Вручение 15 октября 2009 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Индианаполис, Индиана, Bouchercon XL Дата проведения: 15 октября 2009 г.

Лучший роман

Майкл Коннелли 4.4
Еще недавно офисом Микки Холлера был салон автомобиля, а клиентами уличные бандиты и хулиганы, байкеры и мелкие наркодилеры.
Но теперь дела Микки пошли в гору.
Ему крупно повезло - после загадочной гибели коллеги, Джерри Винсента, к нему перешло громкое дело киномагната Уолтера Элиота, которого обвиняют в убийстве жены и ее любовника.
Микки изучает материалы - и невольно задает себе вопрос: а что, если Джерри и жену Элиота убил один и тот же человек?
Слишком много фактов свидетельствуют в пользу этой версии.
Но поддерживает Микки лишь один человек - легендарный детектив Гарри Босх, расследующий гибель Винсента...
Стиг Ларссон 4.4
Сорок лет загадка исчезновения юной родственницы не дает покоя стареющему промышленному магнату, и вот он предпринимает последнюю в своей жизни попытку — поручает розыск журналисту Микаэлю Блумквисту. Тот берется за безнадежное дело больше для того, чтобы отвлечься от собственных неприятностей, но вскоре понимает: проблема даже сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.
Как связано давнее происшествие на острове с несколькими убийствами женщин, случившимися в разные годы в разных уголках Швеции? При чем здесь цитаты из Третьей Книги Моисея? И кто, в конце концов, покушался на жизнь самого Микаэля, когда он подошел к разгадке слишком близко? И уж тем более он не мог предположить, что расследование приведет его в сущий ад среди идиллически мирного городка.
Луиза Пенни 4.2
Роман "Самый жестокий месяц" продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша - нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.
"Самый жестокий месяц" - так сказал поэт об апреле. И чтобы поддержать свою репутацию, этот месяц подвергает старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша суровому испытанию. Вместе со своей командой Гамаш вновь приезжает в деревню Три Сосны, чтобы расследовать загадочную смерть некой Мадлен Фарво. Во время спиритического сеанса, который местные жители проводили в старом заброшенном доме, пользующемся дурной славой, Мадлен внезапно умирает. Все считают, что она просто испугалась до смерти, ведь общение с миром призраков никому не проходит даром. Однако Гамаш подозревает, что дело гораздо сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд. Начав расследование, он неожиданно становится объектом яростных нападок в прессе, связанных с одним из его прошлых дел. Теперь ему нужно не только раскрыть предполагаемое убийство, но и обелить свое имя...
Шон Черковер 0.0
Still suffering the physical and emotional consequences of going up against the Chicago Outfit, PI Ray Dudgeon needs an easy gig. A routine investigation of an open-and-shut case sounds perfect. The job is a loser, but the pay is good, and maybe Ray will bring some peace to a grieving father who yearns to learn the truth about the daughter he never really knew.

But what begins as routine soon spirals out of control. The victim was not simply a quiet, shy, unassuming single woman whose luck ran out. She lived a double life, working in the shadowy realm of covert intelligence. In a world built on secrets and lies, she fought bravely for truth - and gave her life in the fight.

Suddenly, Ray finds himself caught in a war between private contractors and the darkest sectors of our own government - a war that stretches from the closed-door hearings of Congress to the frontlines of Iraq.

Ensnared in a conspiracy of darkness that weaves its way through the very fabric of the nation, Ray must discover who's really pulling the strings before he becomes collateral damage in America's war on terror.No peril Ray Dudgeon has faced in the past could've prepared him for this. The stakes couldn't be any higher, and no enemy could be more powerful. Ray is in way over his head.

And his greatest enemy may be himself.
William Kent Krueger 0.0
When the daughter of a powerful businessman dies as a result of her meth addiction, her father, strong-willed and brutal Buck Reinhardt, vows revenge. His target is the Red Boyz, a gang of Ojibwe youths accused of supplying the girl's fatal drug dose. When the head of the Red Boyz and his wife are murdered in a way that suggests execution, the Ojibwe gang mobilizes, and the citizens of Tamarack County brace themselves for war, white against red.

