Вручение 2017 г. — стр. 2

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2017 г.

Золотой бестселлер

Мартина Коул 0.0
Imelda Dooley is scared. Really scared. She's played hard and fast and now she's been caught. She's pregnant and now she's on her own. Her father, not a man to mess with, will see that somebody pays for this. And it's not going to be her. So Imelda Dooley tells a lie. A lie that literally causes murders.

When Mary Dooley's husband is killed in the night's events, she knows she must graft to keep the family afloat. And graft she does, becoming a name in her own right. But she still has to watch her daughter's life spiral into a vicious, hate-fuelled cycle of drugs and prostitution.

Caught up in the carnage that is Imelda's existence are Mary's adored grandchildren, Jordanna and Kenny. Pretty little Jordanna isn't yet three and she already knows far too much. All she can do is look after her baby brother, Kenny, and try not to draw unwanted attention to herself.
Стив Питерс 4.0
Автор этой книги профессор Стив Питерс - не только известный психолог, но и легенда британского спорта. Его работа с английскими спортсменами привела многих из них к блестящим победам, а целая команда велогонщиков взяла золото на Олимпиаде. Дело в том, что Питерс - автор инновационной программы управления мозгом, которая помогает стать тем, кем ты хочешь. Его метод касается не только спорта, но и жизни в целом. Личность, полагает Стив Питерс, складывается из двух противоположностей: разум (Человек) и эмоции (Шимпанзе). И эти противоположности не всегда сходятся, а частенько борются между собой, что очень мешает добиваться своих целей. Шимпанзе может стать как вашим лучшим другом, так и злейшим врагом. Но есть и хорошая новость: его можно укротить. Тому, как научиться это делать, и посвящена эта книга.
Джулия Дональдсон 4.1
Грызун с большой дороги / Давным-давно забыт, / А был он страшный злыдень / И попросту бандит / …Никому нет ни спасения, ни пощады от грызуна-разбойника: у зайчихи он отнимает клевер; у белки - орехи; у кошки - молоко; у муравьёв - зеленый листик. Он даже у лошади своей крадёт сено! Бедные звери и букашки голодают, худеют на глазах. Неужели никто не остановит бессовестного вора?
Это новая история, сочиненная Джулией Дональдсон с оглядкой на балладу "Разбойник" английского поэта Альфреда Нойеса (1880 - 1958).
Для детей до 6 лет.
David Walliams 4.4
Welcome to the Midnight Gang! Midnight is the time when all children are fast asleep, except of course for... the Midnight Gang. That is when their adventures are just beginning... When Tom gets hit on the head by a cricket ball, he finds himself at Lord Funt Hospital, and is greeted by a terrifying-looking porter. Things go from bad to worse when he meets the wicked matron in charge of the children's ward... But Tom is about to embark on the most thrilling journey of a lifetime!
The Midnight Gang tells an extraordinarily heartwarming and, of course, funny story of five children on a hospital ward - and on a quest for adventure! It is a story of friendship and magic - and of making dreams come true. Readers are set to be utterly spellbound by this heartfelt story that will bring magic to everyone's Christmas.
Bill Bryson 4.4
Twenty years ago, Bill Bryson went on a trip around Britain to celebrate the green and kindly island that had become his adopted country. The hilarious book that resulted, Notes from a Small Island, was taken to the nations heart and became the bestselling travel book ever, and was also voted in a BBC poll the book that best represents Britain. Now, to mark the twentieth anniversary of that modern classic, Bryson makes a brand-new journey round Britain to see what has changed. Following (but not too closely) a route he dubs the Bryson Line, from Bognor Regis to Cape Wrath, by way of places that many people never get to at all, Bryson sets out to rediscover the wondrously beautiful, magnificently eccentric, endearingly unique country that he thought he knew but doesnt altogether recognize any more. Yet, despite Britains occasional failings and more or less eternal bewilderments, Bill Bryson is still pleased to call our rainy island home. And not just because of the cream teas, a noble history, and an extra day off at Christmas. Once again, with his matchless homing instinct for the funniest and quirkiest, his unerring eye for the idiotic, the endearing, the ridiculous and the scandalous, Bryson gives us an acute and perceptive insight into all that is best and worst about Britain today.
Чайлд Ли 4.3
Правду говорят, что добрые дела наказуемы. Не успел Джек Ричер помочь хорошему человеку избавиться от вымогателей, как его тут же схватили агенты ФБР и начали задавать странные вопросы, из которых следует, что его подозревают в убийстве двух женщин, бывших военнослужащих, дела которых он вел, будучи военным полицейским. Обстоятельства смерти обеих женщин загадочны и непонятны. Экспертами ФБР составлен психологический портрет преступника, и Джек Ричер как нельзя лучше соответствует ему. Специальный агент Нельсон Блейк и его команда уверены, что Джек должен знать ответы на вопросы, почему и, главное, каким образом умерли эти женщины.
David Walliams 4.0
From the world’s favourite author, David Walliams – ten cautionary tales and a delightfully dreadful cast of characters; all in a gorgeously gifty FULL COLOUR format!
Are you ready to meet the World’s Worst Children? Five beastly boys and five gruesome girls!
• Like Sofia Sofa – a TV super-fan so stuck to the sofa that she’s turning into one!
• Or Dribbling Drew – a boy whose drool gets him into trouble on a school trip!
• And not forgetting Blubbering Bertha – a girl who bawls and tells terrible tales!
Also featuring a special appearance from fan-favourite Raj!
From Number One bestselling author David Walliams comes this collection of wickedly funny, deliciously mischievous tales, illustrated in glorious colour by the artistic genius Tony Ross.

