• How Proust can change your life Ален Боттон
    ISBN: 9781509870691
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Picador

    A novel in seven volumes, Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time is considered a major literary work of the twentieth century. And even more crucially, one that you should have read by now. However, as one of its most distinguishing features is its staggering length, many of us feel intimidated and perhaps, even, fatigued at the thought of diving in. Alain de Botton’s hilarious and unexpected Proustian manual, is then, the perfect antidote to this problem. In How Proust Can Change Your Life, de Botton masterfully distils what Proust says about friendship, reading, being alive and taking your time, and mixes it with his own, no less…

  • Как Пруст может изменить вашу жизнь Ален де Боттон
    ISBN: 978-5-699-70094-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Когда вы в последний раз внимательно оглядывались по сторонам? Неторопливо прогуливались по хорошо знакомому бульвару? Или сидели в кафе за чашкой чая с любимым пирожным, разглядывая из-за стекла бегущих по делам прохожих? Сегодня для многих из нас эти мелочи – роскошь, почти непозволительная. Оценить их и понять, что именно из таких пустяков складывается само время, на взгляд швейцарского писателя Алена де Боттона, получается у немногих. Точнее всего это удалось едва ли не самому загадочному и многогранному писателю ХХ века – Марселю Прусту. Его книги вовсе не бездонный омут или многоэтажный лабиринт, а напоминание о том, как найти…

  • How Proust Can Change Your Life Alain de Botton
    ISBN: 978-0-330-35491-2
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    The starting point of How Proust Can Change Your Life is that a great novel can be nothing less than life-transforming. This is an unusual claim: our education system, while stressing that novels are highly worthwhile, rarely investigates why this is so. How Proust Can Change Your Life takes Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time as the basis for a sustained investigation into the power and significance of literature. Proust’s novel, almost a byword for obscurity and irrelevance, emerges as an invaluable source of insight into the workings of love, society, art and the meaning of existence. The book reveals Proust’s thoughts on how to…

  • How Proust Can Change Your Life Alain de Botton
    ISBN: 0679779159
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский

    Alain de Botton combines two unlikely genres--literary biography and self-help manual--in the hilarious and unexpectedly practical How Proust Can Change Your Life. Who would have thought that Marcel Proust, one of the most important writers of our century, could provide us with such a rich source of insight into how best to live life? Proust understood that the essence and value of life was the sum of its everyday parts. As relevant today as they were at the turn of the century, Proust's life and work are transformed here into a no-nonsense guide to, among other things, enjoying your vacation, reviving a relationship, achieving original…
