Вручение 11 октября 1991 г.

Лучший кинофильм - "Презумпция невиновности" (Presumed Innocent)
Лучший телефильм - "Тайна!" (Mystery!)

Страна: США Место проведения: Пасадена, Калифорния, Bouchercon XXII Дата проведения: 11 октября 1991 г.

Лучший роман

Sue Grafton 4.0
"One of the sassiest, most appealing of the recent spate of female gunshoes . . . 'G' is for glorious, galloping read, and I can't wait for 'H' ."
--Louise Bernikow, Cosmopolitan

Good and bad things seem to be coming in threes for Kinsey Millhone: on her thirty-third birthday she moves back into her renovated apartment, gets hired to find an elderly lady supposedly living in the Mojave Desert by herself, and makes the top of ex-con Tyrone Patty's hit list. It's the last that convinces Kinsey even she can't handle whoever's been hired to whack her, and she gets herself a bodyguard: Robert Dietz, a Porsche-driving P.I. who takes guarding Kinsey's body very seriously. With Dietz watching her for the merest sign of her usual recklessness, Kinsey plunges into her case. And before it's over, she'll unearth the gruesome truth about a long-buried betrayal and, in the process, come fact-to-face with her own mortality. . . .

"Wit is the most versatile weapon in Sue Grafton's well-stocked arsenal, and she uses it with disarming precision. . . . Grafton excels in this milieu."

"The story is complex; the body-count high; the sexual encounters feverish; and the villains chilling--in another can't-put-it-down outing for this talented author."
--Kirkus Reviews

From the Paperback edition.
Лоренс Блок 3.6
Прошлое порой догоняет. В этом убедились бывший полицейский Мэтт Скаддер и его давняя подруга, элитная проститутка, Элейн Марделл. Их прошлое смертельно опасно, причем не только для Мэтта и Элейн.
Лия Матера 0.0
Attorney Laura Di Palma is in complete control of her high-profile life -- she's about to become a partner, signed lithographs decorate the walls of her spectacular San Francisco apartment, and her Mercedes is paid for. But control turns to utter chaos when her sick lover, Hal, disappears from his hospital bed without a word. Then Sandy, the detective she works with (and her former lover), begins pressuring her for a second chance. At work, she has a radical client who's accused of murdering an FBI agent. It's too much to handle, but Laura has no choice.
Frantically searching for Hal, Laura also attempts to build her client's controversial defense. Meanwhile, she must keep Sandy at a distance even as she needs his help. When a second man is murdered, Laura's carefully tailored life begins to unravel before her eyes . . . .
"Ms. Matera proves a tough-minded writer." -- The New York Times Book Review
"Extraordinary, thought-provoking." -- Baltimore Sun
Шэрин Маккрамб 0.0
Sheriff Spencer Arrowood keeps the peace in his small Tennessee town most of the time. Every once in a while, though, something goes wrong.

When 1960s folksinger Peggy Muryan moves to town seeking solitude and a career comeback, and she receives a postcard with a threatening message, her idyll is shattered. Then a local girl who looks like Peggy vanishes without a trace.

Although she was once famous, Peggy has no fondness for the old times. Those days are best left forgotten for Spencer Arrowood, too. But sometimes the past can't rest, and those who try to forget it are doomed to relive it...
Julie Smith 0.0
When the smiling King of Carnival is killed at Mardi Gras, policewoman Skip Langdon is on the case. She knows the upper-crust family of the victim and that it hides more than its share of glittering skeletons. But nothing could prepare her for the tangled web of clues and ancient secrets that would mean danger for her--and doom for the St. Amants....
"Smith is a gifted writer."
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Лучший дебютный роман

Патрисия Корнуэлл 3.7
Город Ричмонд охвачен ужасом - жертвами маньяка стали уже четыре молодые женщины. Они погибли в невероятных мучениях, а убийца, кажется, издевается над полицией, оставляя подсказки на месте очередного преступления. За дело берется судмедэксперт Кей Скарпетта. В ходе расследования она выдвигает шокирующую версию относительно личности злоумышленника. Права она или нет - покажет время, ведь Кей предстоит столкнуться с убийцей лицом к лицу…
Диана Мотт Дэвидсон 3.9
Владелица небольшого ресторанного бизнеса Голди знает цену деньгам.
Когда на счету остается всего пара долларов, а экс-супруг, преуспевающий врач-гинеколог, выплачивает мизерные алименты на содержание их сына Арча с неохотой, рассчитывать приходится только на саму себя.
Голди берется за любую работу, которую только можно найти в ее родном городке. Даже если это обслуживание поминок по любимой школьной учительнице Арча, покончившей с собой при весьма странных обстоятельствах.
Однако, планируя это мероприятие, она даже предположить не могла, что самый обычный кофе станет орудием неудавшегося покушения на жизнь ее бывшего свекра - таинственный убийца попытается его отравить.
Все подозрения, конечно же. сразу падают на Голди. Чтобы вернуть себе честное имя и найти настоящего злоумышленника, она решает провести собственное расследование.
Но с чего начать?
Ведь у каждого, кто присутствовал на поминках, были и мотивы, и возможность совершить это ужасное преступление...
Джанет Доусон 0.0
When P.I. Jeri Howard takes on a missing-persons case, she's not the only person confused. The vanished woman's husband doesn't even know his wife's real name. But as Jeri digs deeper, she reveals long-buried secrets, old public scandals, and the real possibility that too much knowledge is a dangerous thing...
"A welcome addition to this tough genre."

