Вручение 2015 г.

Премия вручалась за 2014 год.

Премия Деррика Мердока (Derrick Murdoch Award) вручена Sylvia McConnell.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Крис Хамфрис 0.0
WINNER 2015 — Arthur Ellis Award for Best Crime Novel

London, 1665. A serial killer stalks his prey, scalpel in his hand and God's vengeance in his heart.
Five years after his restoration to the throne, Charles II leads his citizens by example, enjoying every excess. Londoners have slipped the shackles of puritanism and now flock to the cockpits, brothels and, especially, the theatres, where for the first time women are allowed to perform alongside the men.
But not everyone is swept up in the excitement. Some see this liberated age as the new Babylon, and murder victims pile up in the streets, making no distinction in class between a royalist member of parliament and a Cheapside whore. But they have a few things in common: the victims are found with gemstones in their mouths. And they have not just been murdered; they've been . . . sacrificed.
Now the plague is returning to the city with full force, attacking indiscriminately . . . and murder has found a new friend.
Бренда Чапман 0.0
Nominated for the 2015 Arthur Ellis Award for Best Novel

When murder stalks a family over Christmas, Kala Stonechild trusts her intuition to get results.

It’s a week before Christmas when wealthy businessman Tom Underwood disappears into thin air — with more than enough people wanting him dead.

New police recruit Kala Stonechild, who has left her northern Ontario detachment to join a specialized Ottawa crime unit, is tasked with returning Underwood home in time for the holidays. Stonechild, who is from a First Nations reserve, is a lone wolf who is used to surviving on her wits. Her new boss, Detective Jacques Rouleau, has his hands full controlling her, his team, and an investigation that keeps threatening to go off track.

Old betrayals and complicated family relationships brutally collide when love turns to hate and murder stalks a family.
Барбара Фрадкин 0.0
Twenty years ago, a raw and impressionable Detective Michael Green helped convict a young professor for the murder of an attractive co-ed. From behind bars, the man continued to hound Green with letters protesting his innocence. Shortly after being paroled, he is found dead. Is it suicide? Revenge?

When Green receives one last letter, posted before the man's death, in which he plans to track down the real killer, Green realizes he may have made the biggest mistake of his career — a mistake which cost an innocent man his liberty and ultimately his life. To determine the truth, Green is forced to re-examine old evidence and stir up old wounds to stare down a far greater evil hiding in plain sight
Maureen Jennings 0.0
From the well-known author whose books inspired the wildly popular Murdoch Mysteries TV series, comes the third WWII-era DI Tom Tyler mystery; for fans of Foyle's War, wartime dramas, and, of course, Maureen Jennings!
It's summer, 1942, and after a tough couple of years, DI Tom Tyler is making a fresh start in Ludlow, Shropshire. On the outskirts of town, St. Anne's Convalescent Hospital, staffed by nursing sisters who are Anglican nuns, has been established in an old manor house to help victims of the war to recover. After a horrifying double murder is discovered on the grounds, Tyler must figure out how the crime could have occurred in such a secluded and presumably impenetrable place, where most of the patients are unable to walk or are blind, or both, not to mention deeply traumatized.
To add to the puzzle, Tyler begins almost immediately to receive mysterious letters recounting terrible crimes far away. He realizes that he is not only seeking the murderer, but that the horrors of the war are closing in on this place that was meant to be a refuge.
Maureen Jennings, beloved author of the Murdoch novels that inspired the popular TV series (known as The Artful Detective in the US), surpasses herself in this vivid portrayal of wartime Britain, brilliantly blending a classic murder mystery with a deeply human story of how the effects of war live on far from the fields of battle.
Ален Маттич 0.0
The second novel in the Marko della Torre series, Killing Pilgrim is a propulsive political thriller following a complex plot hatched by members of the CIA and set against the backdrop of war-torn Yugoslavia.

Early autumn, 1991. Croatia and Slovenia officially declared independence from Yugoslavia, and war is imminent between the Croats and the Serbs. Department VI of the UDBA has been dismantled, while the Yugoslav government scrambles to protect the State. In the midst of the political maelstrom, secret policeman Marko della Torre gets caught in an intricate web woven by the CIA and members of the Croat nationalist movement. They enlist della Torre to make contact with a man living in the shadows: the ex-UDBA agent who assassinated Olof Palme, the former prime minister of Sweden . . .

