Вручение 16 января 2018 г.

Премия за 2017 год.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, Королевский фестивальный зал Дата проведения: 16 января 2018 г.

Поэтическая премия Томаса Элиота

Ocean Vuong 3.4
Winner, 2016 Whiting Award
Buzzfeed Most Exciting Books of 2016
Publishers Weekly Poetry Top 10 for 2016

"[A] masterpiece that captures, with elegance, the raw sorrows and joys of human existence."--BuzzFeed Books

"Reading Vuong is like watching a fish move: he manages the varied currents of English with muscled intuition....His lines are both long and short, his pose narrative and lyric, his diction formal and insouciant. From the outside, Vuong has fashioned a poetry of inclusion."--The New Yorker

"An important new voice in American poetry."--Beloit Poetry Journal

"What a treasure [Ocean Vuong] is to us. What a perfume he's crushed and rendered of his heart and soul. What a gift this book is." --Li-Young Lee

"[Vuong] takes from Pound the ability to eternalize a moment." --POETRY

"What this poet sees on the street, in a blizzard, or even while studying an apple reminds me of those dreams we have in common: dreams in which we are falling but never touch the ground, dreams in which we are naked in the presence of men suited for our ruin."--Jericho Brown

In his haunting and fearless debut, Ocean Vuong walks a tightrope of historic and personal violences, creating an interrogation of the American body as a borderless space of both failure and triumph. At once vulnerable and redemptive, dreamlike and visceral, compassionate and unforgiving, these poems seek a myriad existence without forgetting the prerequisite of self-preservation in a world bent on extinguishing its othered voices. Vuong's poems show, through breath, cadence, and unrepentant enthrallment, that a gentle palm on a chest can calm the most necessary of hungers.