Вручение 10 мая 2023 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, Two Temple Place Дата проведения: 10 мая 2023 г.

Премия Ондаатье

Энтони Анаксагору 0.0
What does it mean to have 'heritage', and how do we perform or undo it?

In these daring and sonorous poems, Anaxagorou conducts a researched unpacking of two countries whose dividing lines of a colonial past are still visible and felt.

Uniquely engaged with the complexities of Cyprus and the diasporic experience, these poems map both an island's public history alongside a person's private reckoning. They offer a ferocious and uncompromising look towards the damaging historical structures that have led to now.

Fearless, intensely honest and hopeful, Heritage Aesthetics merges Anthony's gift for performance and his brilliant experimentation with form to create a vivid insistence to communicate a self in the world.
Мишель де Крецер 0.0
A profoundly original exploration of racism, misogyny, and ageism—three monsters that plague the world—this novel from a beloved and prize-winning author is made up of two narratives, each told by a South Asian migrant to Australia.

"When my family emigrated it felt as if we'd been stood on our heads."

Michelle de Kretser's electrifying take on scary monsters turns the novel upside down—just as migration has upended her characters' lives.

Lili's family migrated to Australia from Asia when she was a teenager. Now, in the 1980s, she's teaching in the south of France. She makes friends, observes the treatment handed out to North African immigrants and is creeped out by her downstairs neighbour. All the while, Lili is striving to be A Bold, Intelligent Woman like Simone de Beauvoir.

Lyle works for a sinister government department in near-future Australia. An Asian migrant, he fears repatriation and embraces 'Australian values'. He's also preoccupied by his ambitious wife, his wayward children and his strong-minded elderly mother. Islam has been banned in the country, the air is smoky from a Permanent Fire Zone, and one pandemic has already run its course.

Three scary monsters—racism, misogyny and ageism—roam through this mesmerising novel. Its reversible format enacts the disorientation that migrants experience when changing countries changes the story of their lives. With this suspenseful, funny and profound book, Michelle de Kretser has made something thrilling and new.

"Which comes first, the future or the past?"
Шехан Карунатилака 3.9
Сколько людей погибло и по чьей вине? Только мёртвые знают ответ.

Коломбо, 1990 год. Маали Алмейда, военный фотограф, просыпается где-то вроде небесного визового центра. Его расчлененное тело лежит на дне озера, и он понятия не имеет, кто его убил. Когда идёт гражданская война, список подозреваемых удручающе длинный.
У Маали есть всего семь лун – семь дней, чтобы найти своего убийцу и передать фотографии, доказывающие военные преступления, живым. В этом ему будут помогать духи, демоны и любимые люди.

Юлия Чегодайкина, шеф-редактор издательства «Строки»:
Актуальный и увлекательный роман, который способен рассорить даже самых сдержанных собеседников: настолько острые, болезненные и важные темы в нем затрагиваются. Автор прямым текстом говорит о том, что за все войны и трагедии ответственность лежит на каждом из нас: на каждом активном участнике и на каждом равнодушном наблюдателе. На первый взгляд, книга о гражданской войне на Шри-Ланке, на самом деле – она про сегодняшнюю нашу реальность, а если ничего не менять, молча позволять злу действовать, прощать и забывать несправедливость, то и про завтрашнюю.
Заффар Куниал 0.0
Zaffar Kunial is a proven master of taking things apart, polishing the fugitive parts of single words, of a sound, a colour, the name of a flower, and putting them back together so that we see them in an entirely different light. In the poems of England's Green, we are invited to look at the place and the language we think we know, and we are made to think again. With everything so newly set, we are alert, as the poet is, to the 'dark missing / step in a stair', entering this new world with bated breath. By such close attention to the parts, the poems have a genius for invoking absence, whether that be a missing father, the death of a mother or a path not taken. Fully formed, they share a centre of gravity: migrations, memories, little transgressions and disturbances, summoned and contained in small gestures - a hand held, the smell of a newly bred rose or the scratch a limpet makes to mark its home.
Присцилла Моррис 0.0
Sarajevo, spring 1992. Each night, nationalist gangs erect barricades, splitting the diverse city into ethnic enclaves; each morning, the residents – whether Muslim, Croat or Serb – push the makeshift barriers aside.

When violence finally spills over, Zora, an artist and teacher, sends her husband and elderly mother to safety with her daughter in England. Reluctant to believe that hostilities will last more than a handful of weeks, she stays behind while the city falls under siege. As the assault deepens and everything they love is laid to waste, black ashes floating over the rooftops, Zora and her friends are forced to rebuild themselves, over and over. Theirs is a breathtaking story of disintegration, resilience and hope.