Вручение 2007 г.

Премия вручалась за 2006 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2007 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Нэнси Пикард 3.8
В ту ночь даже природа, казалось, заметала следы чужих грехов. Обнаженное женское тело почти полностью засыпало снегом, когда местный шериф со своими взрослыми сыновьями обнаружили его. Прошло семнадцать лет с тех пор, как девушку похоронили в безымянной могиле. Ходили слухи, что она святая и дарует исцеление от болезней. Но для Рекса, нового шерифа, это была женщина из плоти и крови, которую он безответно любил при жизни. Ее смерть ничего не изменила. Пришло время вытащить скелеты из шкафов уважаемых горожан.
Бенджамин Блэк 3.7
Дублин 50-х годов. Город, тихие улочки которого порой напоминают лабиринт жестоких и мрачных секретов. Здесь ограбления и убийства происходят каждый день, а человеческая жизнь стоит совсем недорого. В этом твердо уверен талантливый патологоанатом Квирк, пятнадцать лет назад потерявший жену. Однажды ночью он застает в своем кабинете сводного брата Мэла, подделывающего свидетельство о смерти молодой женщины. Квирк выясняет, что диагноз был поставлен абсолютно неверно, и несчастная умерла при родах. Роковая врачебная ошибка? Неужели Мэл, известный в городе акушер, пытался спасти свою профессиональную карьеру? Или дело тут совсем в другом? Квирк начинает собственное расследование - и вскоре понимает: за всем происходящим стоят богатые и влиятельные люди, которые пойдут на все, лишь бы их тайны никогда не увидели свет...
Джейсон Гудвин 3.5
Яшии - дознаватель султана. Он не раз оказывал неоценимые услуги правящему дому Турции.
Но на этот раз ему предстоит раскрыть очень сложное дело.
Кто-то убивает офицеров Новой гвардии султана и совершает жестокое надругательство над их телами.
Убийца - опасный безумец?
За преступлениями стоят заговорщики или иностранные шпионы?
Яшим теряется в догадках, но внезапно ему в руки попадает листок с суфийским изречением, проливающий совершенно неожиданный свет на мотивы преступлений...
Питер Робинсон 3.9
В сентябре 1969 года в Северном Йоркшире, на Бримлейском фестивале, заколота ударом ножа в сердце девушка-хиппи, Линда Лофтхаус; а в октябре 2005-го убит кочергой музыкальный критик, обозреватель Николас Барбер. Следствие приходит к выводу: оба преступления - дело рук одного злодея, и двумя жертвами он не ограничился.
Denise Mina 0.0
Paddy Meehan thought she'd be farther along in her career as an investigative journalist by now. But three years after breaking a big story, she's still on perpetual night shift, chasing police calls for a story that will promote her out of a twilight existence that makes candy bars and coffee a medical necessity. With her father and brothers unemployed and her family perilously short of money, she needs the work. The domestic dispute at a house in a wealthy suburb seems like nothing unusual - at first. The elegant blonde in the shadows bleeding from a head injury doesn't want any help; and the well-dressed, ingratiating man at the front door tells Paddy everything's fine and that she should leave. And then he asks her to make sure nothing appears in the paper, slipping cash into her hand before he closes the door. The next morning, Paddy sees the lead TV news story: the blonde woman had been tortured, beaten, and left to die. The untraceable man was neither her boyfriend nor her husband, and Paddy can't understand why the victim passed up the chance to walk through the door and live. Far from the spoiled trophy wife Paddy assumed her to be, the victim was a prosecution lawyer with a social conscience that clashed with her privileged background. Soon Paddy begins to make connections no one else has seen, and after she witnesses the body of a suicide being pulled from the river, she finds surprising links between the two deaths. It's the story Paddy's dreamed of, but she'll lose all credibility if word gets out about the bribe. The police who attended the call are twisting the evidence for reasons of their own, and her boss at the newspaper is impatient with Paddy's unproven hunches. Only Paddy cares enough to pursue a dark and brutal truth that could make her career - or kill her.
Julia Spencer-Fleming 0.0
One horrible murder. Two people destined for love or tragedy. Emotions explode in the novel Julia Spencer-Fleming's readers have been clamoring for.

Police Chief Russ Van Alstyne's first encounter with Clare Fergusson was in the hospital emergency room on a freezing December night. A newborn infant had been abandoned on the town's Episcopal church steps. If Russ had known that the church had a new priest, he certainly would never have guessed that it would be a woman. Not a woman like Clare. That night in the hospital was the beginning of an attraction so fierce, so forbidden, that the only thing that could keep them safe from compromising their every belief was distance---but in a small town like Millers Kill, distance is hard to find.