Серебряный бестселлер

Кейт Аткинсон 4.1
В высшую лигу современной литературы Кейт Аткинсон попала с первой же попытки: ее дебютный роман "Музей моих тайн" получил престижную Уитбредовскую премию, обойдя "Прощальный вздох мавра" Салмана Рушди, а цикл романов о частном детективе Джексоне Броуди, успевший полюбиться и российскому читателю ("Преступления прошлого", "Поворот к лучшему", "Ждать ли добрых вестей?", "Чуть свет, с собакою вдвоем"), Стивен Кинг окрестил "главным детективным проектом десятилетия".

И вот за поразительным мировым бестселлером "Жизнь после жизни", рассказывавшим, как методом проб и ошибок наконец прожить XX век правильно, следует его продолжение — "Боги среди людей". И если Урсула Тодд прожила много жизней, то ее брат Тедди — лишь одну, зато очень длинную. Он изучал в Оксфорде поэзию Уильяма Блейка, а потом убирал урожай в южной Франции, он за штурвалом четырехмоторного "галифакса" бомбил Берлин, а потом уверился, что среди людей есть боги: ведь, по выражению Эмерсона, сам человек — это рухнувшее божество...
Дайна Джеффрис 4.0
1920-е годы. Девятнадцатилетняя англичанка Гвен выходит замуж за Лоуренса, обаятельного владельца огромной чайной плантации на Цейлоне. Гвен приезжает к мужу, полная надежд и планов на будущее. Но жизнь на Цейлоне, вопреки ожиданиям, оказывается не столь радужной. Недовольство рабочих. Злопыхательство соседей. Козни невестки. Но самое главное — покрытая мраком история смерти первой жены Лоуренса. Почему все так старательно скрывают обстоятельства ее гибели? Кто похоронен в безымянной могиле в лесу? Столкнувшись с тайнами прошлого своего мужа, Гвен оказывается перед трудным выбором...

Запоминающийся, нежный портрет женщины, вынужденной выбирать между супружеским долгом и материнским инстинктом...
Энтони Дорр 4.2
"Весь невидимый нам свет" — последний роман от лауреата многих престижных литературных премий Энтони Дорра. Эта книга, вынашивавшаяся более десяти лет, немедленно попала в списки бестселлеров — и вот уже который месяц их не покидает. "Весь невидимый нам свет" рассказывает о двигающихся, сами того не ведая, навстречу друг другу слепой французской девочке и робком немецком мальчике, которые пытаются, каждый на свой манер, выжить, пока кругом бушует война, не потерять человеческий облик и сохранить своих близких. Это книга о любви и смерти, о том, что с нами делает война, о том, что невидимый свет победит даже самую безнадежную тьму.
Элла Миллс 0.0
From the founder of the wildly popular food blog Deliciously Ella, 120 plant-based, dairy-free, and gluten-free recipes with gorgeous, full-color photographs that capture the amazing things we can do with natural ingredients.