Both sides look to Cork O'Connor, a man of mixed heritage, to uncover the truth behind the murders. A former sheriff, Cork has lived, fought, and nearly died to keep the small-town streets and his family safe from harm. He knows that violence is never a virtue, but he believes that it's sometimes a necessary response to the evil that men do. Racing to find answers before the bloodshed spreads, Cork himself becomes involved in the darkest of deeds. As the unspeakable unfolds in the remote and beautiful place he calls home, Cork is forced to confront the horrific truth: Violence is a beast that cannot be contained.

Лучший дебютный роман

Стиг Ларссон 4.4
Сорок лет загадка исчезновения юной родственницы не дает покоя стареющему промышленному магнату, и вот он предпринимает последнюю в своей жизни попытку — поручает розыск журналисту Микаэлю Блумквисту. Тот берется за безнадежное дело больше для того, чтобы отвлечься от собственных неприятностей, но вскоре понимает: проблема даже сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.
Как связано давнее происшествие на острове с несколькими убийствами женщин, случившимися в разные годы в разных уголках Швеции? При чем здесь цитаты из Третьей Книги Моисея? И кто, в конце концов, покушался на жизнь самого Микаэля, когда он подошел к разгадке слишком близко? И уж тем более он не мог предположить, что расследование приведет его в сущий ад среди идиллически мирного городка.
Том Роб Смит 3.8
1933 год, разгар голодомора. Братья Павел и Андрей ловят кота, чтобы хоть чем-то набить пустые желудки. Старший из них домой не вернется, а младший…лучше бы он умер! Ведь спустя годы 44 ребенка, нарушив простое правило никогда не разговаривать с незнакомцами, станут жертвами его жестокости!
Розмари Харрис 0.0
Meet Paula Holliday, a transplanted media exec who trades her stilettos for garden clogs when she makes the move from the big city to the suburbs to start a gardening business. Paula can handle deer, slugs, and the occasional human pest---but she’s not prepared for the mummified body she finds while restoring the gardens at Halcyon, a local landmark.
Casual snooping turns serious when a body is impaled on a garden tool and one of Paula’s friends is arrested for the crime.
Aided by the still-hot aging rocker who owns the neighborhood greasy spoon, a wise-cracking former colleague, and a sexy Mexican laborer with a few secrets of his own, Paula digs for the truth and unearths more dirty business the town has kept buried for years.
Джули Крамер 0.0
Inside the desperate world of TV news, a reporter discovers a serial killer is targeting women named Susan.

Riley Spartz is recovering from a heartbreaking, headline-making catastrophe of her own when a Minneapolis police source drops two homicide files in her lap.

Both cold cases involve women named Susan strangled on the same day, one year apart. Riley sees a pattern between those murders and others pulled from old death records. As the deadly anniversary approaches, she stages a bold on-air stunt to draw the killer out and uncover a motive that will leave readers breathless.
Дж. М. Малиет 0.0
From his eighteenth century English manor, rich Sir Adrian Beauclerk-Fisk writes mysteries and disinherits his four spoiled children in turn. At an engagement dinner, he announces his secret marriage to beautiful Violet, once charged with her husband's murder. Within hours, eldest son and hated appointed heir Ruthven is found cleaved to death by a medieval mace.

When Detective Chief Inspector St. Just arrives, a deadly calm goes beyond the usual English reserve. Soon Sir Adrian is found slumped over his writing desk – an ornate knife thrust into his heart. Using a Cornish brusqueness and brawn, can St. Just find the killer before another victim falls?

Лучший роман в обложке

Julie Hyzy 0.0
Introducing White House Assistant Chef Olivia Paras, who is rising-and sleuthing-to the top.

Includes recipes for a complete presidential menu!

