Вручение 2007 г.

Премия вручена за 2006 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2007 г.

Лучший детективный или криминальный роман

Ace Atkins 0.0
A stunning thriller based on the true story of the death of retired criminal kingpin Charlie Wall-and those who benefited from it
Rhys Bowen 0.0
Irish immigrant-turned-private detective Molly Murphy comes to the aid of handsome NYPD captain Daniel Sullivan, who has been arrested for accepting bribes, as she sets out to prove that he has been framed, while also being drawn into the case of serial killer who has already murdered five prostitutes, in a mystery set in early 1900s New York.
Barry Eisler 0.0
When freelance assassin John Rain learns that his former lover has been raising their child in New York, he senses a chance for reconciliation, perhaps even redemption. But Midori is being watched by Rain's enemies, and Rain's sudden appearance puts mother and child in mortal danger.
Дэн Фесперман 0.0
When the body of an American soldier is discovered in Cuban waters near the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo, Revere Falk, a former FBI agent, is reassigned from his job interrogating an accused al-Qaeda operative to investigate the soldier’s mysterious death.

Falk soon finds himself in a deadly game of intrigue that stretches from the charged waters of Guantánamo Bay to the polished halls of Washington. Every move Falk makes could be costly, and to make matters worse, a dark figure from his past reappears, brandishing a secret he thought he had safely buried. The Prisoner of Guantánamo is a daring look at life behind the barbed wire of Gitmo and a riveting portrayal of what goes on in the most secret levels of our government.

From the Trade Paperback edition.
Ариана Франклин 5.0
A cultured city scarred by war. . . . An eastern émigré with scars and secrets of her own. . . . A young woman claiming to be a Russian grand duchess. . . . A brazen killer, as vicious as he is clever. . . . A detective driven by decency and the desire for justice.

. . . A nightmare political movement steadily gaining power. . . .

This is 1922 Berlin.

One of the troubled city's growing number of refugees, Esther Solomonova survives by working as secretary to the charming, unscrupulous cabaret owner "Prince" Nick, and she's being drawn against her will into his scheme to pass a young asylum patient off as Anastasia, the last surviving heir to the murdered czar of all Russia. But their found "princess," Anna Anderson, fears that she's being hunted—and this may turn out to be more than paranoia when innocent people all around her begin to die.

