Сверхъестественный Новый Орлеан — 174 книги — стр. 9

В жемчужине штата Луизиана есть место и вампирам, и вуду, и прочей нечисти.

Заполняется периодически - по мере нахождения.

Если понадобится какая-то книга из списка - обращайтесь в лс (в случае чего, могу добавить на полку)

My Immortal
Erin McCarthy
Год издания:2007
Серия:Seven Deadly Sins #1

In the late eighteenth century, plantation owner Damien du Bourg struck an unholy bargain with a fallen angel: an eternity of inspiring lust in others for the gift of immortality.…

Erin McCarthy
Год издания:2008
Серия:Seven Deadly Sins #2

Forever cursed.

Forever FALLEN.

New Orleans, 1840s. Sent to watch over the decadent city, the angel Gabriel loses himself in the liquid pleasure of absinthe. So when his…

The Taking
Erin McCarthy
Год издания:2010
Серия:Seven Deadly Sins #3

Heiress Regan Henry knows that passion can be an illusion, and she keeps her emotions in check-until she falls under the spell of the beguiling Felix LeBlanc. He knows that the…

Sins of the Flesh
Дж. К. Уайлдер
Год издания:2002
Серия:Shadow Dweller #5

In the heart of New Orleans, a new evil has arrived in town ... a rash of mysterious deaths is plaguing the preternatural world. Vampires are turning up dead in a fashion unlike…

Дж. К. Уайлдер
Год издания:2002
Серия:Shadow Dweller #6

Damien St. James isn't looking for the love of his life... After the death of his love, Sinjin has sworn off serious relationships. As the owner of one of the most popular bars in…

Lauren Dane
Год издания:2005
Издательство:Ellora's Cave
Серия:Witches Knot #1

Lee Charvez is a witch in a family where all of the women are born with inherent gifts of power. She is a witch dreamer, she has the ability to walk in dreams and the subconscious…

Vengeance Due
Lauren Dane
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Ellora's Cave
Серия:Witches Knot #3

Simone Charvez admits she's high maintenance, but she's also more than the pretty piece of fluff everyone seems to take her for.

When Kael Gardener walks into her shop tattoos,…

Thrice United
Lauren Dane
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Ellora's Cave
Серия:Witches Knot #4

It all started with a deck of tarot cards. Holly knew she had some kind of magical gift but she had always been forbidden to even speak of it by her now-deceased mother. Alone and…

Summer Heat
Джеси Бартон
Год издания:2004
Издательство:Ellora's Cave
Серия:Storm for All Seasons #1

A Storm for All Seasons - Summer Heat By Jaci Burton Aidan Storm is part of a unique New Orleans family whose magical connection with the weather goes back many years. Aidan uses…

Fall Fury
Джеси Бартон
Год издания:2004
Издательство:Ellora's Cave
Серия:Storm for All Seasons #2

Shannon Storm is the feisty, independent director of Public Relations for her family-run hotel, The Rising Storm. She's less than thrilled at the arrival of Max Devlin, hotshot PR…

Winter Ice
Джеси Бартон
Год издания:2004
Издательство:Ellora's Cave
Серия:Storm for All Seasons #3

Control is everything to Logan Storm. Control over the family business, the Rising Storm Hotel in New Orleans, control over his emotions, and control over the magic within him.…

Spring Rain
Джеси Бартон
Год издания:2005
Издательство:Ellora's Cave
Серия:Storm for All Seasons #4

Kaitlyn Storm has loved Brett McGregor since she was seventeen, even before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she was breathless. But Brett pushed her away, not…

Fever Season
Barbara Hambly
Год издания:1999
Серия:Benjamin January (#2)

Benjamin January made his debut in bestselling author Barbara Hambly's A Free Man of Color, a haunting mélange of history and mystery. Now he returns in another novel of greed,…

Заклинание для спецагента
Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най
Год издания:2002
Серия:Век Дракона

Жребий рок-звезды, как известно, труден - а порою чреват и реальными опасностями!
Безумные фэны? До черта и больше!
Идиотские статьи в мировой прессе? Чертова уйма!
Все вместе?…

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