Лучший роман в обложке

Рошелл Майер Крич 0.0
Kate Bauers is er trots op dat ze haar baan in de geschenkenwinkel weet te combineren met haar luxueuze huishouden, hoewel dokter Mark Bauers een veeleisende echtgenoot is en ze haar handen vol heeft aan haar twee kleine kinderen. Maar als haar baan steeds meer tijd gaat kosten, doet Kate iets wat ze heeft gezworen nooit te zullen doen: ze laat een vreemde in haar huis slapen en voor haar kinderen zorgen.

Janine is een geschenk uit de hemel - de ideale inwonende babysitter - en Mark is het er volledig mee eens. Maar plotseling stort Kate's perfecte wereldje in. Weg zijn haar tomeloze energie en haar gezondheid; ze is de hele dag moe.
Mark geeft haar tabletten om haar erbovenop te helpen en Janine brengt haar chocolademelk met slagroom, maar Kate voelt zich altijd slaperig - zo slaperig dat ze overdag haar bed niet meer uitkomt.

Kate is zo moe dat ze zich niet meer kan concentreren op de kleine dingetjes - zoals een verdwenen foto en een nachtjapon die naar een parfum ruikt dat zijzelf nooit gebruikt. Ze wordt elke dag zwakker en ze voelt zich een vreemde in haar eigen huis.

Niet dat iemand er iets aan kan doen - zeker niet Janine. Iedereen houdt van Janine. Niemand durft, zelfs maar voor één enkel ogenblik, zo'n juweel van een hulp te verdenken.
Jane Haddam 0.0
Summoned to a Christmas feast at the isolated country estate of multimillionaire Robert Hannaford, retired FBI agent Gregor Demarkian is soon back on the job when Hannaford is murdered. Originally in paperback.

Лучшая критическая или научно-популярная работа

Jon L. Breen 0.0
In this collection of original essays, several prominent writers and critics of the genre examine the interface of theology and detection. Edward D. Hoch discusses Roman Catholic sleuths; James Yaffe discusses Jews in detective fiction; Marvin Lachman discusses the use of religious cults as mystery story backgrounds; co-editor Breen writes of Protestant religious mysteries and on Mormonism in the mystery; and four authors of mysteries about religious detectives--William X. Kienzle, Ellis Peters, Harry Kemelman, and Sister Carol Anne O'Marie--respond to a series of questions about their work.
Serita Deborah Stevens, Anne Klarner 0.0
Describes the symptoms, forms, methods of administration, and reactions of various poisons, and briefly traces the history of poisioning.
Peter Lewis 0.0
Eric Ambler is widely regarded as one of the most important thriller writers of the twentieth century.

In the 1930s he set out to give respectability to a genre that he rightly recognized needed to be rescued from its status as pulp fiction.

With six landmark novels published between 1936 and 1940, Ambler laid the foundations for the postwar generation of writers who raised the spy novel to a form of literature.

Like Graham Greene, Ambler used the ingredients of a thriller to create a series of novels that investigated many aspects of modern life, from totalitarian political regimes to white-collar crime.

And with those books, he transformed the scale and scope of the genre.

But who was the man behind the work?

Edgar Allan Poe Award-winning author Peter Lewis gives us the first full-length study of Amber’s life and work.

It brings us to the heart of the grand master of intrigue through insightful discussions of such popular novels as ‘Epitaph for a Spy’, ‘A Coffin for Dimitrios’, ‘The Light of Day’ (on which the well-known film ‘Topkapi’ is based), and ‘The Siege of the Villa Lipp’ – among many others.

By examining the individual books, Peter Lewis shows us how Ambler’s work changed throughout his life – while remaining always topical.

As this book argues, no novelist did more to dissolve the boundaries that separated “popular” from “serious” fiction.

‘Peter Lewis's book about Eric Ambler is a literate, considerate inspection of the 18 novels of the British writer who transformed the spy thriller from macho, jingoistic, potboiler into a vehicle worthy of genuine literary talent.’ - The Booklist

Peter Lewis is a prize-winning author whose book about John le Carré received the prestigious Edgar Allan Poe award from the Mystery Writers of America as the best critical/non-fiction title of its year. His subsequent book about Eric Ambler was shortlisted for another non-fiction Edgar Allan Poe award as well as for an Anthony Award.

Endeavour Press is the UK's leading independent publisher of digital books.
С. Т. Джоши 0.0
John Dickson Carr is known as the master of the “locked-room” mystery—the “impossible crime.” But Carr also wrote short stories, radio plays, essays, introductions, and book reviews. S. T. Joshi has written the first full-length study of Carr’s entire work and pays particular attention to this author’s three best-known detectives: Henri Bencolin, Dr. Gideon Fell, and Sir Henry Merrivale.

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