Вручение 1994 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1994 г.

Букеровская премия

Джеймс Келман 3.0
"До чего ж оно все запоздало" - самый известный роман классика современной шотландской литературы Джеймса Келмана (р. 1946), в 1994 году получивший Букеровскую премию. Критики обвиняли автора в непристойности, жестокости и даже насилии, но кошмарная история незадачливого жулика из Глазго, потерявшего зрение, - поистине жизнеутверждающий гимн человеческой воле и силе духа.
George Mackay Brown 0.0
Thorfinn Ragnarson is the daydreaming son of a tenant farmer, avoiding both work and school despite the best efforts of family, friends and neighbours. Instead, the boy dreams up elaborate historical fantasies. In a series of intriguing chapters, George Mackay Brown transforms Thorfinn into a Viking traveller, a freedom-fighter for Bonnie Prince Charlie and the colleague of a Falstaffian knight who participates in the Battle of Bannockburn. He is then hurled into the future as Thor, who returns to the Orkneys as an adult and recalls his internment in a German POW camp, where he discovered his writing skills. Thor also reflects on the history of Orkney, the links between dreaming and writing and the whims of fate. In this beautiful and haunting novel, Brown's lyrical descriptions and gift for local colour capture, as ever, the myth-drenched magic of his native islands.
Ромеш Гунесекера 0.0
The "incandescent" (New York Times Book Review) coming-of-age-story and debut novel by the acclaimed Booker Prize finalist Romesh Gunesekera

Triton loved living in Mister Salgado's house. It was the biggest house he had ever seen--filled with floors to sweep and silver to polish and meals to cook and adults to impress and a brilliant master whose voice was poetry. And people from all over the world came to the house-- to sell their wares, to talk, to live, for this was where life took place. Even the sun would rise from the garage and sleep behind the del tree at night. And in the house, life was good.

But beyond Mister Salgado's house and their Sri Lankan village there was a world. And all around them, it was falling apart...
Абдулразак Гурна 3.7
Действие романа разворачивается в колониальной Африке в то время, когда английские захватчики вытесняют туземцев с их земли, а немцы планируют строительство железной дороги через весь континент.

Отец Юсуфа продает сына в рабство в уплату долгов. Сначала Юсуф попадает в лавку новоиспеченного хозяина, а после отправляется в путешествие по стране вместе с торговым караваном.

Крах прежнего мира, межплеменные войны, суеверия, вопросы рабства и внутренней свободы глазами мальчика, вкупе с проблемами взросления и запретной любви, подсвечивают читателю плотное полотно, в которое Африка кутает свою красоту и жестокость.

Абдулразак Гурна — нобелевский лауреат по литературе 2021 года, английский писатель танзанийского происхождения. Роман «Рай» издается на русском языке впервые.
Джилл Патон Уолш 5.0
It is, perhaps, the fifteenth century and the ordered tranquillity of a Mediterranean island is about to be shattered by the appearance of two outsiders: one, a castaway, plucked from the sea by fishermen, whose beliefs represent a challenge to the established order; the other, a child abandoned by her mother and suckled by wolves, who knows nothing of the precarious relationship between Church and State but whose innocence will become the subject of a dangerous experiment.

But the arrival of the Inquisition on the island creates a darker, more threatening force which will transform what has been a philosophical game of chess into a matter of life and death...
Alan Hollinghurst 4.2
In self-imposed exile in an ancient Flemish city, an embittered 33-year-old language tutor, Edward Manners, falls in love with his alluring 17-year-old pupil, Luc Altidore. As Edward pursues the elusive object of his infatuation--and plunges into affairs with two other men--this book interweaves past and present, history and memory, into a tapestry of unfulfillable desire.