Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Лучшая иллюстрированная книга

Джон Шеска 0.0
The twisted team that gave the world Squids Will Be Squids and The Stinky Cheese Man now delivers a whole lot of Baloney. Henry P. Baloney. Henry is an alien schoolkid who needs to come up with one very good excuse to explain why he is late for szkola, again. Otherwise, his teacher Miss Bugscuffle promises, it's Permanent Lifelong Detention.

Henry's tall tale of his lost zimulis-received from deep space by Jon Scieszka-is told in at least twenty different Earth languages and graphically recreated in Lane Smith's out-of-this-world illustrations.

The unbelievable trip into Henry's wild universe may be the most original excuse ever for being late for szkola. Or it might just be Baloney. Henry P. Baloney.

Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон

Квентин Додд 0.0
A hilarious sci-fi comedy.
Walter Nutria, bored with high school in East Weston, is only too happy to enter the spaceship that descends from the sky one afternoon. Once inside, he learns he has been specifically sought out by the Lirgonians, a race of aliens who look like middle-aged men in footie pajamas, to act as their commander in their long-enduring feud with the Wotwots, who look like rutabagas with goatees and tentacles. Why Walter? Because of his meritorious sci-fi video rental record. But the Wotwots had the same idea and have recruited his friend Yselle Meridien, who has lately been renting on Walter's card, as their commander. Once the battle begins, things go absolutely haywire, and the two enemy races find themselves having to team up in search of their spaceships when they're stolen by the elusive Space Mice from Galaxy Four.
The jokes come fast and furious in this clever novel, which will have appeal for both devotees of the science-fiction genre and those with only a casual interest in distant planets and giant talking thumbs.

Специальная премия Хола Клемента

Стивен Л. Лэйн 0.0
Something wicked this way comes--in this case, it's highschooler Jack Barrett's father, who forcibly relocates his family to Paradise, a village owned by Eden Corporation's CEO. Delving into the secrets of the community, Jack soon learns how high the price for perfection can be.