Russ Van Alstyne figures his wife kicking him out of their house is nobody's business but his own. Until a neighbor pays a friendly visit to Linda Van Alstyne ­and finds the woman's body, gruesomely butchered, on the kitchen floor. To the state police, it's an open-and-shut case of a disaffected husband, silencing first his wife, then the murder investigation he controls. To the townspeople, it's proof that the whispered gossip about the police chief and the priest was true. To the powers-that-be in the church hierarchy, it's a chance to control their wayward cleric once and for all.

Obsession. Lies. Nothing is as it seems in Millers Kill, where betrayal twists old friendships and evil waits inside quaint white clapboard farmhouses.

Лучший дебютный детектив

Ник Стоун 3.8
Десять миллионов долларов - награда, которую американский магнат Густав Карвер предлагает частному детективу Максу Мингусу, если тот найдет его маленького внука Чарли, два года назад исчезнувшего на Гаити.
Похищение? Но преступники не просили выкупа...
Убийство? Однако тело ребенка так и не было обнаружено...
Свидетели уверены: Чарли - одна из многочисленных жертв таинственного Мистера Кларнета, согласно местной легенде, уносящего оставленных без присмотра детей в Страну мертвых...
Но Максу ясно: легендами здесь и не пахнет.
Под маской Мистера Кларнета скрывается человек, хитростью и жестокостью превосходящий самых безжалостных хищников.
Джейн К. Клиланд 3.6
Кому и зачем понадобилось убивать мистера Гранта - респектабельного пожилого джентльмена, много лет прожившего в маленьком городке Новой Англии?
Шеф местной полиции Альварес, ведущий расследование, приходит к выводу: преступник охотится за тремя бесценными картинами, которые Грант, по слухам, незаконно приобрел во время Второй мировой войны.
Существовали ли эти шедевры в действительности?
Чтобы удостовериться в этом, он вынужден подключить к расследованию известного эксперта Джози Прескотт.
Однако вскоре выясняется, что на ноже, которым убили Гранта, остались отпечатки пальцев Джози.
Теперь именно она - главная подозреваемая.
И чтобы доказать свою невиновность, ей необходимо вычислить настоящего убийцу...
Джон Харт 3.7
Через полтора года после загадочного исчезновения Эзры Пикенса, главы юридической империи, найдено его тело. На сына, адвоката Джексона Воркмэна, известного больше как Ворк, падает подозрение, как, впрочем, и на его сестру Джин. Поток лжи прорывает эмоциональную защиту Ворка. Он всегда находился в тени могущественного, властного отца, но жизнь Джин была полностью разрушена Эзрой. И все же - способна ли она стать убийцей? Опасаясь за жизнь сестры, Ворк начинает собственное расследование. Он сражается за спасение Джин, за свое доброе имя и любовь женщины, которой отдал сердце много лет назад.
Трой Кук 0.0
What if your father raised you to be a bank robber? Instead of Barbie & Ken, you played with Smith & Wesson? And now youre twenty-two and ready to flee the nest, but your homicidal pop won't let you go? Thats the simple part of Taras life. When she and her dad score their biggest heist ever, Taras life of adventure takes a frightening turn. Theyre pursued by a couple of dangerous ex-partners and a special task force of federal agents. Thats when Tara falls for the son of the local sheriff. Like her daddy says, Its always something
Корнелия Рид 0.0
Madeline Dare would be the first to tell you her money is so old there's none left. A former socialite from an aristocratic family in decline, Maddie is a tough-talking, would-be journalist exiled to the rust belt of upstate New York. Her prospects for changing her dreary lifestyle seem dim--until a set of dog tags found at a decades-old murder site is linked to her family. Shocked into action, Maddie embarks on a search that takes her from the derelict smokestacks of Syracuse to the posh mansions of Long Island's Gold Coast. But instead of the warm refuge of home, this prodigal daughter soon uncovers dark, sinister secrets that will violently challenge everything she believes in and holds dear.

Памяти Сью Федер за лучший исторический роман

Rhys Bowen 0.0
Irish immigrant-turned-private detective Molly Murphy comes to the aid of handsome NYPD captain Daniel Sullivan, who has been arrested for accepting bribes, as she sets out to prove that he has been framed, while also being drawn into the case of serial killer who has already murdered five prostitutes, in a mystery set in early 1900s New York.
Жаклин Уинспир 3.6
Англия, начало 30-х годов. Незаурядный художник Николас Бассингтон-Хоуп погибает, упав со строительных лесов в галерее, накануне своей долгожданной выставки. Случившееся выглядит как классический несчастный случай, и тем не менее сестра художника обращается к частной сыщице Мейзи Доббс с просьбой выяснить, кто же убил ее брата.
Бретт Эллен Блок 0.0
The tale of Detective Martin Emmett as he tracks a killer through the underground tunnels of Newark while the city above erupts in race riots.