In 2011, nineteen-year-old Ella Woodward was diagnosed with a rare illness that left her bed-ridden, in chronic pain, and plagued by heart palpitations and headaches. When conventional medicine failed her, Ella decided to change her diet. She gave up meat, gluten, dairy, sugar, and anything processed—and the effects were immediate: her symptoms disappeared, her energy returned, and she was able to go off all her medication. A self-confessed sweet tooth, Ella taught herself how to make delicious, plant-based meals that delight the palette and improve overall well-being.

Deliciously Ella is an essential, how-to guide to clean, plant-based eating, taking you through the best ingredients and methods for preparing easy, exciting meals. This is not a diet—it’s about creating a new mindset that embraces fantastic food. From sweet potato brownies to silky chocolate mousse and roasted butternut squash risotto and homemade fries and ketchup, Ella shares 100 brand-new recipes and twenty classics in her signature, elegant style. Packed with vivid photos and simple, foolproof instructions, Deliciously Ella provides a foundation for a pure, unprocessed, unrefined diet, so you can look and feel better while enjoying great food.
Сара Райнер 3.4
Семь утра, поезд из Брайтона в Лондон. Все как обычно, люди украдкой наблюдают друг за другом, впереди очередной рабочий день. Но в одно мгновение что-то меняется, и судьба Анны, Лоу и Карен никогда уже не будет прежней. Один момент, одно необыкновенное утро в поезде… Кто бы мог подумать, что история, случившаяся тогда, станет для них отправной точкой новой жизни, о которой они и не могли мечтать?
Джефф Кинни 4.2
Грегу Хэффли опять не дают наслаждаться жизнью! Всё, что он умеет делать хорошо, – это играть в видеоигры, но родители требуют, чтобы он "открыл в себе какой-нибудь талант". К тому же на носу Хэллоуин, а у Грега и без того полно проблем. Однажды пакет с мармеладными червячками и старая камера, найденная в подвале, наводят Грега на отличную идею… Что, если снять фильм ужасов? Так он докажет родителям, что у него есть скрытые таланты, и заодно наконец-то прославится и разбогатеет. План Грега, как всегда, неплох, только вот не обернётся ли двойная ставка двойным ударом?
Джоан Роулинг 4.2
Эта книга – дебют Дж.К. Роулинг в качестве сценариста. Это грандиозная приключенческая история о дружбе, волшебстве и хаосе с вереницей незабываемых персонажей. События происходят за пятьдесят лет до начала истории о Гарри Поттере.
Бруно Винсент 0.0
It is the night of the referendum and the Five have retired to Kirrin Island to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, fed up with the rancour of public debate. George is firmly a 'remainer,' whilst Julian, who is in the 'Brexit' camp, is tolerated on the grounds that Anne cannot bear to go camping without him. (Timmy, largely apolitical but not keen on cats or rabbits, joins them too.)

The night is tempestuous in more ways than one. George has managed to rig up a satellite link with the mainland so they can keep abreast of the news, and they sit huddled around the fire, amidst some tension, as George's initial hope that the 'remainers' will triumph proves premature...

Meanwhile, a violent storm whips up. The damage is apparent as the new day dawns and George declares a new meaning for Brexit: Kirrin Island is exiting Britain...that is, until the red tape becomes too much of a challenge and their happy life together is under threat.
Гай Мартин 0.0
"The maddest 12 months of my life. The journey starts with an oddball race up an American mountain and ends with me checking myself out of hospital with a broken back. Again..."

As Guy Martin's grandfather, Voldemars, frequently reminded him, "When you dead, you dead". So, before it's all over, Guy Martin is making the most of the time he’s got.

In this past year alone, Guy has raced the Isle of Man TT and finished on the podium; bike trekked through India; competed in solo 24-hour bicycles races; flown a stunt plane; broken a go-kart speed record down a French mountain; and dusted himself off after a dramatic crash at the Dunrod 150 Superbike race. And he’s done all this around his day job as a truck mechanic.