Лучший дебютный роман

Стив Берроуз 0.0
Newly appointed police inspector Domenic Jejeune doesn’t mind ruffling a few feathers to flush out suspects in the brutal murder of a renowned ecological activist.

2015 Arthur Ellis Award — Winner, Best First Novel • Globe and Mail 100: Best Books of 2014 • 2015 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize — Shortlisted, Best Mystery

Inspector Domenic Jejeune’s success has made him a poster boy for the U.K. police service. The problem is Jejeune doesn’t really want to be a detective at all; he much prefers watching birds.

Recently reassigned to the small Norfolk town of Saltmarsh, located in the heart of Britain’s premier birding country, Jejeune’s two worlds collide when he investigates the grisly murder of a prominent ecological activist. His ambitious police superintendent foresees a blaze of welcome publicity, but she begins to have her doubts when Jejeune’s most promising theory involves a feud over birdwatching lists. A second murder only complicates matters.

To unravel this mystery, Jejeune must deal with unwelcome public acclaim, the mistrust of colleagues, and his own insecurities. In the case of the Saltmarsh birder murders, the victims may not be the only casualties.
Джанет Бронс 0.0
The head of the Canadian High Commission’s trade section is found brutally clubbed and stabbed to death in the Official Residence in London, England. Scotland Yard’s Detective Chief Inspector Stephen Hay is called in to investigate, while Royal Canadian Mounted Police Inspector Liz Forsyth is dispatched from Ottawa. There are a number of suspects from the diplomatic community: the High Commissioner and his beautiful wife, the smarmy head of the political section, the charming military attaché, the high-strung Deputy High Commissioner, and a deeply troubled engagements secretary. After a second murder, the case takes a turn and radical environmentalist Dr. Julian Cox becomes a suspect.

A Quiet Kill is the first in a new mystery series featuring Forsyth and Hay. Paired up for the first time, the two investigators must overcome insecurities and suspicions as they find themselves wading into the murky waters of the diplomatic community and navigating through a melee of international conspiracy, nationalism, and murder.
М. Х. Коллуэй 0.0
Danny Bluestone, a young Native Canadian drifting through life, settles for a job at a children? camp in his Northern Ontario hometown of Red Dog Lake where unemployment and non-medicinal marihuana are the norm.

Local entrepreneur, Meredith Easter, offers Danny some easy money: play the role of native scout for his wealthy hunting buddies. Danny knows that Easter? roadside attraction, Santa? Fish Camp, is the front for the local grow-op, and probably more, but the money is his way out of Red Dog Lake.

Danny flies the hunters to an island lodge deep in the wilderness. Once there, he learns that he? part of an illegal bear hunt and is powerless to stop the men from shooting the helpless animal. The following morning, he awakes to find the hunters brutally murdered ?all but Ricky, a mysterious American.

Even though each of them believes the other is the killer, Danny and Ricky must team up to escape the forest fire started by the hunters. While his friends in Red Dog Lake struggle to rescue him, Danny falls back on the teachings of his shaman grandmother to survive the bush and the Windigo, the evil spirit that pursues them.
Ив Макбрайд 0.0
2015 Arthur Ellis Award — Nominated, Best First Novel

A terrible tragedy tears a family apart.

In a serene city in the extravagant mid-eighties, the privileged Warne family is victimized when their talented and artistic eleven-year-old daughter Lizbett is sexually slain. How can any family endure such horror?

In an intimate exploration of grief, the surviving family members struggle with their mourning. Hildy, a loving but abused Great Dane, also in need of healing, joins the family and becomes part of their journey back to normalcy.

Meanwhile, the police search in vain for the murderer, Melvyn Searle, who is on his own journey, hiding in plain sight, feeling invincible, and hatching new plans as he draws closer to the family and stalks the Warnes’ younger daughter, Darcy.

A work that challenges our reason, our emotions, and our spirit, No Worst, There Is None is a novel inspired by real-life events.
Сэм Вибе 0.0
Winner of the Unhanged Arthur Award for Best Unpublished First Crime Novel, 2012

Twenty-nine-year-old Michael Drayton runs a private investigation agency in Vancouver that specializes in missing persons — only, as Mike has discovered, some missing people stay with you. Still haunted by the unsolved disappearance of a young girl, Mike is hired to find the vanished son of a local junk merchant. However, he quickly discovers that the case has been damaged by a crooked private eye and dismissed by a disinterested justice system. Worse, the only viable lead involves a drug-addicted car thief with gang connections.