Never let them see you sweat-that's White House Assistant Chef Olivia Paras's motto, which is pretty hard to honor in the most important kitchen in the world. She's hell-bent on earning her dream job, Executive Chef. There's just one thing: her nemesis is vying for it, too. Well, that and the fact that an elusive assassin wants to see her fry.
Max Allan Collins 0.0

Crime fiction readers know Quarry, the ruthless killer-for-hire, from Max Allan Collins’ acclaimed novels – most recently THE LAST QUARRY, which told the story of the assassin’s final assignment (and was the basis for the feature film The Last Lullaby).

But where did Quarry's story start? For first time ever, the best-selling author of ROAD TO PERDITION takes us back to the beginning, revealing the never-before-told story of Quarry’s first job: infiltrating a college campus and eliminating a professor whose affair with one of his beautiful, young students is the least of his sins...
Christa Faust 0.0

It all began with the phone call asking former porn star Angel Dare to do one more movie. Before she knew it, she'd been shot and left for dead in the trunk of a car. But Angel is a survivor. And that means she'll get to the bottom of what's been done to her even if she has to leave a trail of bodies along the way...
Пи Джей Пэрриш 0.0
Dig up the past. Pay the price.

With one phone call from a man he barely recalls meeting years ago, South Florida detective Louis Kincaid heads to the Michigan town of his college days to reopen a disturbing cold case -- and finds himself confronting his own painful past secrets...secrets that risk his future with the woman he loves, detective Joe Frye.

Ann Arbor police detective Jake Shockey wants Kincaid's help in the case of Jean Brandt, who went missing nine years ago -- and whose husband, Owen, has since been paroled. Now, Owen Brandt's girlfriend appears to be at risk, and Shockey is desperate to get involved. Kincaid soon unearths the deeply personal reasons why...and with Joe Frye assisting, Kincaid links yesterday's jealousies with today's potentially lethal vengeance. It's only a matter of time before one will win out over the other -- and before Kincaid's own shattering revelations will be forced out into the light of day.

Лучший роман для детей и подростков

Chris Grabenstein 0.0
ZACK, HIS DAD, and new stepmother have just moved back to his father’s hometown, not knowing that their new house has a dark history. Fifty years ago, a crazed killer caused an accident at the nearby crossroads that took 40 innocent lives. He died when his car hit a tree in a fiery crash, and his malevolent spirit has inhabited the tree ever since. During a huge storm, lightning hits the tree, releasing the spirit, who decides his evil spree isn’t over . . . and Zack is directly in his sights.

Award-winning thriller author Chris Grabenstein fills his first book for younger readers with the same humorous and spine-tingling storytelling that has made him a fast favorite with adults.
Грин Джон 3.8
Выпускник школы Кью Джейкобсен с детских лет тайно влюблен в свою прекрасную и дерзкую соседку Марго Рот Шпигельман. Поэтому, когда однажды ночью она приглашает его принять участие в "карательной операции" против ее обидчиков, он соглашается. Но, придя в школу после их ночного приключения, Кью узнает, что Марго исчезла. оставив для него лишь таинственные послания, которые он должен разгадать, чтобы найти девушку. И Кью бросается в отчаянную погоню, но девушки, которая долгие годы царила в его сердце, на самом деле нет.
Лорен Хендерсон 0.0
When 16-year-old Scarlett Wakefield transfers from St. Tabby's to Wakefield Hall Collegiate, she is relieved that no one knows her dark, haunting secret. A few months ago, Scarlett was invited to an elite party with a guest list full of the hottest names in British society, including Dan McAndrew. Before the party, Scarlett had only imagined what it would be like to have her first kiss with Dan, but on the penthouse terrace, Dan leaned in close and she no longer had to wonder. Their kiss was beautiful and perfect and magical, and then . . . Dan McAndrew took his last breath as she held him in her arms. No one knows how or why Dan died, and everyone at St. Tabby's believes Scarlett had something to do with it. But now that she's safely hidden away at Wakefield Hall, Scarlett would rather forget that it ever happened. Only she can't. Especially when she receives an anonymous note that will set her on the path to clearing her name and finding out what really happened to the first and last boy she kissed.
Трентон Ли Стюарт 3.7
The daring foursome from the well-received The Mysterious Benedict Society returns in a second perilous adventure. As the book opens, the children reunite at Mr. Benedict's home, where he has arranged a treasure hunt. Alas, they discover that Benedict and his assistant are being held captive somewhere, and dire consequences will result if Benedict's evil twin doesn't receive the information he desires in four days. The children undertake a worldwide journey to save Benedict and find the duskwort that will cure his narcolepsy. Lots of backstory is needed to set up this sequel, which makes for a choppy beginning. In the previous book, the protagonist's personal stories provided heft, but this is pure adventure-lots of racing, scheming, fighting. Punches are pulled on the violence front, but the threat is always there, creating page-turning tension. It's this roller coaster, along with the essential goodness of the characters (except, perhaps, for Constance), that will draw kids to this breathless follow-up.

