя Матильда и ее друзья готовят для неожиданного визитера список срочных поручений - починить генератор, привезти аспирин и таблетки от малярии...
Иэн Макьюэн 3.8
Они — ​абсолютно разные. И им, таким непохожим, предстоит соединить свою жизнь и стать мужем и женой. Теперь их роднят страх, неуверенность в будущем — ​и сладкое предвкушение свободы. Но что ждет их в браке? Не обманывают ли они друг друга даже наедине? Филигранная в деталях история двух людей расскажет о том, как легко все потерять — ​за одну ночь.
"На берегу" — ​роман, где единственный момент вырастает до размеров вселенной.
Indra Sinha 5.0

Ever since he can remember, Animal has gone on all fours, the catastrophic result of what happened on That Night when, thanks to an American chemical company, the Apocalypse visited his slum. Now not quite twenty, he leads a hand-to-mouth existence with his dog Jara and a crazy old nun called Ma Franci, and spends his nights fantasising about Nisha, the daughter of a local musician, and wondering what it must be like to get laid. When a young American doctor, Elli Barber, comes to town to open a free clinic for the still suffering townsfolk - only to find herself struggling to convince them that she isn't there to do the dirty work of the 'Kampani' - Animal plunges into a web of intrigues, scams and plots with the unabashed aim of turning events to his own advantage. Compellingly honest, entertaining and entirely without self-pity, Animal's account lights our way into his dark world with flashes of pure joy - from the very first page all the way to the story's explosive ending. ANIMAL'S PEOPLE is a stunningly humane work of storytelling that takes us right to the heart of contemporary India.