Вручение 1998 г.

Номинация "Журналы":
Журнал "Hellnotes"
Журнал "Carpe Noctem"
Журнал "DarkEcho"
Журнал "Talebones"
Журнал "The Urbanite"

Номинация "Художник":
Эдвард Гори (Edward Gorey)
Дэйв МакКин (Dave McKean)
Лиса Снеллинг-Кларк (Lisa Snellings)
Дуглас Уолтерс (Douglas Walters)
Гэйхен Уилсон (Gahan Wilson)

Номинация "Фильм":
Боги и монстры (реж. Билл Кондон)
Способный ученик (реж. Брайан Сингер)
Темный город (реж. Алекс Пройас)
Падший (реж. Грегори Хоблит)
Вампиры (реж. Джон Карпентер)

Номинация "Телевизионный Показ":
Баффи — истребительница вампиров (реж. Джосс Уидон, Ник Мэтрик)
Беглец из преисподней (реж. Феликс Энрикез Алькала, Ларри Кэрролл, Дэн Лернер)
Зачарованные (реж. Джон Т. Кречмер, Джеймс Л. Конуэй, Джоэль Дж. Фигенбаум)
Тысячелетие (реж. Томас Дж. Райт, Дэрин Морган)
Секретные материалы (реж. Ким Мэннерс, Роб Боумен, Дэвид Наттер)

Страна: США Место проведения: Всемирный конвент ужасов в Атланте, штат Джорджия (6 марта 1999 года) Дата проведения: 1998 г.


Томас Тессье 0.0
Two couples, both skeptical and desperate, are drawn together by a medium named Oona, a fragile, beautiful young woman who knows things that no other living person should know. Is her gift real, or is it the sign of a consuming madness? Can she lead them all to important truths, or will they be trapped in the tightening web of terror and death?

Fog Heart was named one of the best books of the year by Publishers Weekly, and awarded the International Horror Guild's honors for Best Novel.
Дуглас Клегг 2.8
Все знают, как опасны игры с дьяволом, но все равно продолжают играть. Зло вечно, для него не существует границ ни во времени, ни в пространстве. Демоны Старого Света врастают в тучную почву по ту сторону океана, и древнее семя дает ужасные всходы. Детская чистота, девичья невинность, неведение простой души более не послужат защитой от Извечного Врага. Ибо люди сами с готовностью открывают ему дома и сердца свои. Только смерть способна остановить его, но у кого поднимется рука на собственное дитя?
Грэм Джойс 3.9
Существует поверье: если ребенок, засыпая, положит под подушку выпавший молочный зуб, его заберет Зубная Фея и оставит вместо зуба монетку.
Проснувшись однажды ночью, семилетний Сэм обнаруживает у своей постели Зубную Фею, больше похожую не на персонажа Шарля Перро или братьев Гримм, а на злобного гопника неопределенного пола. Он сам виноват: не надо было просыпаться, не надо было видеть фею. Теперь она (или он?) будет сопровождать Сэма все его детство и юношество, меняясь вместе с ним, то помогая ему, то угрожая, но ни разу не давая ответа на вопрос: реальность это или кошмарный сон, и кто кому снится?
Норман Партридж 0.0
Norman Partridge took the horror world by storm with his funky, hip Slippin' Into Darkness, then turned his talents towards some bizarre mysteries. Now he's back with a full-fledged horror novella featuring a ghost-seeing professional killer. Wildest Dreams, limited to 500 copies and autographed by the author, is one of this season's true events -- a new horror tale from an author at the cutting-edge of the genre.
С.П. Сомтоу 0.0
Nominated for the Bram Stoker Award, Darker Angels takes the reader from the bloodstained battlefields of Virginia to the slave auctions of Haiti. As Abraham Lincoln lies in state in new York, the widow of the famous abolitionist has a chance encounter with the poet Walt Witman, who has an astonishing tale to tell. Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Byron, and Marie Laveau, the legendary voodoo queen of New Orleans, all have a part to play in the epic tale of a mysterious, one-eyed shaman who dares to raise the dead from the battlefields of the Civil War.
Уильям Браунинг Спенсер 0.0
The stories we tell are not limited to monsters and harsh otherworlds. Yet the fiction books in the Borealis imprint certainly belong to a world other than our own. This line encompasses our science fiction, fantasy and horror novels and anthologies.

