Вручение 2014 г. — стр. 2

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2014 г.

Медаль Карнеги

Annabel Pitcher 3.8
Fifteen-year-old Zoe has a secret - a dark and terrible secret that she can't confess to anyone she knows. But then one day she hears of a criminal, Stuart Barnes, locked up on death row in Texas. Like Zoe, Stuart is no stranger to secrets. Or lies. Or murder.

Full of heartache yet humour, Zoe tells her story in the only way she can - in a letter to the man in prison in America. Armed with a pen and sitting on her bedroom carpet, Zoe takes a deep breath, eats a jam sandwich, and begins her tale of love and betrayal on the back of a Geography worksheet.

Read by Julie Maisey. Julie Maisey is an accomplished actress who trained at The Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. Since graduating she has worked extensively in theatre and television including roles at The National Theatre , Hampstead Theatre and in Eastenders and the Bill. Voiceover highlights include the BAFTA nominated and British Animation Award winning 'Dad's Dead' and 'Peoples Britain' as well as the many audiobooks she has narrated over the years. She lives in London with her partner and young daughter.
Терри Пратчетт 4.1
Лондон, викторианская Англия. Семнадцатилетний Финт рыщет в городской канализации в поисках утерянных сокровищ. Малопочтенное занятие, как ни крути, однако ж и не воровство…

Однажды в темную грозовую ночь Финт спасает юную деву с золотыми волосами от двух негодяев, пытавшихся увезти ее против воли в неизвестном направлении.

Откуда ж было знать бойкому парнишке, что это событие – лишь начало удивительных и опасных приключений в его жизни. Финта ждут встречи с великим писателем Чарльзом Диккенсом, печально знаменитым парикмахером Суини Тоддом и не менее знаменитым политиком Бенджамином Дизраэли.

А финалом грандиозных приключений молодого лондонца станет аудиенция у Ее Величества королевы Виктории.

Впервые на русском языке!
Prue, Sally 0.0
Mica is different from the rest of her people. They are content simply to survive, but Mica wants something more, something extraordinary . . . At night she hears mysterious voices calling. Mica is determined to find out who they belong to, but the journey will be dangerous, and the truth will change everything . . .
Джон Робинсон 0.0
Nowhere is a fast-paced conspiracy thriller by debut author Jon Robinson.

'No one's coming for us.
Not our families, not the police.
No one.'

Alyn, Jes, Ryan and Elsa are Nowhere.
A concrete cube in the middle of a dense forest.

Imprisoned inside are one hundred teenagers from all over the country.
They're all criminals. But none of them remember committing any crimes.

Who has put them there. What do their captors want?
And how will they ever break free . . . ?

***an intensely gripping conspiracy thriller for 11+ readers***
*** a phenomenal debut novel, for readers who love Jason Bourne and Alex Scarrow***

Jon Robinson was born in Middlesex in 1983. When he's not writing, he works for a charity in central London. NOWHERE is his debut novel. Find out more about Jon at www.facebook.com/jonrobinsonbooks
SF Said 0.0
THE SUPERNOVA IS COMING . . . ONE BOY ALONE CAN SAVE THE GALAXY! Lucky thinks he's an ordinary Human boy. But one night, he dreams that the stars are singing – and wakes to find an uncontrollable power rising inside him. Now he's on the run, racing through space, searching for answers. In a galaxy at war, where Humans and Aliens are deadly enemies, the only people who can help him are an Alien starship crew – and an Alien warrior girl, with neon needles in her hair. Together, they must find a way to save the galaxy. For Lucky is not the only one in danger. His destiny and the fate of the universe are connected in the most explosive way . . .
Ruta Sepetys 4.0
It’s 1950, and as the French Quarter of New Orleans simmers with secrets, seventeen-year-old Josie Moraine is silently stirring a pot of her own. Known among locals as the daughter of a brothel prostitute, Josie wants more out of life than the Big Easy has to offer.

She devises a plan get out, but a mysterious death in the Quarter leaves Josie tangled in an investigation that will challenge her allegiance to her mother, her conscience, and Willie Woodley, the brusque madam on Conti Street. Josie is caught between the dream of an elite college and a clandestine underworld. New Orleans lures her in her quest for truth, dangling temptation at every turn, and escalating to the ultimate test.

