Вручение 17 ноября 2021 г. — стр. 2

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Нью-Йорк, Cipriani Wall Street Дата проведения: 17 ноября 2021 г.

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Гэ Фэй 0.0
In 1898 reformist intellectuals in China persuaded the young emperor that it was time to transform his sclerotic empire into a prosperous modern state. The Hundred Days’ Reform that followed was a moment of unprecedented change and extraordinary hope—brought to an abrupt end by a bloody military coup. Dashed expectations would contribute to the revolutionary turn that Chinese history would soon take, leading in time to the deaths of millions.

Peach Blossom Paradise, set at the time of the reform, is the story of Xiumi, the daughter of a wealthy landowner and former government official who falls prey to insanity and disappears. Days later, a man with a gold cicada in his pocket turns up at his estate and is inexplicably welcomed as a relative. This mysterious man has a great vision of reforging China as an egalitarian utopia, and he will stop at nothing to make it real. It is his own plans, however, which come to nothing, and his “little sister” Xiumi is left to take up arms against a Confucian world in which women are chattel. Her campaign for change and her struggle to seize control over her own body are continually threatened by the violent whims of men who claim to be building paradise.
Бенхамин Лабатут 4.2
В научно-популярных книгах обычно воспеваются чудесные достижения науки в области прикладной математики, теоретической физики, химии, освоения космоса и шире, научного познания мира. Бенхамин Лабатут выбирает совсем другой угол зрения. Его новаторское «художественное произведение, основанное на реальных событиях» (хотя лучше было бы назвать этот текст нон-фикшен романом, поскольку большинство персонажей, среди которых Фриц Габер, Нильс Бор, Вернер Гейзенберг, Александр Гротендик, Эрвин Шрёдингер и др., — исторические личности, а значительная часть повествования базируется на исторических фактах) скорее воспевает чувство тревоги, сопутствующее великим научным открытиям, и обращается к темной стороне рациональности. Роман, переведенный на двадцать два языка, вошел в шорт-лист международного Букера в 2021 году и стал заметным литературным событием.
Самар Язбек 0.0
Rima, a young girl from Damascus, longs to walk, to be free to follow the will of her feet, but instead is perpetually constrained. Rima finds refuge in a fantasy world full of colored crayons, secret planets, and The Little Prince, reciting passages of the Qur’an like a mantra as everything and everyone around her is blown to bits. Since Rima hardly ever speaks, people think she’s crazy, but she is no fool—the madness is in the battered city around her. One day while taking a bus through Damascus, a soldier opens fire and her mother is killed. Rima, wounded, is taken to a military hospital before her brother leads her to the besieged area of Ghouta—where, between bombings, she writes her story. In Planet of Clay, Samar Yazbek offers a surreal depiction of the horrors taking place in Syria, in vivid and poetic language and with a sharp eye for detail and beauty.
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