Вручение 7 июня 2021 г.

Страна: Франция Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: 7 июня 2021 г.

Книги для детей 3-5 лет

Lucie Brunelliere 0.0
A scientific team has boarded the submarine Oceanos to explore the ocean’s depths. Suddenly, it gets caught in a violent storm, causing it to drift thousands of miles off-course. From the glittering surface of the sea to the darkness of the abyss, Deep in the Ocean takes readers on a bewitching journey through fascinating waters—some warm, colorful, and crowded with sea creatures, others mysterious and turbulent. Six colors of ink (including neon pink and metallic silver) are used throughout, and a free downloadable soundtrack allows readers to feel even more fully immersed in this beautiful underwater world. Find it at abramsbooks.com/DeepInTheOceanSoundtrack.
Бенжамен Шо 0.0
This follow-up to Benjamin Chaud's critically acclaimed The Bear's Song and its sequels is graced with richly detailed art, immersive scenes, and an irresistibly sweet story! Little Bear is embarking on his biggest adventure yet. After discovering an empty house, his wish is granted: He can play all day and stay up as late as he wants! But he also gets a big scare. There are mysterious noises downstairs―could there be monsters . . . or ghosts?! Will Little Bear be
Orianne Lallemand 0.0
When the Wolf comes across the most famous of fairytale characters . . .

This year for the Spring Picnic, the Wolf wants to prepare an apple pie. The problem is that he isn't a very good cook! So he goes into the forest trying to look for someone who could help him. In this funny story, the Wolf meets the real characters from the most famous fairy tales! What will happen to him?

Eleonore Thuillier was a fashion designer for a well-known Parisian label. She left her career to dedicate herself to illustrating books for children. She is the illustrator of numerous published titles.

Orianne Lallemand has had her work published by numerous publishers. A lover of books and writing, she spends her time writing stories and conducting book workshops in schools and libraries.
Nicolas Bianco-Levrin 0.0
Quand le loup est un loup pour lui-même. À chaque double page un loup s’adresse à son double (reproduit à la façon du test de Rorschah). Album sans paroles.

Книги для детей 6-8 лет

Джой Сорман 0.0
Blob the fish is excited. He feels it's finally his year to win the big competition after which he will finally become the ugliest animal in the world. But the popularity and fame that accompany Blob's win soon go to his head. And the loneliness of his new title goes to his heart. And of course fame never lasts forever.
Nicolas Bianco-Levrin 0.0
Quand le loup est un loup pour lui-même. À chaque double page un loup s’adresse à son double (reproduit à la façon du test de Rorschah). Album sans paroles.
Gillies Baum 0.0
A quirky kid donates her beloved panda sweater, and through this act of sacrifice gains a new friend. With whimsical, contemporary artwork, this story balances the topic of selflessness with humor and heart, while also offering an opportunity to talk about bullying, sharing and self-confidence.
Isabelle Simler 0.0
A merciless hunter, an unrivaled expert in stealth and deception—a cat is no ordinary pet! Sure, he may look harmless as he snoozes on the sofa, or under the rug, or on top of the radiator. Sure, he may seem sweet as he snuggles a stuffed animal, but don’t let that fool you! When you least expect it, he’ll pounce…

From beloved creator Isabelle Simler comes a sly, hilarious read sure to delight cat lovers of all ages.

Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет

Тимоте де Фомбель 4.5
Timothée de Fombelle and Isabelle Arsenault capture the heart-wrenching cost of war for one small girl in a delicately drawn, expertly told tale.

While her father is at war, five-year-old Rosalie is a captain on her own secret mission. She wears the disguise of a little girl and tracks her progress in a secret notebook. Some evenings, Rosalie’s mother reads aloud Father’s letters from the front lines, so that Rosalie knows he is thinking of her and looking forward to the end of the war and to finally coming home. But one day a letter comes that her mother doesn’t read to her, and Rosalie knows her mission must soon come to an end. Author Timothée de Fombelle reveals the true consequence of war through the experiences of small, determined Rosalie, while acclaimed artist Isabelle Arsenault illustrates Rosalie’s story in muted grays marked with soft spots of color — the orange flame of Rosalie’s hair, the pale pink of a scarf, the deep blue ink of her father’s letters. All the more captivating for the simplicity with which it is drawn and told, this quiet tale will stay with the reader long after its last page is turned.
Nicolas Bianco-Levrin 0.0
Quand le loup est un loup pour lui-même. À chaque double page un loup s’adresse à son double (reproduit à la façon du test de Rorschah). Album sans paroles.
Isabelle Simler 0.0
A merciless hunter, an unrivaled expert in stealth and deception—a cat is no ordinary pet! Sure, he may look harmless as he snoozes on the sofa, or under the rug, or on top of the radiator. Sure, he may seem sweet as he snuggles a stuffed animal, but don’t let that fool you! When you least expect it, he’ll pounce…

