Вручение 4 ноября 2018 г. — стр. 2

Специальная премия для профессионалов:
Лауреаты - не авторы:
Харри Броквэй за подготовку издания сборника "Writing Madness"
Данель Олсон за подготовку издания сборника "Writing Madness"
Чарлз Коулмен Финли за редакторскую работу в журнале F&SF
Айрин Галло арт-директор издательств Tor Books и Tor.com
Лесли С. Клингер за подготовку издания "The New Annotated Frankenstein"
Грег Кеттер за создание издательства "DreamHaven Books"

Специальная премия непрофессионалам:
Джастина Айрлэнд за журнал "FIYAH: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction"
Трой Виггинс за журнал "FIYAH: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction"
Скотт Г. Эндрюс за он-лайн журнал "Beneath Ceaseless Skies"
Хаалида Мухаммад-Али за подкаст "PodCastle"
Джен Альберт за подкаст "PodCastle"
Р. Б. Расселл за издательство "Tartarus Press"
Розали Паркер за издательство "Tartarus Press"
Линн М. Томас за журнал "Uncanny Magazine"
Майкл Дэмиан Томас за журнал "Uncanny Magazine"

Лучший художник:
Грегори Мэнчесс
Викто Най
Омар Райан
Рима Стайнс
Фиона Стэплз

Страна: США Место проведения: Балтимор, штат Мэриленд Дата проведения: 4 ноября 2018 г.


Sofia Samatar 0.0
The first collection of short fiction from a rising star whose stories have been anthologized in the first two volumes of the Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy series and nominated for many awards. Some of Samatar’s weird and tender fabulations spring from her life and her literary studies; some spring from the world, some from the void.

Специальная премия для профессионалов

Patrick McGrath 0.0
Writing Madness is a new, massive collection of short fiction, novellas, and essays by Patrick McGrath. It features the complete contents of McGrath’s brilliant 1987 debut collection, Blood and Water and Other Tales, the three novellas of Ghost Town, six previously uncollected short stories, seven essays, and over 20 of McGrath’s insightful and engaging introductions and book reviews from over the years.
For thirty years Patrick McGrath’s novels have received high critical acclaim worldwide, and won prizes internationally. Writing Madness is the first large-scale collection of McGrath’s short fiction and nonfiction, including the stories in Blood and Water and Other Tales, and Ghost Town: Tales of Manhattan Then and Now. Also included in this unique volume are a number of McGrath’s essays, introductions and book reviews, and several uncollected stories. An account of his childhood in the shadow of the walls of Britain’s largest top-security mental hospital, “A Boy’s Broadmoor,” is reprinted here, as is his astonishing account of a bizarre true-life tragedy, “Death of a Silent Twin.” Gorgeously illustrated by Harry Brockway, Writing Madness has both an introductory essay by Joyce Carol Oates, and an endnote by Danel Olson. The writer who first coined the term The New Gothic, and has been called by one critic “possibly the best gothic novelist ever,” is here published in a beautiful volume from Centipede Press, sure to become a treasured item on every collector’s bookshelf.
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