Джон Стэк

John Stack

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Лучшие книги Джона Стэка

  • Корабль Рима Джон Стэк
    ISBN: 978-5-699-48355-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    III в. до н.э. Два могучих государства - республиканский Рим и Карфаген - вступили в смертельную схватку. Но победы на суше не являются решающими. Лишь тот, кто властвует на Средиземном море, победит в этой войне. Флот карфагенян силен, их флотоводцы опытны. Рим же обладает лишь небольшими кораблями, способными плавать в прибрежных водах. Республике нужно срочно построить военные суда и обучить моряков. За плечами римлянина центуриона Септимия двенадцать лет воинской службы, он закален дисциплиной и битвами. Капитан Аттик - грек, для римлян человек второго сорта, опыт морехода получил в сражениях с пиратами, наводившими ужас на…

  • Armada Джон Стэк
    ISBN: 9780007389889
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    The author of the Masters of the Sea series, is back with a standalone battle book that will blow all others out of the water.1587. Two nations are locked in bitter conflict. One strives for dominance, the other for survival.After decades of religious strife, Elizabeth sits on the throne of England. The reformation continues. Catholic revolts have been ruthlessly quashed, and Elizabeth has ordered the execution of her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots. On the continent bloody religious wars rage, but England stands apart, her surrounding seas keeping her safe from the land armies of her would-be enemies. Only at sea do the English show their teeth. Sea captains and adventurers, hungry for the spoils of trade from the Spanish Main, regularly attack the gold-laden galleons of Catholic Spain. They are terriers nipping at the feet of war-horses but their victories disrupt the treasury of Spain, England's greatest threat, and Elizabeth's refusal to rein in her sea-captains further antagonises Philip II.Thomas Varian is a captain in Drake's formidable navy, rising quickly through the ranks. But he guards a secret – one for which he would pay with his life if discovered: he is a Catholic. He is about to find his conflicting loyalty to his religion, to his Queen, and to his country tested under the most formidable of circumstances: facing the mighty Armada. Unknown to Varian, he will also be facing his long-estranged father, who is fighting on the side of the Spanish enemy…
  • Captain of Rome Джон Стэк
    ISBN: 9780007351800
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    The second installment of the thrilling maritime adventure; two mighty empires battle each other for control of the high seas.Atticus is the young captain of the Aquila, the flagship of the attack fleet of the Roman navy. But his commander is a young upstart whose position has been purchased rather than earned. Bound to obey his inexperienced commander's rash orders, Atticus sails straight into a carefully-laid trap. In the battle that follows, it is only by defying his commander that he can pull his men back from the brink of defeat.But Atticus will pay a high price for his defiance, and, as he is summoned to Rome, he realises he has created a powerful enemy. And, despite his friendship with Septimus, a Roman centurion, Atticus is dangerously unversed in the politics of the Roman senate.So, Atticus finds himself facing battles both at sea against an ever-more ferocious enemy and on his own ship by those close to home who want their revenge.Culminating in one of the greatest sea battles of classical times, Captain of Rome is a stirring and powerful novel and John Stack is a born storyteller.
  • Masters of the Sea Trilogy: Ship of Rome, Captain of Rome, Master of Rome Джон Стэк
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    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    The trilogy of John Stack’s brilliant MASTERS OF THE SEA about the clash of the Roman and Carthaginian empires and the battle for sovereignty that rips up the high seas, here in a complete ebook for the first time.John Stack’s MASTERS OF THE SEA trilogy brings to life the high politics and naval action endured on the high seas.SHIP OF ROME brings to life the tremendous clash of the Roman and Carthaginian empires through the battle for sovereignty that takes place on the high seas. At the helm is Atticus, captain of Rome’s coastal fleet. And with his fledgling Roman navy, staffed with inexperience sailors and unwilling legionaries, they are about to face an enemy who is far superior.CAPTAIN OF ROME sees Atticus iup against his commander, a young upstart whose position has been purchased rather than earned. Bound to obey his inexperienced commander's rash orders, Atticus sails straight into a carefully-laid trap. In the battle that follows, it is only by defying his commander that he can pull his men back from the brink of defeat.MASTER OF ROME finds Atticus as commander of the growing Roman navy, blockading a port near Tunis, when the Roman legions suffer terrible defeat by the triumphant Carthaginian army. He and his ships escape together with the main body of the Roman fleet out manoeuvred by the more skilful Carthaginians and then caught and almost completely annihilated by a terrible storm. Atticus and his crew are among the handful of survivors and being the messenger of this news to the Senate in Rome brings Atticus into political troubles, almost as stormy as the sea.
  • Master of Rome Джон Стэк
    ISBN: 9780007432448
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    A stirring adventure novel set amid the tumultuous clashes between the Roman and Carthaginian empires, battling for control of the Mediterranean, north Africa and Rome itself.Atticus, the young Greek captain, is now a commander of the growing Roman navy, blockading a port near Tunis, when the Roman legions suffer terrible defeat by the triumphant Carthaginian army, spearheaded by the elephant charges. He and his ships escape together with the main body of the Roman fleet out manoevred by the more skillful Carthaginians and then caught and almost completely annhilated by a terrible storm.Atticus and his crew are among the handful of survivors and being the messenger of this news to the Senta in Rome brings Atticus into political troubles, almost as stormy as the sea. He begins to feel not onlt that a greek will never be accepted by the Romans but also that the behaviour of many, noth politicians and soldiers, is such that he is not sure that he wants to be a Roman.Full of dramatic battles by land and sea, led by tremendous characters on both sides, MASTER OF ROME is a powerful novel, the third in this bestselling series by a born storyteller.