With characters as captivating as those in her internationally bestselling novel Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepetys skillfully creates a rich story of secrets, lies, and the haunting reminder that decisions can shape our destiny.
Alex Shearer 4.0
A beautifully imagined adventure set in a world where islands float in the skyHunting the skies is not for the faint-hearted. In a world where water is scarce and deadly jellyfish swim through the sky, mollycoddled teenager Christien dreams of excitement and danger. When he meets the exotic and alluring Jenine and her family of Cloud Hunters, he becomes determined to fulfil that dream...In a richly imaginative tale, perfect for both boys and girls as they launch themselves into the world of fiction as independent readers, Alex Shearer creates a Dahl-esque fantasy that roams through realms of magic, wonder and adventure.
Мэгги Стивотер 4.2
Всю жизнь Блю Сарджент омрачало зловещее предсказание: тот, кого она по-настоящему полюбит, умрет. И она легко бы отнеслась к этому прорицанию как к шутке, если бы не одно «но»: вся ее семья – ясновидящие, раз за разом повторявшие свое мрачное пророчество. А это совсем меняет дело…

Познакомившись с компанией молодых людей из элитной школы Эглайонби, Блю решает, что никакой опасности нет, ведь не влюбится же она, в самом деле, в одного из этих богатеньких сынков!

И лишь одна тайна тревожит ее душу: Блю точно знает, что в течение года один из молодых парней умрет.

Впервые на русском языке!
Джонатан Страуд 4.5
Меня зовут Люси Карлайл и я работаю в агентстве "Локвуд и компания". Нас всего трое: я, Энтони (он же Локвуд) и Джордж. Мы занимаемся тем, что ловим призраков и спасаем от них Лондон. Вообще-то, это только звучит просто, на самом деле все гораздо сложнее. Существует великое множество призраков и их разновидностей, и большинство из них смертельно опасны, и даже наше супероружие: рапиры, железные цепи и банки с греческим огнем - не всегда эффективно. Впрочем, в нашем агентстве трусов нет.
На этот раз Локвуд решил отправиться в старинный дом, который вот уже много веков населяют призраки и где находится знаменитая на всю округу Кричащая лестница. С наступлением темноты она издает чудовищные крики. Но есть маленькая проблемка - никто и никогда не выходил из этого особняка живым, а все предыдущие агенты, пытавшиеся разгадать его тайну, погибли. Может, мы просто чокнутые, что взялись за это дело?
Лидия Сайсон 0.0
Spain, 1936. Felix, a spirited young nurse, has travelled to Spain to help the cause of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. But she is also following Nat, a passionate young man who has joined the International Brigades fighting Franco. And George - familiar George from home - is not far behind, in pursuit of Felix ...

As Spain fights for its freedom against tyranny, Felix battles a conflict of the heart. With the civil war raging around her, Felix must make choices that will change her life forever. An epic and moving historical adventure from debut author Lydia Syson.
Пирс Тордей 4.0
In a world where animals no longer exist, twelve-year-old Kester Jaynes sometimes feels like he hardly exists either. Locked away in a home for troubled children, he's told there's something wrong with him. So when he meets a flock of talking pigeons and a bossy cockroach, Kester thinks he's finally gone crazy. But the animals have something to say. And they need him. The pigeons fly Kester to a wild place where the last creatures in the land have survived. A wise stag needs Kester's help, and together they must embark on a great journey, joined along the way by an overenthusiastic wolf cub, a military-trained cockroach, a mouse with a ritual for everything, and a stubborn girl named Polly. The animals saved Kester Jaynes. But can Kester save the animals?
Elizabeth Wein 3.8
While flying an Allied fighter plane from Paris to England, American ATA pilot and amateur poet, Rose Justice, is captured by the Nazis and sent to Ravensbr ck, the notorious women's concentration camp. Trapped in horrific circumstances, Rose finds hope in the impossible through the loyalty, bravery and friendship of her fellow prisoners. But will that be enough to endure the fate that's in store for her?

Elizabeth Wein, author of the critically-acclaimed and best-selling Code Name Verity, delivers another stunning WWII thriller. The unforgettable story of Rose Justice is forged from heart-wrenching courage, resolve, and the slim, bright chance of survival.
Matt Whyman 0.0
They'd love to have you for dinner . . .