But let Guy tell you about it himself: "This book starts in a Transit, ends in a Transit, and in between I’ve raced a few pushbikes, raced a few motorbikes and got a fair few stories to tell you". Spot on.
Тим Пик 0.0
‘It's impossible to look down on Earth from space and not be mesmerised by the fragile beauty of our planet. During my mission I became determined to share this unique perspective of the one place we all call ‘home’. This book captures a journey of discovery, not just the discovery of planet Earth - a stunning oasis of life in the vastness of space - but also the discovery of a newfound passion for photography, which has had a major impact on me. I hope readers enjoy leafing through these pages as much as I enjoyed taking these pictures.’

Hello, is this planet Earth? takes readers on a mesmerizing tour of Tim’s historic and inspirational six-month Principia mission. Based on over 150 of Tim’s stunning photographs that he took on board the international space station, many of which have not been seen before, this lavish collection showcases the beauty of earth from above, and is the perfect visual time capsule of Tim’s remarkable trip, which captured the imaginations of millions of children and adults across the world.

The book can be enjoyed by readers of all ages, and comes with a personal commentary from Tim, full of his characteristic warmth and charm. The book includes breath-taking aerial photos of cities illuminated at night, the northern lights and unforgettable vistas of oceans, mountains and deserts. The title of the book is inspired by Tim’s famous ‘wrong number’ dialled from space, when he accidentally misdialled a woman from the space station and inquired, ‘Hello, is this planet Earth?’

During his mission, Tim conducted numerous ground-breaking science experiments and engaged the British public in ingenious ways. Tim became the first British astronaut to complete a spacewalk and the first person to run the London marathon in space. He spoke to hundreds of thousands of school children back on earth via events such as the Cosmic Classroom live from the ISS, engaging over 1 million children during the whole mission. He was also involved in other memorable events, such as presenting the BRIT Awards live from space in a dinner jacket. 24 million people watched Tim blast off and over 2 million fans continue to follow his updates across social media.In the Queen’s birthday honours, Tim was made a companion of the order of St Michael and St George, an award given to those who have given distinguished service overseas, or, in Tim’s case, in space.

Tim’s proceeds received from the book will be donated to The Prince’s Trust.
Jason Hazeley, Joel Morris 0.0
This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them.

The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. The subject of the book will greatly appeal to grown-ups.
J.P. Morris, J.A. Hazeley 0.0
The PERFECT GIFT for your long-suffering wife or prospective bride. Or, for any fool of a husband or seriously deluded groom-to-be who hasn't yet understood what he's signed up for
Мэри Берри 0.0
In this official tie-in to Mary's gorgeous new six-part BBC Two TV series, Mary reveals the secrets of her very favourite food.

Featuring all the foolproof recipes from the show, Mary introduces you to her favourite dishes using produce from the farmers' market, the herb garden, the seaside, the countryside and more.

This all-new collection of over 100 fuss-free, delicious dishes offers yet more inspirational ideas that anyone can try. From tempting Mini Beef Wellingtons, perfect for a party, to her foolproof Saturday Night Pasta, Mary's no-nonsense advice means cooking for friends and family has never been simpler. And of course, there are plenty of indulgent cakes and teatime treats for those with a sweet tooth.

The book also contains Mary's favourite Christmas recipes, from the two Mary Berry's Absolute Christmas Favourites TV specials.

These are dishes that Mary never tires of, that are not too difficult to make, that don't have too many ingredients, and that'll have all your family asking for second helpings! From tempting canapés and inspiring salads to comforting suppers and indulgent cakes, it's never been easier to find a new absolute favourite.
Lose yourself in a riot of colouring in and drawing as you bring the exotic creatures and plants in Millie Marotta's Tropical Wonderland to life. Millie's intricate style of illustration encourages you to make your own mark, whether it's to add texture to a collection of cacti or a splash of colour to the feathers of a tropical parrot.
Explore the rainforest further and you will find extraordinary flowers, birds, butterflies and reptiles waiting to be filled with vibrant tropical colour. This book will bring enjoyment to anyone who is looking for a creative outlet or a mindful and relaxing activity.
Йотам Оттоленги 0.0

With his fabulous restaurants and bestselling Ottolenghi Cookbook, Yotam Ottolenghi has established himself as one of the most exciting talents in the world of cookery and food writing. This exclusive collection of vegetarian recipes is drawn from his column 'The New Vegetarian' for the Guardian's Weekend magazine, and features both brand-new recipes and dishes first devised for that column.