As the stakes rise, Mike attempts to balance his search for the junk merchant's son with a more profitable case involving a necrophile and a funeral home, while simultaneously struggling to keep a disreputable psychic from bilking the mother of a missing girl.

Лучший детектив на французском языке

Андре А. Мишо 3.0
Été 67. Le soleil brille sur Boundary Pond, un lac frontalier rebaptisé Bondrée par Pierre Landry, un trappeur canuck dont le lointain souvenir ne sera bientôt plus que légende. Le temps est au rire et à l’insouciance. Zaza Mulligan et Sissy Morgan dansent le hula hoop sur le sable chaud, les enfants courent sur la plage et la radio grésille les succès de l’heure dans l’odeur des barbecues. On croit presque au bonheur, puis les pièges de Landry ressurgissent de la terre, et Zaza disparaît, et le ciel s’ennuage.

- Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général 2014 - catégorie Romans et nouvelles - Lauréat
- Prix littéraire des collégiens 2015 - Finaliste
- Prix Saint-Pacôme du roman policier 2014 - Lauréat
- Prix Saint-Pacôme du roman policier 2014 - Coup de coeur du club de lecture
Эрве Ганьон 0.0
Montréal, août 1891. Par un matin de canicule, on découvre le corps horriblement mutilé d'une prostituée dans une rue du Red Light. Ce meurtre est le premier d'une série comme jamais Montréal n'en a connu et qui ressemble à s'y méprendre aux assassinats commis par Jack l'Éventreur à Londres en 1888. Pourtant, étrangement, ni la police ni la presse ne s'y intéressent. Seul Joseph Laflamme, journaliste du quotidien Le Canadien en mal de travail, fouille l'affaire malgré l'opposition des autorités et des mystérieux francs-maçons.

Un fou imite-t-il le célèbre tueur ou Jack l'Éventreur lui-même a-t-il traversé l'Atlantique pour mieux sévir à Montréal ?
Мариз Руи 0.0
1378. Dans le cadre des fêtes entourant la visite de l’empereur germanique au roi de France, dame Mathilde Despréaux, riche négociante en vin, fait donner un grand spectacle. Au cours de la représentation, une comédienne est poignardée. Tout semble accuser Simon, le fils de la maison. Mathilde, sa mère, est la seule à le croire innocent. Déchirée de le voir encourir la peine de mort, elle supplie son oncle, venu du monastère où il s’est retiré afin d’assister aux célébrations, de le disculper.

À la demande du prévôt adjoint du Châtelet de Paris, Gervais d’Anceny rédige le compte-rendu de cette sordide affaire pour laquelle il s’est transformé en enquêteur. De retour au prieuré, il lit au jour le jour à un ami agonisant ce qu’il a couché sur le parchemin, et c’est en leur compagnie que l’on découvre le fin mot de l’histoire.

Avec cette première « Chronique de Gervais d’Anceny », Maryse Rouy revient au Moyen Âge, dont elle est spécialiste, et au polar, une combinaison qui lui a valu en 2003 le Prix Saint-Pacôme du roman policier pour « Au nom de Compostelle ». Grâce à un parfait équilibre entre le suspense et le portrait social, dans une langue qui puise adroitement au français de l’époque, elle excelle à satisfaire aussi bien les férus de romans historiques que les amateurs d’intrigues policières.

