Вручение сентябрь 1980 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: сентябрь 1980 г.

Премия имени Джейн Аддамс

Давид Хердян 0.0
David Kherdian re-creates his mother's voice in telling the true story of a childhood interrupted by one of the most devastating holocausts of our century. Vernon Dumehjian Kherdian was born into a loving and prosperous family. Then, in the year 1915, the Turkish government began the systematic destruction of its Armenian population.
М. Б. Гоффштейн 0.0
Text and illustrations descibe the riches of the earth and how people can promote peace and goodwill by sharing equitably with each other and their fellow creatures.