Yotam's food inspiration comes from his strong Mediterranean background and his unapologetic love of ingredients. Not a vegetarian himself, his approach to vegetable dishes is wholly original and innovative, based on strong flavours and stunning, fresh combinations. With sections devoted to cooking greens, aubergines, brassicas, rice and cereals, pasta and couscous, pulses, roots, squashes, onions, fruit, mushrooms and tomatoes, the breadth of colours, tastes and textures is extraordinary.

Featuring vibrant, evocative food photography from acclaimed photographer Jonathan Lovekin, and with Yotam's voice and personality shining through, Plenty is a must-have for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike.
Майкл Мосли 0.0
Dr Michael Mosley, author of the bestselling 5:2 Fast Diet, reveals a game-changing approach to one of the greatest silent epidemics of our time - raised blood sugar levels.

The food we eat today, high in sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates, is not only making us fat, but is putting us at risk of type 2 diabetes, strokes, dementia, cancer and a lifetime on medication. More than a third of adults in the UK now have raised blood sugar levels and most don't know it.

In this timely book, Dr Mosley explains why we pile on dangerous abdominal fat and shows us how to shed it, fast. He demolishes common myths, such as the claim that steady weight loss is always better than rapid weight loss and that those who lose weight rapidly will inevitably put it back on.

This is a book not just for those at highest risk but for anyone who has struggled with their weight and wants to regain control of their health.

'I feel amazing. I have been given another chance at life.' --Cassie, 28 -- lost 20kg
Лиз Пичон 4.5
"Ах во-о-от, оказывается, о чем они думают! Ах во-о-от,, что они делают, пока мама с папой не видят! Ах-ах, - подумают родители, тайком прочитав эту книжку. - В тетрадках эти детки рисуют монстров вместо того, чтобы примеры решать, а пока нас нет дома, устраивают жуткие вечеринки с разносом дома! Ух, теперь-то мы все-е-е знаем".
А подростки вздохнут спокойно: "Уфф, я ж не один страдаю по красавице из класса и веду себя, как полный неудачник. И не только мои родители все время ругаются в отпуске. И не только моя сестра - зловредный тролль, и я не один попался учительнице, когда изображал ее усатый портрет (хы-хы)..."

"А моя собственная упрямая дочь, читая дневники Тома Гейтса, гоготала, хлопая себя по коленкам, а потом очень серьезно сказала: "Ладно, пойду в школу, там может быть очень даже весело". Очень весело! Именно так и живет Том Гейтс, который ведет очень подробный, честный и откровенный и немного, нет... очень сильно безбашенный дневник, который больше похож на изрисованную тетрадку, чем на книжку. Классный безбашенный дневник. Вот так." Анна Ерошева, редактор, журналист
Оуэн Джонс 0.0
In The Establishment Owen Jones, author of the international bestseller Chavs, offers a biting critique of the British Establishment and a passionate plea for democracy

Behind our democracy lurks a powerful but unaccountable network of people who wield massive power and reap huge profits in the process. In exposing this shadowy and complex system that dominates our lives, Owen Jones sets out on a journey into the heart of our Establishment, from the lobbies of Westminster to the newsrooms, boardrooms and trading rooms of Fleet Street and the City. Exposing the revolving doors that link these worlds, and the vested interests that bind them together, Jones shows how, in claiming to work on our behalf, the people at the top are doing precisely the opposite. In fact, they represent the biggest threat to our democracy today - and it is time they were challenged.

Owen Jones may have the face of a baby and the voice of George Formby but he is our generation's Orwell and we must cherish him (Russell Brand)

This is the most important book on the real politics of the UK in my lifetime, and the only one you will ever need to read. You will be enlightened and angry (Irvine Welsh)

Owen Jones displays a powerful combination of cool analysis and fiery anger in this dissection of the profoundly and sickeningly corrupt state that is present-day Britain. He is a fine writer, and this is a truly necessary book (Philip Pullman)
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