Sasha Savage is in love with Jack - a handsome, charming ... vegetarian. Which wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that Sasha's family are very much 'carnivorous'. Behind the family facade all is not as it seems. Sasha's father rules his clan with an iron fist and her mother's culinary skills are getting more adventurous by the day. When a too-curious private detective starts to dig for truths, the tight-knit family starts to unravel - as does their sinister taste in human beings . . .
Рик Янси 4.1
Первая волна оставила за собой мглу. От второй успели убежать только самые везучие. Но едва ли можно назвать везучими тех, кто уцелел после третьей.
А четвертая волна стерла все человеческие законы, взамен же установила свой, один-единственный: хочешь жить — не верь никому.
И вот уже накатывает пятая волна, и Кэсси уходит в неизвестность по усеянной останками людей и машин автостраде. Она спасается от тех, кто лишь с виду человек; от похитителей ее маленького брата; от умелых и ловких убийц, которые ведут зачистку захваченной планеты.
В этом новом мире выживают только одиночки. Найти напарника — значит на порядок уменьшить свои шансы. Прибиться к группе — значит погибнуть наверняка. Кэсси неукоснительно следует этому правилу… до тех пор, пока не встречает Эвана Уокера. И теперь она вынуждена выбирать — между доверием и отчаянием, между борьбой и капитуляцией, между жизнью и смертью.
Янгцзе Чу 3.8
Род Лим — один из богатейших в городе Малакка. Когда Ли Лан Пан предлагают стать невестой погибшего наследника Лим Тиан Чина, судьба 17-летней девушки из небогатой семьи, кажется, решена. Во снах она погружается в мир мертвых, но наяву встречает в благородном доме Тиан Байя — кузена нареченного жениха. Но роман с живым вместо замужества с мертвым — совершенно другая история...
Джулия Берри 3.6
Джудит живет в маленьком городке. Однажды она бесследно исчезает и возвращается два года спустя - изуродованная и немая. Семья и друзья отвернулись от нее. В родном городке она стала чем-то вроде призрака. Но когда в Розуэлле снова начинаются нападения на людей, Джудит придется сделать выбор: хранить молчание или заговорить, даже если это навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Susan Cooper 5.0
In the winter of his eleventh year, Little Hawk goes deep into the forest, where he must endure a three-month test of solitude and survival which will turn him into a man.

But outside the woods, the world is changing. English settlers are landing on the shores of the New World, and tensions between native tribes and the invaders are rising.

Little Hawk's fate becomes irreversibly entwined with that of John, a young English boy who dares to question intolerance. He is witness to a secret murder - will he now be witness to bloodshed between nations?

Anne Fine 0.0
Edward is four years old when he is locked away with his mother by her abusive, alcoholic partner, Harris. By the time an elderly neighbour spots his pale face peering through a crack in the boarded-up window and raises the alarm, he is seven. Rescue comes, but lasting damage has been done. Sent to live with a kindly foster family, and then adopted, Edward struggles to adapt to normal life. Even as a teenager it’s still clear to his new family and schoolmates there’s something odd about him. Then one fateful day, Edward catches a glimpse of himself in a photograph. What he sees shocks him to the core – a vision of Harris. Was this monster his father all along? And does that mean that, deep down, another Harris is waiting to break out? Every step of progress Edward has made swiftly begins to unravel, and he has to decide whether his blood will determine his future.
Ребекка Стед 4.3
The instant New York Times bestseller from the author of the Newbery Medal book "When You Reach Me": a story about spies, games, and friendship. Seventh grader Georges moves into a Brooklyn apartment building and meets Safer, a twelve-year-old self-appointed spy. Georges becomes Safer's first spy recruit. His assignment? Tracking the mysterious Mr. X, who lives in the apartment upstairs. But as Safer becomes more demanding, Georges starts to wonder: what is a lie, and what is a game? How far is too far to go for your only friend? Like the dazzling "When You Reach Me", "Liar & Spy" will keep readers guessing until the end.
William Sutcliffe 0.0
Joshua lives with his mother and step-father in Amarias, an isolated town, where all the houses are brand new. Amarias is surrounded by a high wall, guarded by soldiers, which can only be crossed through a heavily fortified checkpoint. Joshua has been taught that the Wall is the only thing keeping his people safe from a brutal and unforgiving enemy.

One day, Joshua stumbles across a tunnel that leads underneath the Wall. The chance to catch a glimpse of life on the other side of The Wall is too tempting to resist. He's heard plenty of stories about the other side, but nothing has prepared him for what he finds . . .

Set in a tense reality closely mirroring Israel's West bank, this deeply affecting parable of a boy who undertakes a short journey to another world lingers long after completion.
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