From beloved creator Isabelle Simler comes a sly, hilarious read sure to delight cat lovers of all ages.
Дельфина Перре 0.0
For his birthday, Pablo receives exactly what he doesn't want: a chair. Disappointed and angry, he locks himself in his room, determined not to sit on his new chair. But he starts to play around with it and, by the end of the day, becomes a chair acrobat. Pablo sets out into the world, performing in amazing places and drawing great crowds. Eventually, he returns, chair in hand, having learned that the greatest gifts aren't always the most obvious and often lie in our imagination.

Книги для детей 12 - 14 лет

Кристель Дабо 4.5
Офелию подхватил вихрь поразительных событий и перемен. Ещё вчера девушка была новым человеком на Полюсе, не понимающим, что происходит вокруг, а сегодня она - в центре грандиозной интриги! Ей предстоит свидание, о котором многие обитатели Полюса мечтают десятилетиями: со дня на день Офелия встретится с самим Фаруком, Духом ковчега.

Во второй книге серии "Сквозь зеркала" героиня уже не выглядит ребёнком, потерявшимся в загадочном мире взрослых. Наконец-то ей представляется шанс взять судьбу в собственные руки! И кстати, руки здесь помогут как нельзя лучше: в кончиках пальцев, старательно спрятанных под перчатками, заключена магическая сила. За такой дар сам Фарук готов многое отдать, а нежеланный жених героини, изворотливый и непредсказуемый Торн, и вовсе мог бы убить…

Фантастический мир Кристель Дабо, раздробленный на парящие во Вселенной ковчеги, обрастает подробностями, и теперь его законы известны читателям. Однако от этого сюрпризов не становится меньше - напротив, с каждой главой история девушки с Анимы, против воли перебравшейся на Полюс, развивается всё неожиданнее. Как спасти свой бесценный дар чтицы от чужих амбиций и алчности? Как выжить в загоне с хищниками? Эти загадки Офелии предстоит разгадать.

Тетралогия "Сквозь зеркала" французской писательницы Кристeль Дабo (родилась в 1980 году) - это целая альтернативная реальность, замысловатая и непредсказуемая, но продуманная до мельчайших деталей. Мировой тираж первого тома превышает 500 тыс. экземпляров, а франкоязычный интернет заполнен фан-артом по мотивам историй об Офелии. Первая книга, вышедшая в 2018 году в издательстве "КомпасГид", сразу стала хитом, и продолжение истории - настоящий подарок российским поклонникам Кристель Дабо.
Nicolas Bianco-Levrin 0.0
Quand le loup est un loup pour lui-même. À chaque double page un loup s’adresse à son double (reproduit à la façon du test de Rorschah). Album sans paroles.
Тимоте де Фомбель 4.5
Timothée de Fombelle and Isabelle Arsenault capture the heart-wrenching cost of war for one small girl in a delicately drawn, expertly told tale.

While her father is at war, five-year-old Rosalie is a captain on her own secret mission. She wears the disguise of a little girl and tracks her progress in a secret notebook. Some evenings, Rosalie’s mother reads aloud Father’s letters from the front lines, so that Rosalie knows he is thinking of her and looking forward to the end of the war and to finally coming home. But one day a letter comes that her mother doesn’t read to her, and Rosalie knows her mission must soon come to an end. Author Timothée de Fombelle reveals the true consequence of war through the experiences of small, determined Rosalie, while acclaimed artist Isabelle Arsenault illustrates Rosalie’s story in muted grays marked with soft spots of color — the orange flame of Rosalie’s hair, the pale pink of a scarf, the deep blue ink of her father’s letters. All the more captivating for the simplicity with which it is drawn and told, this quiet tale will stay with the reader long after its last page is turned.