Вручение 17 июня 2011 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: The Magic Circle Headquarters, Лондон Дата проведения: 17 июня 2011 г.


Брендон Сандерсон 4.7
Масштабная сага погружает читателя в удивительный мир, не уступающий мирам Р. Р. Толкиена, Р. Джордана и Р. Сальваторе. Уникальная флора и фауна, тщательно продуманное политическое устройство и богатая духовная культура – здесь нет ничего случайного. Рошар — мир во власти великих бурь, сметающих все живое на своем пути. Но есть и то, что страшнее любой великой бури, – это истинное опустошение. Одно лишь его ожидание меняет судьбы целых народов. Сумеют ли люди сплотиться перед лицом страшной угрозы? Найдется ли тот, для кого древняя клятва — жизнь прежде смерти, сила прежде слабости, путь прежде цели — станет чем-то большим, нежели просто слова?
Pierre Pevel 0.0


Welcome to Paris, in 1633, where dragons menace the realm. Cardinal Richelieu, the most powerful and most feared man in France, is on his guard. He knows France is under threat, and that a secret society known as the Black Claw is conspiring against him from the heart of the greatest courts in Europe. They will strike from the shadows, and when they do the blow will be both terrible and deadly. To counter the threat, Richelieu has put his most trusted men into play: the Cardinal's Blades, led by Captain la Fargue. Six men and a woman, all of exceptional abilities and all ready to risk their lives on his command. They have saved France before, and the Cardinal is relying on them to do it again. So when la Fargue hears from a beautiful, infamous, deadly Italian spy claiming to have valuable information, he has to listen ...and when La Donna demands Cardinal Richelieu's protection before she will talk, la Fargue is even prepared to consider it. Because La Donna can name their enemy. It's a man as elusive as he is manipulative, as subtle as Richelieu himself, an exceptionally dangerous adversary: the Alchemist in the shadows ...
Brent Weeks 4.2


Gavin Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. But Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live: Five years to achieve five impossible goals.

But when Guile discovers he has a son, born in a far kingdom after the war that put him in power, he must decide how much he's willing to pay to protect a secret that could tear his world apart.
Питер В. Бретт 4.3


Демоны тьмы, с которыми сражаются герои, — не простая нечисть. Это лишь верхушка айсберга – хищные, но безмозглые слуги гораздо более опасных, наделенных изощренным разумом существ, которые образуют костяк древней подземной цивилизации. Справиться с ними под силу лишь Избавителю, второго пришествия которого ждет людской род.
Но кто он, легендарный спаситель? Арлен Тюк, Меченый, отчасти сам превратившийся в демона и приобретший сверхчеловеческие способности? Или его некогда верный друг, а ныне заклятый враг Ахман Джардир, правитель жаркой Красии, вероломно похитивший у него чудесное копье Каджи?
Приближается Дневная война, но только не с демонами, а между людьми – за право объединить человечество и повести его на решающий бой с силами Недр. И на этой войне каждому предстоит сделать свой выбор.
Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson 4.7


The Last Battle has started. The seals on the Dark One's prison are crumbling. The Pattern itself is unravelling, and the armies of the Shadow have begun to boil out of the Blight. Perrin Aybara is haunted by spectres from his past. To prevail, he must find a way to master the wolf within him or lose himself to it for ever. Meanwhile, Matrim Cauthon prepares for the most difficult challenge of his life. The Tower of Ghenjei awaits, and its secrets will reveal the fate of a friend long lost. The end draws near. It's time to roll the dice.
Маркус Хайц 4.3


И без того хрупкий мир в Потаенной Стране пошатнула орда бессмертных орков... Они кажутся стайкой хулиганов в сравнении с бесчисленной армией, что приближается к западным границам, оставляя за собой выжженные земли и разрушенные города. По слухам, новый враг - аватары, всемогущие порождения божества. Но против них выступят воины, которые не спасуют даже перед самими небожителями, - гномы!

Утренняя Звезда

Darius Hinks 0.0
Warrior Priest Jakob Wolff sets out to track down his brother, whose soul been tainted by the Ruinous Powers. Family must be put to one side as he battles to prevent the Empire from sinking into Chaos, with only his strength of arms and the purity of his beliefs to call upon.
N. K. Jemisin 3.6


Yeine Darr is an outcast from the barbarian north. But when her mother dies under mysterious circumstances, she is summoned to the majestic city of Sky. There, to her shock, Yeine is named an heiress to the king. But the throne of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is not easily won, and Yeine is thrust into a vicious power struggle with cousins she never knew she had. As she fights for her life, she draws ever closer to the secrets of her mother's death and her family's bloody history.

With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Yeine will learn how perilous it can be when love and hate - and gods and mortals - are bound inseparably together.
Алексей Пехов 4.5


Вор и герой — понятия несовместимые? Как бы не так! Когда приходится делать нелегкий выбор между топором палача и Заказом на небольшую прогулку в мрачные могильники эльфийских лесов, трезвомыслящие люди выбирают топор палача, а герои, такие, как Гаррет, решают бросить кости и, надеясь, что выпадут шестерки, рискнуть. Ведь всего-то надо пробраться в заброшенную башню Ордена, надуть парочку злобных демонов, избавиться от наемных убийц, подставить воровскую гильдию, выйти из десятка кровавых стычек... ну и доехать до этих тьмой проклятых могильников вместе с небольшим отрядом отчаянных королевских рубак. Стоит ли говорить, что такой Заказ просто невозможно выполнить?
Блейк Чарлтон 3.8