Формат: 13,5 см x 19,5 см.

Лучшая критическая или научно-популярная работа

Jeff Marks 0.0
American author, editor, and critic William Parker White, better known to most as Anthony Boucher, made countless contributions to the fields of mystery and science fiction. After beginning his career as a mystery writer at 16, Boucher went on to become a New York Times mystery critic, a host for several radio programs, and the founding editor of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. This comprehensive biobibliography places particular emphasis on the writings and edited publications that established his reputation among readers of science fiction. Several appendices include complete bibliographic citations for Boucher's novels, articles, short stories, unpublished works, reviews, radio plays, anthologies, translations, and other written works.
Кейт Саммерскейл 3.6
Самое загадочное преступление и самое необычное расследование Скотленд-Ярда. Реальная история, положенная в основу удивительного, захватывающего романа!
1860 год. Богатый загородный особняк высокопоставленного чиновника Сэмюела Кента. Казалось бы, там не может случиться ничего из ряда вон выходящего...
Но летней ночью в доме совершается чудовищное убийство, жертвой которого становится трехлетний сын Кента.
Дело поручают Джеку Уичеру - знаменитому детективу Скотленд-Ярда, человеку-легенде, ставшему прототипом сыщика Каффа - героя романа Уилки Коллинза "Лунный камень". Уичер сразу понимает - человек "со стороны" просто не смог бы пробраться в особняк Кентов. А это значит, что под подозрением оказываются все обитатели дома - от слуг до членов семьи...
Фрэнки Ю. Бейли 0.0
This ambitious study examines the works of modern African American mystery writers within the social and historical contexts of African American literature on crime and justice. It begins with a historical overview that describes the movement by African American authors from slave narratives and antebellum newspapers into fiction writing, the work of early genre writers, such as Pauline Hopkins and Rudolph Fisher, the protest writers of the 1940s and 1950s, and the authors who followed in the 1960s. The historical section concludes with a discussion of works by late twentieth-century writers such as Toni Morrison and Ernest Gaines and the expansion of the audience for works by African American writers.

The heart of the book is an analysis of works by modern African American mystery writers, focusing on sleuths, the social locations of crime, victims and offenders, the notion of “doing justice,” and the role of African American cultural vernacular in mystery fiction. A final section focuses on readers and reading, examining African American mystery writers access to the marketplace and the issue of the “double audience” raised by earlier writers. It includes the results of an online survey of mystery readers and presents interviews with a cross-section of African American mystery writers and academic scholars.
Kathy Lynn Emerson 0.0
This useful, fascinating, and complete guide will inspire and delight writers (and readers, too) of historical mysteries. These books are the most enjoyable and memorable way to experience history up close and personal - with a brain-teasing puzzle thrown in as a bonus. Ranging from the eras of ancient civilizations to Japanese samurai to the twentieth-century private eye, from Renaissance Europe to the American frontier, they open a vast historical panorama to the curious reader who enjoys murder and mayhem along with past mores and morals. This sub-genre is growing in popularity every year.

Writing these mysteries is an art, and you can learn here how it's done.
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