Вручение 17 октября 2022 г.

Имя лауреата было объявлено заранее, 26 мая 2022 года.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 17 октября 2022 г.

Международная Букеровская премия

Geetanjali Shree 4.5
In northern India, an eighty-year-old woman slips into a deep depression at the death of her husband, then resurfaces to gain a new lease on life. Her determination to fly in the face of convention – including striking up a friendship with a hijra person – confuses her bohemian daughter, who is used to thinking of herself as the more 'modern' of the two.

To her family’s consternation, Ma insists on travelling to Pakistan, simultaneously confronting the unresolved trauma of her teenage experiences of Partition, and re-evaluating what it means to be a mother, a daughter, a woman, a feminist.

Rather than respond to tragedy with seriousness, Geetanjali Shree's playful tone and exuberant wordplay results in a book that is engaging, funny, and utterly original, at the same time as being an urgent and timely protest against the destructive impact of borders and boundaries, whether between religions, countries, or genders.
Ольга Токарчук 3.9
Середина XVIII века. Новые идеи и новые волнения охватывают весь континент. В это время молодой еврей, Яков Франк, прибывает в маленькую деревню в Польше. Именно здесь и начинается его паломничество, которое за десятилетие соберет небывалое количество последователей. Яков Франк пересечет Габсбургскую и Османскую империи, снова и снова изобретая себя самого. Он перейдет в ислам, в католицизм, подвергнется позорному столбу как еретик и будет почитаться как Мессия. За хаосом его мысли будет наблюдать весь мир, перешептываясь о странных ритуалах его секты.
История Якова Франка — реальной исторической личности, вокруг которой по сей день ведутся споры, — идеальное полотно для гениальности и беспримерного размаха Ольги Токарчук.
Рассказывая с точки зрения его современников — тех, кто почитает его, тех, кто ругает его, тех, кто любит его, и тех, кто в конечном итоге предает его, — "Книги Якова" запечатлевают мир на пороге крутых перемен и вдохновляют веру в себя и свои возможности.
Клаудиа Пиньейро 4.3
Дочь Элены находят повешенной на церковной колокольне. Полиция уверена: это самоубийство, но Элена не верит, что её Рита могла пойти на такой отчаянный шаг. Она хочет провести собственное расследование и отправиться через весь город к человеку, способному всё прояснить. Но сделать это не так уж и просто — всему виной тяжкая, сковывающая тисками болезнь Паркинсона, с которой Элена вынуждена бороться день изо дня.
Бора Чон 3.6
Cursed Bunny is a genre-defying collection of short stories by Korean author Bora Chung. Blurring the lines between magical realism, horror, and science-fiction, Chung uses elements of the fantastic and surreal to address the very real horrors and cruelties of patriarchy and capitalism in modern society. Anton Hur's translation skilfully captures the way Chung's prose effortlessly glides from being terrifying to wryly humorous. Winner of a PEN/Heim Grant.

Jon Fosse 0.0
Asle is an ageing painter and widower who lives alone on the southwest coast of Norway. In nearby Bjørgvin another Asle, also a painter, is lying in the hospital, consumed by alcoholism. Asle and Asle are doppelgängers - two versions of the same person, two versions of the same life, both grappling with existential questions.

In this final instalment of Jon Fosse's Septology, the major prose work by 'the Beckett of the twenty-first century' (Le Monde), we follow the lives of the two Asles as younger adults in flashbacks: the narrator meets his lifelong love, Ales; joins the Catholic Church; and makes a living by trying to paint away all the pictures stuck in his mind. A New Name: Septology VI-VII is a transcendent exploration of the human condition, and a radically other reading experience - incantatory, hypnotic, and utterly unique.
Mieko Kawakami 4.1
In Heaven, a fourteen-year old boy is tormented for having a lazy eye. Instead of resisting, he chooses to suffer in silence. The only person who understands what he is going through is a female classmate, Kojima, who experiences similar treatment at the hands of her bullies. Providing each other with immeasurable consolation at a time in their lives when they need it most, the two young friends grow closer than ever. But what, ultimately, is the nature of a friendship when your shared bond is terror?

Unflinching yet tender, sharply observed, intimate and multi-layered, this simple yet profound novel stands as yet another dazzling testament to Mieko Kawakami's uncontainable talent. There can be little doubt that it has cemented her reputation as one of the most important young authors at work today.
Давид Гроссман 4.0
From the internationally best-selling author--and revered moral voice--a remarkable novel of suffering, love, and healing, the story of three generations of women and a secret that needs to be told.

More Than I Love My Life is the story of three strong women: Vera, age ninety; her daughter, Nina; and her granddaughter, Gili, who at thirty-nine is a filmmaker and a wary consumer of affection. A bitter secret divides each mother-and-daughter pair, though Gili--abandoned by Nina when she was just three--has always been close to her grandmother. With Gili making the arrangements, they travel together to Goli Otok, a barren island off the coast of Croatia, where Vera was imprisoned and tortured for three years as a young wife after she refused to betray her husband and denounce him as an enemy of the people. This unlikely journey--filtered through the lens of Gili's camera, as she seeks to make a film that might help explain her life--lays bare the intertwining of fear, love, and mercy, and the complex overlapping demands of romantic and parental passion.