Maryse Rouy a publié une trentaine de romans. Qu’ils s’adressent aux jeunes ou aux adultes, ils marient harmonieusement une recherche approfondie et les libertés de la fiction. Bien qu’elle se soit intéressée à diverses époques, le Moyen Âge reste sa période de prédilection.
Ричард Сте-Мари 0.0
Un double meurtre a été commis à la galerie Arts Visuels Actuels. Outre Gaston « Faby » Lessard, le propriétaire des lieux, Frédéric Fortier, lieutenant de police à la Ville de Montréal, fait partie des victimes et c’est pourquoi le sergent-détective Francis Pagliaro, de la Sûreté du Québec, est chargé de l’enquête.
En interrogeant les personnes avec lesquelles Lessard avait rendez-vous dans la journée, Pagliaro réalise que le galeriste était loin d’être un enfant de chœur. De fait, les arnaques et les fraudes dont l’enquêteur apprend l’existence au fil des jours le laissent pantois, lui qui avait toujours cru en la noblesse du monde des arts visuels. Or, si les mobiles pour tuer Lessard abondent, c’est l’inverse pour Fortier, un policier près de la retraite et à la carrière irréprochable.
Dès le début, Pagliaro a pris l’habitude de venir chaque soir sur les lieux du crime pour admirer les tableaux de l’exposition d’Andrew Garrison, intitulée Repentirs, ensemble de paysages et de personnages fugaces qui surgissent des palimpsestes picturaux de l’artiste peintre, mais aussi pour réfléchir sur son enquête, dont un des indices ne cesse de l’étonner : pourquoi donc l’assassin a-t-il pris soin de replacer dans son écrin la somptueuse dague, création d’une joaillière représentée par la galerie, dont il s’est servi pour semer la mort ?

Лучший неопубликованный первый роман - " Невредимый Артур”

Эль Уайлд 0.0
As winter closes in and the roads snow over in Dawson City, Yukon, newly arrived journalist Jo Silver investigates the dubious suicide of a local politician and quickly discovers that not everything in the sleepy tourist town is what it seems. Before long, law enforcement begins treating the death as a possible murder and Jo is the prime suspect.

Strange Things Done is a top-notch thriller — a tense and stylish crime novel that explores the double themes of trust and betrayal.
Райан Алдред 0.0
Sand. Monkeys. Murder.

Ben Cooper was supposed to be on his Pacific honeymoon. Not waking up in a Costa Rican prison cell with no memory of the night before.

Then again, Ben never thought he would catch his fiancée with some clown — literally. Or that his friend Miguel would drag him to the surf paradise of Tamarindo before Aunt Mildred could ask why they cancelled the open bar reception.

But surely his friend and lawyer Victoria didn’t need to fly down from Toronto overnight. After all, the police would let him go once he sobered up and paid his fine. Right?

Except for the little matter of a murder. And Ben’s buying a beachside bar from the victim, hours before the man’s death.

With foreclosure looming and death threats piling up on the rum-soaked bar, they must turn to the wild idea that got them into this mess—building a business around those who’ve always wanted to run their own bar on a beach somewhere, even for just a week.

But to survive, they’ll need every skill at their disposal—including those they’d rather forget they have.

NetGalley advance review copies available here for qualified librarians, educators, booksellers and reviewers - https://s2.netgalley.com/publisher/ti...
Дейв Батлер 0.0
When her park is threatened, warden Jenny Willson takes it very personally.

Jenny Willson is a hard-edged, caustic-witted warden from Banff National Park who considers poachers and ladder-climbing bureaucrats equally repulsive and worthy of the same painful fate. Does keeping her promise to protect her park from them mean crossing lines and putting her career at risk?

When Willson discovers animals disappearing from Canada’s mountain parks, she begins a complex investigation that follows a trail of deceit, distraction, and murder. With a growing list of victims, both animal and human, Willson finds herself in a race for justice that criss-crosses the Canada-U.S. border and pushes her to a place she might not be able to come back from.

2015 Unhanged Arthur Ellis Award for Best Unpublished First Crime Novel — Shortlisted
Дуэйн Клейден 0.0
Calgary, 1976. Life couldn’t be better for Brad Coulter, a Calgary cop. Partnered with his best friend, paid to keep the streets safe from the riff raff. Until a gun battle after an armed robbery leaves him without his partner and grappling with the sudden burst of criminal activity in his otherwise quiet city.

A series of Brinks truck robberies escalate, each one bolder than the last. Cops are losing their lives, and Coulter is determined to catch the thugs, avenge his partner, and keep the streets safe.

His new partner, Jerry Briscoe, an acerbic veteran, challenges Coulter to buck up or get out. Briscoe’s tough love gives Coulter the kick he needs. He applies and wins a spot on the newly developed Tactical Support Unit.

A lone gunman high on glue, a deadbeat father and abusive husband, and a small grow op, prepare Coulter and the TSU team for what is yet to come. The true crisis point that will forever change the face of a city, and the cops that man its streets.

Crisis Point is an action-packed thriller that will have you racing to the final showdown.

Лучший роман для подростков и молодежи

Зигмунд Брауэр 0.0
Sigmund Brouwer, with nearly three million books in print, will have thrill seekers of all ages on the edge of their seats with this captivating young adult novel.

