Вручение 2004 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2004 г.

Книга года

Саймон Бартрам 4.2
Bob has a very important job on the Moon. But who's that in the
background making faces at him? Kids will laugh along at this strikingly illustrated tongue-in-cheek tale.
6:00 a.m. Wake up. Have two eggs for breakfast.
8:00 a.m. Arrive at launchpad. Change into special man-on-the-moon suit.
8:45 a.m. Blast off.
8:58 a.m. Arrive on Moon.
9:00 a.m. Start work.
This is how Bob, the Man on the Moon, begins his day. It's Bob's job to
entertain the tourists (handstands and high moon jumps are a hit), conduct Moon seminars (how long does it take to walk around the Moon on stilts?), sell souvenirs (pens, postcards - the usual), and keep the Moon clean and neat. Some people say that aliens are the ones who leave all the trash, but Bob tells them aliens don't exist, and he would know . . . wouldn't he?

Лучшая книга с фактами

Дэниел Хан 0.0
Stuck for something to read? Whether you're searching for a book to blow your mind and change your life, or just a light read for the beach, The Ultimate Teen Book Guide is the perfect place to start.

The book includes recommendations from teen reviewers and your favorite authors—over 700 books total—so prepare to be inspired! Whether you like fantasy, horror, chick lit, graphic novels, sci-fi, crime . . . From true classics to must-read cult fiction, from the top award-winners to up-to-the minute bestsellers, there's something for everyone.

You'll also find special genre features written by expert authors—like E. Lockhart on Love and Relationships, and Patrick Jones on Short and Gripping Books—plus Top Ten Lists by genre for the perfect place to start, and results of our Top Ten Surveys where you decided which books and authors were the best in their categories.

Each rave review comes with suggestions for what to read next, so with over 1,000 recommended books total, you'll never be without a good book again!

Лучшая иллюстрированная книга для чтения вслух

Саймон Бартрам 4.2
Bob has a very important job on the Moon. But who's that in the
background making faces at him? Kids will laugh along at this strikingly illustrated tongue-in-cheek tale.
6:00 a.m. Wake up. Have two eggs for breakfast.
8:00 a.m. Arrive at launchpad. Change into special man-on-the-moon suit.
8:45 a.m. Blast off.
8:58 a.m. Arrive on Moon.
9:00 a.m. Start work.
This is how Bob, the Man on the Moon, begins his day. It's Bob's job to
entertain the tourists (handstands and high moon jumps are a hit), conduct Moon seminars (how long does it take to walk around the Moon on stilts?), sell souvenirs (pens, postcards - the usual), and keep the Moon clean and neat. Some people say that aliens are the ones who leave all the trash, but Bob tells them aliens don't exist, and he would know . . . wouldn't he?
Аллан Альберг 0.0
One lucky morning ... Mrs Gaskitt opens the post and finds she's won a prize! Next she kisses the postman! Never mind, though - the postman is Mr Gaskitt doing his very latest job. Meanwhile, Gus and Gloria get a new teacher, Mrs Plum, with silvery hair, a big smile and a huge suitcase, who's ever so helpful when things start to go missing in the classroom. And then Mrs Gaskitt finds she's won another prize! What happens next?
Пол Брайт 3.5
"Quiet!" roars Pa Lion. And all is quiet in the jungle. Not a rumble nor a grumble, not a chitter nor a chatter, not a pitter nor a patter, not a teeny, tiny squeak. Now Pa Lion must make sure it stays this way as baby Leo sleeps.
Джулия Дональдсон 4.3
Великану Джорджу очень хотелось принарядиться. И как только в городе открылся магазин гигантской одежды, он поспешил туда. Белоснежная рубашка, фасонистые брюки, блестящие ботинки, пёстрый галстук и носки с ромбиками - как приятно чувствовать себя нарядным и красивым! Но по дороге домой Джорджу встречаются жираф - кроткий нрав, пес - чуткий нос, орава мышат-малышат и козлик в маленькой лодке с мачтой в середке. Все эти звери попали в беду и им очень нужна помощь Джорджа… и его новые вещи! Написанная пружинистой прозой и стихами, это история о добром малом, который был богат не щегольским нарядом, а щедрым сердцем.…Поросёнок с тачкой полной кирпичей, три медведя, матушка гусыня - дети будут рады найти в этой книге героев из других сказок. Ну а заяц, деловито лопочущий по мобильному, кролик из хорошей семьи с партитурой Моцарта под мышкой, прекрасная, но слегка растерянная принцесса, идущая под ручку с царевичем-лягушонком - заставят улыбнуться и родителей.

Книга, которую я не мог отложить

Элеанор Апдейл 0.0
1875: A small-time crook is rescued from death by an ambitious doctor. Released from prison, he uses the new London sewage system as a highway for crime. Above ground he creates a respectable image for himself, at the heart of high society. But which is the real Montmorency? Can he fight off the dangers that threaten both his lives?