More Than I Love My Life was inspired by the true story of one of David Grossman's longtime confidantes, a woman who, in the early 1950s, was held on the notorious Goli Otok (the Adriatic Alcatraz). With flashbacks to the stalwart Vera protecting what was most precious on the wretched rock where she was held, and Grossman's fearless examination of the human heart, this swift novel will thrill his many readers and bring new ones into the fold.
Фернанда Мельчор 4.0
"Парадайс" – элитный жилой комплекс, который связал двух друзей-неудачников, толстяка Франко Андраде, порнозависимого, пускающего слюни на красивую соседку, и долговязого Поло, уставшего от наставлений матери садовника этого райского местечка. Недовольство героев перерастает в напряжение, стремящееся к пугающей кульминации – в хмельном угаре парни спланировали кое-что очень плохое…

Старое доброе ультранасилие по-мексикански. Взрывоопасная смесь гнева, липкого эротизма, одинокого отчаяния и умирающего мачизма заставляет переосмыслить реальность и понятие социальной справедливости.
Sang Young Park 4.1
A funny, transporting, surprising, and poignant novel that was one of the highest-selling debuts of recent years in Korea, Love in the Big City tells the story of a young gay man searching for happiness in the lonely city of Seoul.

Love in the Big City is the English-language debut of Sang Young Park, one of Korea’s most exciting young writers. A runaway bestseller, the novel hit the top five lists of all the major bookstores, went into twenty-six printings, and was praised for its unique literary voice and perspective. It is now poised to capture a worldwide readership.

Young is a cynical yet fun-loving Korean student who pinballs from home to class to the beds of recent Tinder matches. He and Jaehee, his female best friend and roommate, frequent nearby bars where they push away their anxieties about their love lives, families, and money with rounds of soju and ice-cold Marlboro Reds that they keep in their freezer. Yet over time, even Jaehee leaves Young to settle down, leaving him alone to care for his ailing mother and to find companionship in his relationships with a series of men, including one whose handsomeness is matched by his coldness, and another who might end up being the great love of his life.

A brilliantly written novel that takes us into the glittering nighttime of Seoul and the bleary-eyed morning after with both humor and emotion, Love in the Big City is a wry portrait of millennial loneliness as well as the abundant joys of queer life.
Norman Erikson Pasaribu 2.0
Playful, shape-shifting and emotionally charged, Happy Stories, Mostly is a collection of twelve stories that queer the norm. Inspired by Simone Weil’s concept of ‘decreation’, and often drawing on Batak and Christian cultural elements, these tales put queer characters in situations and plots conventionally filled by hetero characters.

The stories talk to each other, echo phrases and themes, and even shards of stories within other stories, passing between airports, stacks of men’s lifestyle magazines and memories of Toy Story 3, such that each one almost feels like a puzzle piece of a larger whole, but with crucial facts – the saddest ones, the happiest ones – omitted, forgotten, unbearable.

A blend of science fiction, absurdism and alternative-historical realism, Happy Stories, Mostly is a powerful puff of fresh air, aimed at destabilising the heteronormative world and exposing its underlying absences.
Violaine Huisman 0.0
A gorgeous, critically acclaimed debut novel about a young woman coming of age with a dazzling yet damaged mother who lived and loved in extremes.

A prizewinning tour de force when it was published in France, Violaine Huisman’s remarkable debut novel is about a daughter’s inextinguishable love for her magnetic, mercurial mother. Beautiful and charismatic, Catherine, a.k.a. “Maman,” smokes too much, drives too fast, laughs too hard, and loves too extravagantly. During a joyful and chaotic childhood in Paris, her daughter Violaine wouldn’t have it any other way.

But when Maman is hospitalized after a third divorce and a breakdown, everything changes. Even as Violaine and her sister long for their mother’s return, once she’s back Maman’s violent mood swings and flagrant disregard for personal boundaries soon turn their home into an emotional landmine. As the story of Catherine’s own traumatic childhood and adolescence unfolds, the pieces come together to form an indelible portrait of a mother as irresistible as she is impossible, as triumphant as she is transgressive.

With spectacular ferocity of language, a streak of dark humor, and stunning emotional bravery, The Book of Mother is an exquisitely wrought story of a mother’s dizzying heights and devastating lows, and a daughter who must hold her memory close in order to let go.
Paulo Scott 0.0
Federico and Lorenço are brothers. Their father is black, a famed forensic pathologist for the police; their mother is white. Federico – distant, angry, analytical – has light skin, which means he’s always been able to avoid the worst of the racism Brazilian culture has to offer. He can ‘pass’ as white, and yet, because of this, he has devoted his life to racial justice. Lorenço, on the other hand, is dark-skinned, easy-going, and well-liked in the brothers’ hometown of Porto Alegre—and has become a father himself.

As Federico’s fiftieth birthday looms, he joins a governmental committee in the capital. It is tasked with quelling the increasingly violent student protests rocking Brazil by overseeing the design of a piece of software that will adjudicate the degree to which each university applicant is sufficiently black to warrant admittance under new affirmative-action quotas. Before he can come to grips with his feelings about this initiative, not to mention a budding romance with one of his committee colleagues, Federico is called home: his niece has just been arrested at a protest carrying a concealed gun. And not just any gun. A stolen police service revolver that he and Lorenço hid for a friend decades before. A gun used in a killing.

Paulo Scott here probes the old wounds of race in Brazil, and in particular the loss of a black identity independent from the history of slavery. Exploratory rather than didactic, a story of crime, street-life and regret as much as a satirical novel of ideas, Phenotypes is a seething masterpiece of rage and reconciliation.
Йонас Эйка 2.3
Сборник "После солнца" моментально завоевал популярность в странах Европы, поскольку затрагивает резонансные и провокационные темы. Пять историй – "Алвин", две части "Мексиканской шавки", "Рэйчел, Невада", "Я, Рори и Аврора" - это смелые фантазии о мире в эпоху глобализации, о сексуальности, темной стороне капитализма и людских желаниях. Воображаемое и гиперреалистичное то и дело балансируют на острие пера автора, в очередной раз доказывая, что в гротеске сокрыта поразительная красота.