Лучший дебютный роман

Луиза Пенни 3.9
Блестящий дебют в жанре детективного романа! Премии «John Creasy New Bloody Dagger», «Arthur Ellis Award», «Anthony Award», «Dilys Award», «Barry Award»! Роман «Убийственно тихая жизнь» открывает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша - нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, ставшей единственным в мире пятикратным лауреатом премии Агаты Кристи. Старший инспектор Арман Гамаш из полиции Квебека приступает к расследованию подозрительной смерти в деревне Три Сосны, что к югу от Монреаля. Тело Джейн Нил, бывшей учительницы, которая пользовалась всеобщей любовью и уважением, найдено в лесу на окраине деревни. Смерть наступила в результате выстрела из лука. Местные жители уверены, что это несчастный случай на охоте, но у Гамаша возникает смутное предчувствие, что не все здесь так очевидно. И искать нужно не незадачливого стрелка, а безжалостного убийцу...
Гиллиан Флинн 3.8
Камилла Паркер, не особо удачливый репортер одной из не особо успешных газет Чикаго, мечтает о блестящей карьере. И вот девушке выпадает счастливый шанс, способный резко повысить ее журналистский статус, — Камиллу посылают корреспондентом в маленький городок, где жертвой маньяка стали несколько малолетних девочек. Ее задача выдать читателям сенсационное сообщение с места событий. Дело в том, что Камилла в этом городе родилась и выросла, а потому кому, как не ей, легче других найти общий язык с жителями и выяснить нюансы расследования. Но погружение в страшную реальность провинциальной жизни оборачивается для нее цепью кошмаров, достойных кисти Иеронима Босха…
Джон Харт 3.7
Через полтора года после загадочного исчезновения Эзры Пикенса, главы юридической империи, найдено его тело. На сына, адвоката Джексона Воркмэна, известного больше как Ворк, падает подозрение, как, впрочем, и на его сестру Джин. Поток лжи прорывает эмоциональную защиту Ворка. Он всегда находился в тени могущественного, властного отца, но жизнь Джин была полностью разрушена Эзрой. И все же - способна ли она стать убийцей? Опасаясь за жизнь сестры, Ворк начинает собственное расследование. Он сражается за спасение Джин, за свое доброе имя и любовь женщины, которой отдал сердце много лет назад.
Alex Berenson 3.7
Years ago, John Wells was an all-American boy from Montana. Now, he is roaming the mountains of Pakistan as a member of al Qaeda.
After a decade away from home, he despises the United States for its decadence. He hates America's shallow, mindless culture of vice and violence. He is a devout Muslim. He is a brave warrior for Allah.
Том Габбей 0.0
Tom Gabbay's debut novel, a Cold War thriller revolving around John F. Kennedy's historic visit to Berlin in 1963, is nothing short of an espionage masterwork -- comparable to the very best from heavyweights like John le Carre, Ken Follett, and Robert Ludlum.
Jack Teller is a former CIA operative who quit the Company after the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961. Living a relatively quiet life in South Florida, Teller finds his peaceful retirement interrupted when his former mentor and boss, Sam Clay, contacts him with some extraordinary news. Just days before JFK's scheduled speech near the Berlin Wall, the Berlin station of the CIA receives a message from a high-ranking officer in the East German secret police with critically important information that he will only reveal to Teller. When the former CIA op arrives in Berlin and eventually meets with the elusive contact -- a colonel in the infamous Ministry for State Security -- he is confronted with extremely unsettling intelligence: a plot to assassinate JFK in Berlin that has originated from within the United States government. With no one he can trust and with the future of humankind at stake, Teller must somehow find a way to stop the assassination attempt.
Replete with enough subterfuge, deceit, treachery, subversion, and betrayal to satisfy even the most discriminating aficionado of spy novels, Gabbay's debut -- a superbly plotted and wildly provocative tour de force -- will have fans of political thrillers and conspiracy theorists alike blissfully engrossed until the very last page and well beyond. Paul Goat Allen
Корнелия Рид 0.0
Madeline Dare would be the first to tell you her money is so old there's none left. A former socialite from an aristocratic family in decline, Maddie is a tough-talking, would-be journalist exiled to the rust belt of upstate New York. Her prospects for changing her dreary lifestyle seem dim--until a set of dog tags found at a decades-old murder site is linked to her family. Shocked into action, Maddie embarks on a search that takes her from the derelict smokestacks of Syracuse to the posh mansions of Long Island's Gold Coast. But instead of the warm refuge of home, this prodigal daughter soon uncovers dark, sinister secrets that will violently challenge everything she believes in and holds dear.

Лучший роман в обложке

Шон Дулиттл 0.0
Matthew Worth is a mess. Somewhere between a good cop and a bad screwup, he botched a marriage and a career. His fellow officers think he’s a joke. His commanders are tired of cutting him breaks. Even his wife has left him for a flashy homicide detective. Busted to night patrol at a robbery-prone Omaha supermarket, Worth is doing time, wearing his uniform and asking shoppers if they want paper or plastic. If that isn’t enough, he suspects he might be falling for Gwen, the shy checkout girl who may be an even bigger mess than he is. It couldn’t get any worse. Until it does.

When Gwen comes to him one night scared and desperate for help, Worth discovers just how far he’s willing to go to protect and serve. The next thing he knows, he’s driving a stolen car with a corpse in the trunk, a pistol in the glove box, and no way to turn back. Everything he doesn’t know could get them killed. And things haven’t even begun to get messy yet...
Кен Бруен, Джейсон Старр 5.0

1) When you hire someone to kill your wife, don’t hire a psychopath.

2) Don’t use Drano to get rid of a dead body.

3) Those locks on hotel room doors? Not very secure.

4) A curly blond wig isn’t much of a disguise.

