Вручение 1991 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Balticon 25, Хант-Валли, штат Мэриленд (29 - 31 марта 1991 года) Дата проведения: 1991 г.

Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука

Майкл Флинн 3.3
Возможность управлять будущим... Ею бредят фантасты. О ней мечтают ученые.
Отличная тема для новой книги опытной журналистки Сары Бомонт, мечтающей о Пулитцеровской премии!
Но люди, дающие Саре информацию, гибнут при загадочных обстоятельствах.
Ее саму кто-то снова и снова пытается то ли убить, то ли просто запугать и заставить остановиться.
Возможно, потому, что она поняла - кто-то на самом деле вот уже двести лет управляет мировой историей?..
Ум. Марк Симмонс 0.0
Dreamland. A complex world of computer-generated dream games. Dreamwalkers can exchange their bodies for avatars - dream bodies that they can choose for themselves - and adventure in dozens of different virtual realities. There is no real pain, no real danger...until the program develops a deadly glitch!

Now the Fantasyworld program has locked-up and hundreds of gamers and dreamwalkers are trapped in a virtual environment populated with elves and dragons and all sorts of medieval and magical menace. Instead of waking up when their avatars are killed, dreamwalkers are experiencing terminal feedback and are actually dying inside their life-support modules!

Cephtronics must now convince the man who wrote the books the Programworld is based on--the man they fired and sued five years earlier--to risk his own life and sanity. Robert R Ripley must find a back door to his stolen virtual world, sneak inside, find the source of the anomaly, and unlock the matrix before everyone in-system dies in two worlds.

Elves baking cookies in hollow trees, werebears who hate forest fires, singing swords that do do-wap--it's all very funny until someone pokes an eye out...
Кэтрин Блейк 0.0
"Too active a fantasy life can be a dangerous things". For Susan this is literally true. She's perfectly happy in her role as wife and mother in suburbia. Or perhaps not perfectly happy, because the fantasy world she slips into every so often is very different from her everyday life. . .