Далеко на Юге раскинулись башни Звездной крепости, где обучают самых могущественных магов на земле – чарословов, способных ткать в своем теле руны-слова, превращающиеся во что угодно: в меч, в дом, в призрак.Согласно одному из древних пророчеств, юному магу суждено стать спасителем человечества, Зимородком, согласно другому – зловещим Буревестником, предателем на службе демонов. Сирота Никодимус Марка внезапно оказывается в эпицетре смертельно опасных интриг, где каждому от него что-то нужно: магам, прибывшим из Триллинора, загадочной друидке и бесформенному существу, которое, кажется, вовсе не принадлежит к миру живых. Так неужели он – легендарный Зимородок? Или – хуже того, Буревестник?
Mary Victoria 0.0


An action-packed adventure set against a background of warring civilisations competing for ever scarcer resources ... a beautiful new epic fantasy of a world set in a tree. the World tree rises up out of the seething clouds like a green mountain. All creation nestles in its green branches. there is no world besides this one ... or so the people believe. tymon grows up at Argos seminary in the lush heart of the Central Canopy, where science is a heretical pursuit and travel beyond the tree is banned. But he yearns to break free of these rules and discover new horizons. When he meets a despised Nurian slave in the city baths, his dreams of freedom take on a completely different meaning. Banished to a drought-ridden colony, tymon falls in with a group of Nurian rebels and finds himself facing difficult choices. Fighting for freedom and power is not so enticing when it may mean betraying his own people and severing all ties to the world he knows ...

Сердце Ворона

Tansy Rayner Roberts 0.0

Обложка - Olof Erla Einarsdottir (illustration)

“She almost missed the sight of a naked youth falling out of the sky. He was long and lean and muscled … He was also completely off his face.”

A war is being fought in the skies over the city of Aufleur. No one sees the battles. No one knows how close they come to destruction every time the sun sets.

During daylight, all is well, but when nox falls and the sky turns bright, someone has to step up and lead the Creature Court into battle.

Twelve years ago, Garnet kissed Velody and stole her magic. Five years ago, he betrayed Ashiol, and took his powers by force. But now the Creature Court is at a crossroads … they need a Power and Majesty who won’t give up or lose themselves in madness …
N. K. Jemisin 3.6

Обложка - Cliff Nielsen (illustration)

Yeine Darr is an outcast from the barbarian north. But when her mother dies under mysterious circumstances, she is summoned to the majestic city of Sky. There, to her shock, Yeine is named an heiress to the king. But the throne of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is not easily won, and Yeine is thrust into a vicious power struggle with cousins she never knew she had. As she fights for her life, she draws ever closer to the secrets of her mother's death and her family's bloody history.

With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Yeine will learn how perilous it can be when love and hate - and gods and mortals - are bound inseparably together.
Tom Lloyd 0.0

Обложка - Todd Lockwood (illustration)

Lord Isak is dead; his armies and entire tribe in disarray. As the Farlan retreat and Kastan Styrax mourns his dead son, it is King Emin who takes the initiative while he still can. The secret, savage war he has devoted his life to nears its terrible conclusion as Ruhen positions himself as answer to the Land’s problems. Before the conquering eye of the Menin turns in his direction Emin must take his chance and strike without mercy. A showdown is coming and battle-lines are drawn as blood is spilled across the Land. The spectre of the Great War looms but this time the Gods are not marching to war, it will be men who decide the future now. But before victory, before survival, there must first be salvation – even if it must be sought in the darkest place imaginable. With the tide turning against Emin and his allies the key to their survival may lie in the hands of a dead man.
Pierre Pevel 0.0

Обложка - Jon Sullivan (illustration)

Welcome to Paris, in 1633, where dragons menace the realm. Cardinal Richelieu, the most powerful and most feared man in France, is on his guard. He knows France is under threat, and that a secret society known as the Black Claw is conspiring against him from the heart of the greatest courts in Europe. They will strike from the shadows, and when they do the blow will be both terrible and deadly. To counter the threat, Richelieu has put his most trusted men into play: the Cardinal's Blades, led by Captain la Fargue. Six men and a woman, all of exceptional abilities and all ready to risk their lives on his command. They have saved France before, and the Cardinal is relying on them to do it again. So when la Fargue hears from a beautiful, infamous, deadly Italian spy claiming to have valuable information, he has to listen ...and when La Donna demands Cardinal Richelieu's protection before she will talk, la Fargue is even prepared to consider it. Because La Donna can name their enemy. It's a man as elusive as he is manipulative, as subtle as Richelieu himself, an exceptionally dangerous adversary: the Alchemist in the shadows ...
Mary Victoria 0.0

Обложка - Frank Victoria (illustration)

An action-packed adventure set against a background of warring civilisations competing for ever scarcer resources ... a beautiful new epic fantasy of a world set in a tree. the World tree rises up out of the seething clouds like a green mountain. All creation nestles in its green branches. there is no world besides this one ... or so the people believe. tymon grows up at Argos seminary in the lush heart of the Central Canopy, where science is a heretical pursuit and travel beyond the tree is banned. But he yearns to break free of these rules and discover new horizons. When he meets a despised Nurian slave in the city baths, his dreams of freedom take on a completely different meaning. Banished to a drought-ridden colony, tymon falls in with a group of Nurian rebels and finds himself facing difficult choices. Fighting for freedom and power is not so enticing when it may mean betraying his own people and severing all ties to the world he knows ...