Вручение 2008 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2008 г.

Лучшая книга с картинками

Тим Тингл 0.0
There is a river called Bok Chitto that cuts through Mississippi. In the days before the War Between the States, in the days before the Trail of Tears, Bok Chitto was a boundary. On one side of the river lived the Choctaws. On the other side lived the plantation owners and their slaves. If a slave escaped and made his way across Bok Chitto, the slave was free.

Thus begins Crossing Bok Chitto, told by award-winning Choctaw storyteller Tim Tingle and brought to life with the rich illustrations of Jeanne Rorex Bridges.

Martha Tom, a young Choctaw girl, knows better than to cross Bok Chitto, but one day--in search of blackberries--she disobeys her mother and finds herself on the other side. A tall slave discovers Martha Tom. A friendship begins between Martha Tom and the slave's family, most particularly his young son, Little Mo. Soon afterwards, Little Mo's mother finds out that she is going to be sold. The situation seems hopeless, except that Martha Tom teaches Little Mo's family how to walk on water to their freedom.

Choctaw storyteller Tim Tingle blends songs, cedar flute, and drum with tribal lore to bring the lore of the Choctaw Nation to life in lively historical, personal, and traditional stories. His collection of stories Walking the Choctaw Road was selected as the Oklahoma Book of the Year.

Artist Jeanne Rorex Bridges traces her heritage back to her Cherokee ancestors. Crossing Bok Chitto is her first fully illustrated book.

Лучшая книга для средней школы

Joseph Medicine Crow, Herman Viola 0.0
Picture a Crow Indian elder, his wizened eyes catching yours in the ancient flicker of firelight. His mesmerizing stories span the ages, from Custer to World War II to the 21st Century. He is the last traditional chief of his people. He is over 90 years old. Now picture that same man lecturing at colleges nationwide, and addressing the United Nations on the subject of peace.

National Geographic presents the amazing life story of Joseph Medicine Crow, the man who begins life as Winter Man. Trained as a warrior by his grandfather, Yellowtail, he bathes in icy rivers and endures the ceremony of "counting coup"—facing fierce combat with an enemy Sioux boy.

An operation at the local hospital brings the young Crow face-to-face with his worst fears: a Sioux, a ghost, and a white man. He excels at the white man's school and is raised in the Baptist faith. He translates the stories of the elder chiefs, becoming the link to the ancient traditions of the pre-reservation generation. His own dramatic and funny stories span both ages, and the ancient Crow legends are passed on in the storytelling tradition.

Joseph Medicine Crow's doctorate degree was interrupted by the call to arms of World War II. On the battlefields of Germany he earned the ancient status of War Chief by completing the four war deeds required of the Crow warrior.

In 1948 the Crow Tribal Council appointed Joseph Medicine Crow (now called High Bird) their Tribal Historian and Anthropologist.

Counting Coup is a vibrant adventure narrative, bringing Native American history and culture alive for young readers. Joseph Medicine Crow's story illuminates the challenges faced by the Crow people as hurricanes of change raged through America. His epic story and its lessons are an essential legacy for us all.

Лучшая книга для молодежи

Шерман Алекси 4.2
Что самое паршивое в жизни в нищей индейской резервации? Ну, кроме того, что в животе в основном пусто, дома нет денег, а одноклассники ежедневно лупят не по-детски? А то, что всем, кроме разве что семьи, плевать на тебя, на твои мечты и стремления —всё равно рано или поздно возьмешься за бутылку и помрешь какой-нибудь нелепой смертью, как все индейцы...Но Арнольд Спирит Младший не готов к такому раскладу — он мечтает вырваться из родной резервации и попасть туда, где перед ним, индейцем, наконец-то забрезжит надежда. Вот только бывают ли исключения из правил?
В этом наполовину автобиографическом романе Шерман Алекси — коренной американец — рассказал историю своего детства: каково было расти в нищей индейской резервации, а затем набраться смелости и уйти оттуда в школу для белых, чтобы стать кем-то больше, чем бедный индейский мальчишка. За этот честный, полный горького юмора и надежды роман Шерман Алекси получил мировое признание и Национальную книжную премию США в номинации «Детская литература» 2007 года.