Вручение 2002 г. — стр. 3

Номинация "Журналы":
Журнал "The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction"
Журнал "All Hallows"
Журнал "Cemetery Dance"
Журнал "Black Static / The Third Alternative"
Журнал "Weird Tales"

Номинация "Художник":
Джейсон Ван Холландер (Jason Van Hollander)
Клайв Баркер (Clive Barker)
Каниглиа (Jeremy Caniglia)
Эдвард Миллер (Edward Miller)
Джефф К. Поттер (J. K. Potter)

Номинация "Фильм":
Порок (реж. Билл Пэкстон)
Фото за час (реж. Марк Романек)
Звонок (реж. Гор Вербински)
Унесённые призраками (реж. Хаяо Миядзаки)
Вендиго (реж. Ларри Фесенден)

Номинация "Телевизионный Показ":
Клиент всегда мертв (реж. Алан Болл, Дэниэл Эттиэс, Родриго Гарсия)
Ангел (реж. Джосс Уидон, Джеймс А. Контнер, Дэвид Гринуолт)
Баффи — истребительница вампиров (реж. Джосс Уидон, Ник Мэтрик)
Мёртвая зона (реж. Джеймс Хэд, Джефри Леви, Майкл Робисан)
Особняк «Красная роза» (реж. Крэйг Р. Бэксли)
Святой грешник (реж. Джошуа Батлер)

Страна: США Место проведения: Всемирный конвент ужасов (23 мая 2003 года) Дата проведения: 2002 г.


Douglas E. Winter 0.0
Clive Barker: a modern myth-maker, explorer of our darkest instincts and ultimate fears, the writer who -- more than any other contemporary figure -- has shaped our nightmares through diverse media. Novelist, playwright, scriptwriter, artist and director, he is a master at twisting the mundane to make it fantastic, frightening and ultimately meaningful.

Douglas E. Winter's detailed and highly literate biography, made possible by unprecedented access to Barker and his closest friends and family, offers readers a privileged insight into Barker's own story: his Liverpool childhood and adolescence; his forays into the world of theatre, mime and direction; his meteoric rise to fame as the author of the Books of Blood and Weaveworld, and the director of Hellraiser; his move to Hollywood to pursue a film career and his growth as an artist in many different media, which has taken him from theatre -- the first form of human expression -- into the digital age.

Interwoven with this revealing and personal journey into Barker's life is a grand tour through all of his fiction and film, from his earliest unpublished work -- including the short story "The Wood on the Hill," which is published here for the first time -- up to his most recent novel, Coldheart Canyon and beyond, giving a tantalising glimpse of things to come.

Clive Barker: The Dark Fantastic unlocks the beating heart of a polymath, a creator, a true artist, and reveals at last a man with one of the twentieth century's most phenomenal imaginations, and the vision to lead us on many strange and fabulous journeys in the years ahead.
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