5) Secrets can kill.
Max Allan Collins 0.0
Coming out of retirement to do one last—and extremely lucrative—job for a media magnate, professional killer Quarry finds himself unable to take out his target, a young, beautiful librarian. This is also Book 7 of the Quarry novels.
Джей Макларти 4.0


Faced with the dire news that North Korea intends to sell its nuclear weapons indiscriminately on the black market, the American President must resort to the unthinkable: he secretly offers to support a North Korean faction intent on overthrowing the government of Kim Jong-il. To facilitate this deadly covert operation, professional courier Simon Leonidovich is recruited to deliver vital CIA documents to the North Korean dissidents. But when Simon finds himself trapped behind enemy lines with a briefcase full of incriminating evidence, he discovers the true nature of the threat: an elaborate conspiracy by someone within the administration -- to take down the American President. . . .

Лучший триллер

Дэниел Силва 3.8
Когда-то Габриэль Аллон, один из лучших сотрудников спецслужб, попытался выйти в отставку, но в итоге был вынужден вернуться к прежней работе.
И теперь о мире и покое остается только мечтать...
Разведке стало известно о покушении, которое "Аль-Каида" готовит на самого папу римского.
Габриэлю приказывают немедленно отправиться в Ватикан и любой ценой предотвратить теракт.
Он начинает охоту за преступниками - но все его усилия безуспешны.
Постепенно Аллон приходит к единственно возможному выводу: в Ватикане находится агент террористов, поставляющий им секретную информацию.
Но кто он?
Как на него выйти?
Времени до запланированного покушения все меньше, а сотрудники спецслужб все еще не могут найти предателя...
Джозеф Файндер 4.0
Менеджер Джейсон Стэдман - свой в доску парень, любимец всего офиса, но карьера ему почему-то не дается. Все изменяется, когда он встречает Курта, - только что вернувшегося из Ирака бывшего офицера спецназа. Благодаря Курту фортуна поворачивается к Джейсону лицом, но одновременно он попадает под влияние своего нового знакомого: становится таким же крутым и безжалостным, как он, ибо это единственный путь к вершинам корпоративной власти. Однако вскоре новый приятель Джейсона становится его врагом - самым опасным, какого только можно себе вообразить.
Саймон Керник 3.8
Один телефонный звонок - и жизнь летит под откос.
Голос друга дрожит от страха и боли. Его пытают, требуя выдать адрес Тома Мерона, - и перед смертью он начинает говорить…
Теперь по следу Мерона - честного, ни в чем не повинного человека - идут убийцы.
Чего они хотят?
Информации. Но какой?
Этого Том не понимает.
А понять необходимо - иначе погибнет не только он сам, но и вся его семья…
George Pelecanos 2.6
Also available as a Hachette Audio.

Gus Ramone is "good police," a former Internal Affairs investigator now working homicide for the city's Violent Crime branch. His new case involves the death of a local teenager named Asa whose body has been found in a local community garden. The murder unearths intense memories of a case Ramone worked as a patrol cop twenty years earlier, when he and his partner, Dan "Doc" Holiday, assisted a legendary detective named T. C. Cook. The series of murders, all involving local teenage victims, was never solved. In the years since, Holiday has left the force under a cloud of morals charges, and now finds work as a bodyguard and driver. Cook has retired, but he has never stopped agonizing about the "Night Gardener" killings. The new case draws the three men together on a grim mission to finish the work that has haunted them for years. All the love, regret, and anger that once burned between them comes rushing back, and old ghosts walk once more as the men try to lay to rest the monster who has stalked their dreams. Bigger and even more unstoppable than his previous thrillers, George Pelecanos achieves in THE NIGHT GARDENER what his brilliant career has been building toward: a novel that is a perfect union of suspense, character, and unstoppable fate.
Alan Furst 0.0
From Alan Furst, whom The New York Times calls “America’s preeminent spy novelist,” comes an epic story of romantic love, love of country, and love of freedom–the story of a secret war fought in elegant hotel bars and first-class railway cars, in the mountains of Spain and the backstreets of Berlin. It is an inspiring, thrilling saga of everyday people forced by their hearts’ passion to fight in the war against tyranny.

By 1938, hundreds of Italian intellectuals, lawyers and journalists, university professors and scientists had escaped Mussolini’s fascist government and taken refuge in Paris. There, amid the struggles of émigré life, they founded an Italian resistance, with an underground press that smuggled news and encouragement back to Italy. Fighting fascism with typewriters, they produced 512 clandestine newspapers. The Foreign Correspondent is their story.

