Вручение 1999 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1999 г.


John Varley 0.0
Winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards, John Varley is truly one of the "greats" of science fiction, comparable only to Heinlein, Herbert, Asimov, and Clark. Now the all-time master returns -- with his long-awaited epic novel of life beyond the great beyond...All the universe is a stage, and Sparky Valentine is its itinerant thespian. He makes his way from planet to planet as part of a motley theater troupe, bringing Shakespeare -- a version of it anyway -- to the outer reaches of earth's solar system. He journeys through the outlands, where thousands of artificial satellites drift, conglomerates of junk and rock welded together to support meager communities of human life. Here Sparky plies his trade, transforming himself from young to old, fat to thin, man to woman, by altering magnetic implants beneath his skin. Indispensable hardware for a career actor and an interstellar con man wanted for murder -- for while Sparky Valentine may have a song in his heart, he also has a price on his head. But his galactic roamings are bringing him closer to home, closer to justice -- and closer to the truth of his strange and prolonged existence...
Фрэнсис Пол Вилсон, Мэттью Джон Костелло 0.0
Tristan has no identity, no face, no family, no rights. He is a perfect spy: an artificially created human whose metamorphic DNA can be programmed with "masques"--genetic copies of anyone--over and over again. Until his body breaks down. But Tristan's masters offer him humanity, citizenship, and a permanent shape in exchange for one last mission. Now, Tristan must play a masquerade that will save--or destroy--an entire people.
Ben Bova 0.0
Moonbase rose up like the Phoenix out of the lunar dust-- a new society thriving on an inhospitable world battling the bitter enmity of powerful Earthside foes for the right to exist.
Now it's total war.


This is our future.

Ben Bova sees it as dearly as if it were outside his window.

A Hugo Award-winning extrapolator--the best-selling explorer of Mars--Bova thrills us with the astounding possibilities of science and technology. But it's his humanism that sets Ben Bova's SF uniquely apart. His characters live and breathe, captivating us with their dreams, their foibles and their distinctly human crises. Armed with these potent weapons, he leads us into MOONWAR--the second book in his monumental Moonbase Saga for a life-or-death confrontation in the magnificent desolation of a harsh and airless world.

Seven years after the remarkable Stavenger family made Moonbase a reality, a substantial community lives, labors and flourishes under the leadership of Doug Stavenger, thanks to the wonders of nanotechnology--virus-size machines that can build, refine, cure, create. . .and destroy. But the science that sustains and supports the young off Earth colony has been declared illegal and immoral by the home planet's rulers. And one man with the power to dictate policy is launching war's madness across the heavens--determined to lay claim to Stavenger's peaceful city or obliterate it if necessary--forcing an isolated society with no arms or military to defend itself with nothing but ingenuity and the tools that built and maintain the settlement.
Michael Flynn 0.0
Michael Flynn opened his saga of near-future technology and space exploration with Firestar. In it, he introduced a multi-stranded plot and a set of characters - all in orbit around a powerful and determined woman, Mariesa Van Huyten, who is obsessed with the need to get humanity back into space and to save the Earth from disaster. Now, in "Rogue Star," Van Huyten's struggles continue. Three astronauts are headed out beyond Mars on the first human trip to the asteroid belt. In orbit around the Earth a construction crew is building the first permanent space station, owned by Van Huyten's consortium. And the president of the United States is trying to force her to make a secret deal to put weapons in orbit so he can intervene in the ongoing wars.
Дон Тиггре 0.0
Y2K: The Millennium Bug is about fallible, human people-not about superheroes. Some are valiant and some are vile, but they all have to deal with their own problems in order to survive the chaos caused by the infamous year 2000 computer problem known as: The Millennium Bug!

Y2K: The Millennium Bug tracks the onset of the year 2000 and the results of the computer shutdowns, as seen by a number of characters with differing perspectives, education levels, and preparedness for disaster. Some people in America are more well-prepared than others, and some take advantage of the collapse of law and order in order to pursue their own wicked impulses. Countries overseas have had their own Y2K problems, including Russia, where a series of cascading failures cause an accidental launch of a small number of nuclear missiles.
And then the situation starts getting really difficult!

This is not an 'end of the world' story, but a chronicle of events surrounding a small set of people who end up brought together by the unraveling of society-triggered by widespread failures of critical computer systems at the beginning of the year 2000 (Y2K). Since there really is a 'Y2K problem' with many computers, and the actual Y2K deadline is fast approaching, many references to real news stories, articles, books, and actual Y2K-related events have been incorporated into the story. Y2K depicts neither the best nor the worst case scenario-readers are encouraged to educate themselves about the actual likelihood of problems in their lives if computers they depend on cannot handle dates in the year 2000.

This exciting and fast-paced book leaves the technical aspects of the Y2Kcomputer problem to the computer experts who have already written on the subject. Y2K: The Millennium Bug focuses on what could happen to people like you or me, if we do not beat the Y2K deadline. Read it. Find out more about a problem that is very real in the world we live in, and decide how you are going to deal with the Millennium Bug!

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Бим Пайпер, John J. McGuire 0.0
When the whole ornery state of Texas took off for a new planet more to their liking, New Texas was the result: a rough-and-tumble world where everyone packs a gun and it's legal to shoot politicians (if they deserve it)! But now these rugged and independent space pioneers are the targets of an expansive race of aliens. Is the Solar League's new ambassador tough enough to steer them back to Earth's embrace?
Barry B. Longyear 0.0
A planet of dreamers and clowns versus the best military act in the galaxy!
When the circus ship City of Baraboo crashed on Momus, the troupers of O'Hara's Greater Shows turned a rockpile world into a showcase of razzle-dazzle. Generations of mimes and acrobats, barkers and freaks, fortune-tellers and magicians built a new civilization based on showmanship.

Then the Vorilian Council of Warlords decided that the circus world was a prime spot for a garrison, and brought in an armada to "liberate" Momus...
Энтони Бёрджесс 4.1
Наше время. Взгляд из 1962 года. Лондон под властью подростковых банд. Насилие превращается в один из видов спорта. Для молодёжи не осталось ничего святого, или просто уважаемого. На фоне этой мрачной картины разворачивается история Алекса — главаря одной из молодёжных шаек. Обыкновенный подросток, закономерный продукт общества. Находящий прелесть в убийствах, грабежах, бессмысленном вандализме. Но у него есть один маленький пунктик — он очень любит и ценит классическую музыку. И это его нехарактерное увлечение в конце-концов играет с ним жестокую шутку.
Ганс Христиан Андерсен 4.4
Сказка, высмеивающая лицемерие и обыкновенную человеческую глупость.
Пол Андерсон 3.8
Над Землёй огненной бурей пронеслась война Судного Дня, в одночасье уничтожив цивилизацию. Минули века, прежде чем начали возрождаться народы и страны, среди которых ведущее положение заняла Маурайская Федерация, раскинувшаяся по бесчисленным островам Тихого океана и правящая, опираясь на биотехнологию. Но, кажется, человечество не научилось ничему... Удастся ли наследному Капитану Скайгольма Иерну, нозеланнскому разведчику Тераи и красавице Ронике из Северо-западного Союза предотвратить новую разрушительную войну?