Lightning never strikes the same spot twice. Or so the saying goes. But Detective Martin Emmett has stumbled upon an exception to the rule. The year is 1967 and the city of Newark, New Jersey is in the grip of a heat wave, bringing the racial tension that has been simmering for months to a boil. When the body of a black teenage boy is discovered in a subway tunnel, one finger cut from his hand, Emmett gets the case. The severed finger sounds similar to another report the reluctant, young Homicide detective read while banished to desk duty by his spiteful Lieutenant, who offers him a deal: solve the potentially incendiary murder quickly and quietly, then Emmett can return to regular duty. With his career on the line, Emmett sets out to do just that and discovers that somebody has been abducting young boys, using the sewers under the city as a maze in which to hunt and kill them in a twisted game of predator and prey. Set against the background of the infamous, real life race riot that tore through Newark in 1967, bringing the police force to its knees, Emmett must track the killer before the next hunt begins.
Барбара Клеверли 0.0
London. 1926. One war is over, another is beginning, and murder is sealed with a kiss....

At midnight she was ravishing: a tall redhead wearing emeralds and a low-cut dress. An hour later, in her room at the Ritz, she was dead, the jewels torn from her bludgeoned body. Thus begins Barbara Cleverly’s ingenious novel, another masterpiece of suspense from the CWA Golden Dagger Award—winning author.

With the help of a former comrade-at-arms and a society girl turned constable, Scotland Yard Inspector Joe Sandilands enters into the private world of Dame Beatrice Jagow-Joliffe–a hive of state secrets and sexual extravagance.

But as The Dame’s affairs are exposed, the case takes a sudden, strange turn. Because what Sandilands is about to discover are deceptions that go far beyond salacious scandal to betrayals that strike at the heart of a nation . . . and the ruthless heart of a killer.
Anne Perry 4.0
For countless readers, one of life's great pleasures is the mesmerizing magic of a Victorian mystery by New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry. Her dramas of good and evil unfolding inside London's lavish mansions and teeming slums hold us spellbound. Now, in Dark Assassin, she sweeps us into a darkly compelling world that we never dreamed existed.
A Thames River Police superintendent struggling to win the respect of his men, William Monk is on a patrol boat near Waterloo Bridge when he notices a young couple standing at the bridge railing, apparently engaged in an intense discussion. The woman waves her arms and places her hands on the man's shoulders. A caress or a push? The man grasps hold of her. To save her or to kill her? Seconds later, the pair plunge to their death in the icy waters. Monk can't help but wonder, was it an accident, a suicide, or a murder? It seems impossible to determine the truth, but haunted by the woman's somber beauty, he is impelled to try.
Mary Havilland was her name, and she had planned to marry Toby Argyll, the fair-haired man who shared her fate. Mary's father, an engineer employed by the Argyll Company, had recently died-a suicide, according to the police and Mary's sister. But Mary's friends tell Monk that she suspected her father had been murdered because of his stubborn insistence that the Argyll Company's current project-the construction of a splendid new sewer system for the metropolis-was so badly flawed that it put the entire city in peril from flood and fire.
Monk is now faced with the mysteries of the three deaths. Aided by his intrepid wife Hester, he starts looking for answers and is soon treading a slippery path that takes him from the luxurious drawing rooms where powerful men hatch their unscrupulous plots to a world beneath the city where poor folk fight starvation. In nightmarish tunnels, Monk and Hester find true friends, among them Scuff, a young mudlark; Sutton the ratcatcher; and Snoot, Sutton's clever terrier. For once, even Monk's old enemy, Superintendent Runcorn, is on his side. As rainfall strains the fragile manmade underground, Monk must connect the clues before death strikes again.
With characters as vivid as Dickens's, gripping courtroom scenes, breathless horrors beneath the earth, and a plot that twists and turns toward a stunning denouement, Dark Assassin is absolutely one of Anne Perry's best. "From the Hardcover edition."

Лучшая документальная книга

Джим Хуан, Austin Lugar 0.0
For a follow-up to our Agatha and Anthony-award winning collections of essays, 100 FAVORITE MYSTERIES OF THE CENTURY (2000) and THEY DIED IN VAIN: OVERLOOKED, UNDERAPPRECIATED AND FORGOTTEN MYSTERY NOVELS (2003), we asked 100 published mystery writers: "Did a mystery set you on your path to being a writer? Is there a classic mystery that remains important to you today?" Find their answers in: MYSTERY MUSES: 100 CLASSICS THAT INSPIRE TODAY'S MYSTERY WRITERS.