Paris, a winter night in 1938: a murder/suicide at a discreet lovers’ hotel. But this is no romantic traged–it is the work of the OVRA, Mussolini’s fascist secret police, and is meant to eliminate the editor of Liberazione, a clandestine émigré newspaper. Carlo Weisz, who has fled from Trieste and secured a job as a foreign correspondent with the Reuters bureau, becomes the new editor.
Weisz is, at that moment, in Spain, reporting on the last campaign of the Spanish civil war. But as soon as he returns to Paris, he is pursued by the French Sûreté, by agents of the OVRA, and by officers of the British Secret Intelligence Service. In the desperate politics of Europe on the edge of war, a foreign correspondent is a pawn, worth surveillance, or blackmail, or murder.

The Foreign Correspondent is the story of Carlo Weisz and a handful of antifascists: the army officer known as “Colonel Ferrara,” who fights for a lost cause in Spain; Arturo Salamone, the shrewd leader of a resistance group in Paris; and Christa von Schirren, the woman who becomes the love of Weisz’s life, herself involved in a doomed resistance underground in Berlin.

The Foreign Correspondent is Alan Furst at his absolute best–taut and powerful, enigmatic and romantic, with sharp, seductive writing that takes the reader through darkness and intrigue to a spectacular denouement.

From the Hardcover edition
Stephen Leather 0.0
"While investigating a crew of people-traffickers…Dan Shepherd discovers a cross-Channel currency-smuggling operation. Posing as a low-level criminal, Shepherd infiltrates the gang, befriending its London soldiers and establishing contact with the Albanian gangster who masterminds the business from his swank Paris flat. As Shepherd soon discovers, currency-smuggling isn't the only business these guys dabble in. With the help of a government contact, they've been churning out fake British passports, a scam that eventually finds Shepherd surrounded by Semtex and racing to foil a terrorist plot…The story builds to a boil as Shepherd, piecing together the terrorists' plans as he goes, lands aboard a Paris-bound Eurostar train with four suicide bombers as his fellow passengers. It's a grand finale that'll have readers on edge. Nicely, and seemingly effortlessly, done." —Kirkus Reviews (Starred Review)
Stephen White 0.0
He has chosen to die and signed a contract with the right people to make it happen. Everything will go as planned, even if he changes his mind. Which he has. And all he can do now is keep looking over his shoulder.

Лучший британский криминальный роман

Ken Bruen 4.0
Ireland, awash in cash and greed, no longer turns to the Church for solace or comfort. But the decapitation of Father Joyce in a Galway church horrifies even the most jaded citizen. Jack Taylor, devastated by the recent trauma of personal loss, has always believed himself to be beyond salvation. But a new job offers a fresh start, and an unexpected partnership makes him hope that his one desperate vision - of family - might yet be fulfilled. An eerie mix of exorcism, a predatory stalker, and an unlikely attraction conspires to lure him into a murderous web of dark conspiracies. The spectre of a child haunts every waking moment. Bleak, unsettling and totally original, Ken Bruen's writing captures the brooding landscape of Irish society at a time of social and economic upheaval. Here is evidence of an unmistakeable literary talent.
Стюарт Макбрайд 4.0
Утро начинается с тела проститутки, раздетой догола и забитой до смерти прямо в центре квартала красных фонарей шотландского Абердина. Еще одно плохое начало плохого дня детектива-сержанта Логана Макрея, тем более что и без того хватает добра на его голову: расчлененный труп собаки-лабрадора в чемодане, групповой секс членов городского совета с несовершеннолетней, пропавший без вести неверный муж. Повседневные проблемы обыкновенного полицейского из обыкновенного шотландского города начала XXI века. Ах да! Не забыть о маньяке, который наглухо закрывает двери домов и сжигает их вместе с обитателями - раз, другой, третий. К тому же над Макреем висит внутреннее расследование, а начальница изо всех сил испытывает его нервы на прочность...
Роман Стюарта Макбрайда - отменный городской детектив, изрядно сдобренный черным шотландским юмором.
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