Дебютный роман

Michael Marano 0.0
Dawn Song is a darkly erotic exploration of supernatural evil in very human circumstances. Lawrence is an invisible bookstore clerk in Boston, drawn through no choice of his own into the greatest conflict of all--a struggle for dominance between two of the most powerful devils in Hell.

As the media frenzy of the Gulf War buildup enthralls the city, Lawrence feels the presence of something ethereal and beautiful that has come to Boston, as he has, in search of fulfillment and love everlasting. If he only knew what it was...
Caitlin R. Kiernan 0.0
They are the young misfits...society's castoffs...urban strays looking for a thrill. Something cheap, anything to get them through the night. Sleepwalking on caffeine, nicotine, and drugs, they wait out the dawn in death-rock clubs and shadowy back alleys...

Then into their midst comes the enigmatic Spyder. A patron saint of the alienated and lost, she invites them into her mesmerizing world-but has she been sent to redeem them or destroy them?
Miguel Conner 0.0
After living in the shadows for centuries vampires have finally gained dominance over the Earth by instigating a nuclear holocaust that has blotted out the sun. Humans are now treated as animals, kept in concentration camp-like farms. Byron, the Moon Queen's favorite "creation," is assigned the task of stopping an insurrection at one of the human farms. But while investigating a religious cult among the humans, he begins to question his own reality. As he digs deeper for the truth, he becomes a renegade outcast among his own--and humanity's last chance for salvation.
Charlee Jacob 0.0
Tawne Delaney is not what men consider beautiful and, at 37, is very lonely. She fantasizes about her dream lover--but the man she meets is a nightmare. Arcan Tyler is a rapist and murderer, possessed by animal spirit forces. If they are unleashed, he will cease to be human. For now, Arcan is all too human, and finds something new and rare in Tawne. But love among these creatures is not romantic: it is parasitic.
Kyle Marffin 0.0
Kyle Marffin's provocative debut is a modern day retelling of J.S. Sheridan LeFanu's classic 19th century vampire novella. Gothic literature's most notorious female vampire, the seductive Countess Carmilla Karnstein, stalks an unsuspecting victim through glittery streets to the desolate northwoods, and back to her Styrian homeland, glimpsing her unwrittenhistory while replaying the events of the original with a decidedly contemporary twist.

Графическая история/иллюстрированный рассказ

Warren Ellis, Darick Robertson 4.5
After years of self-imposed exile from a civilization rife with degradation and indecency, cynical journalist Spider Jerusalem is forced to return to a job that he hates and a city that he loathes. Working as an investigative reporter for the newspaper The Word, Spider attacks the injustices of his surreal 23rd Century surroundings. Combining black humor, life-threatening situations, and moral ambiguity, this book is the first look into the mind of an outlaw journalist and the world he seeks to destroy.
Dave McKean 0.0
Dave McKean's Cages returns in a beautiful remastered edition! Best known for his collaborations with Neil Gaiman, McKean defied expectations with his stunning debut as writer and artist in Cages, winner of the Harvey Award for Best Graphic Album. Filled with complex characters, intriguing flights of fancy, and all the beautiful visuals you'd expect from the director of MirrorMask, Cages is McKean's magnum opus. It chronicles the intersecting lives of a painter, a writer, and a musician living in the same apartment building, and is a profound rumination on art, God, cats, and the cages we build for ourselves. Out of print for years, Cages is finally available again, painstakingly rescanned from the original art and redesigned from the ground up by McKean. This affordable softcover edition provides more readers than ever the opportunity to experience the graphic novel that Terry Gilliam calls "mesmerizing."
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