When a teen boy receives a written warning from his friend to avoid his church and leave his remote island town immediately, he’s terrified—his friend died weeks ago!

He knows danger is up ahead when he realizes that his friend’s dead man’s switch computer program has been activated. Unsure who to trust, he sets out alone to unravel a dark conspiracy. Soon, the seeker soon becomes the hunted in an unknown wilderness. The only hope for escape is a trigger-happy hermit—a man with his own secrets to hide.

Fiction fans who love a great mystery and the quest for justice will talk about and think about this book long after the last chapter is read.
Майкл Бетчерман 0.0
Seventeen-year-old Alex Petrovic is thrilled to be playing goal for Team British Columbia in an international hockey tournament. After a game against a team from eastern Europe, he shakes hands with the opposing goalie, Stefan Divac, and finds himself staring at his identical double. At first he dismisses it as an odd coincidence. Then his mother sees Stefan—and faints dead away.

The chance meeting uncovers family secrets buried years ago in the wake of a civil war that tore apart their home country, and their family. When two war criminals from that conflict escape, Alex dreams about bringing them to justice. Can his dream become reality?
С. Дж. Лейдлоу 0.0
Seventeen-year-old Luke's older sister, Pat, has always been his moral compass, like a voice inside his head, every time he has a decision to make. So when Pat disappears on a tiny island off the coast of Honduras and the authorities claim she's drowned - despite the fact that they can't produce a body - Luke heads to Honduras to find her because he knows something the authorities don't. From the moment of her disappearance, Pat's voice has become real, guiding him to Utila, where she had accepted a summer internship to study whale sharks. Once there, he meets several characters who describe his sister as a very different girl from the one knows. Does someone have a motive for wanting her dead? Determined to get to the bottom of Pat's disappearance, Luke risks everything, including his own life, to find the answer
Нора Макклинток 0.0
In the depths of winter, a woman wanders off in the snow. She is a popular former teacher and wife of a local policeman. A full-blown search begins. Meanwhile, Derek is staying with his new girlfriend and her parents while his family is out of town. He can't believe his luck--Jordie is the hottest girl in school, and he's going out with her. When Ronan, school bad boy and Jordie's ex-boyfriend, shows up, Jordie decides that maybe Derek isn't the one after all. But before she can end it with him, Derek disappears. Did he run away? Or did something happen to him? Is there a connection between the two disappearances? As Jordie slowly starts unraveling the truth, she finds that nothing about that night is as it seems. When she finds Derek's body, suspicion falls on her. And then on Ronan. But Jordie knows she didn't kill Derek. And she is sure Ronan didn't. So who is responsible? And why was Derek marked for death?
Jeyn Roberts 5.0
A streetwise girl trains to take on a gang of drug dealers and avenge her best friend’s death in this thriller for fans of Scott Westerfeld and Robin Wasserman.

Heam: It’s the hottest drug around. Users are able to see Heaven—a place so beautiful, so indescribably serene, many people never want to come back. And some don’t, like Faye’s best friend, Christian. But when Faye was forced to take Heam, she didn’t see Heaven; she saw Hell. And now she spends her nights training to take revenge on the men who destroyed her future and murdered Christian. When a mysterious young man named Chael appears, Faye’s plans suddenly get a lot more complicated.

Love and Death. Will Faye overcome her desires, or will her quest for revenge consume her?

Лучший детективный рассказ

Лучшая криминальная новелла - мемориальная награда Лу Аллина

Рик Блечта 0.0
Detective Mervin Pratt is enjoying a quiet dinner at his favorite Italian restaurant when he's called in to assist at a murder scene at a popular downtown nightclub. The manager has been stabbed to death in his office. The lead investigator, Detective Gordon, no friend of Pratt's, sees it as an open-and-shut case. He has the suspect, motive and even the murder weapon. But Pratt is unwilling to jump to conclusions.
When Pratt's young partner, Dave Ellis, arrives on the scene uninvited and quietly tells Pratt that the suspect is his half brother, Pratt finds himself in an ethical dilemma. Ellis can have nothing to do with the investigation, and his connection to the case should be reported. On the other hand, Gordon's attempt to railroad the suspect and his outright antagonism to Pratt's involvement rub the detective the wrong way. The only solution, of course, is to solve the crime.
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