Издания и произведения

  • Bauhaus Магдалена Дросте
    ISBN: 3836560143, 9783836560146
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Taschen
    Язык: Английский

    In a fleeting fourteen year period, sandwiched between two world wars, Germany's Bauhaus school of art and design changed the face of modernity. With utopian ideals for the future, the school developed a pioneering fusion of fine art, craftsmanship, and technology to be applied across painting, sculpture, design, architecture, film, photography, textiles, ceramics, theatre, and installation. As much an intense personal community as a publicly minded collective, the Bauhaus was first founded by Walter Gropius, and counted Josef and Anni Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer,Gunta Stolzl, Marianne Brandt and Ludwig Mies van…

  • Bauhaus Magdalena Droste
    ISBN: 3822850020, 9783822850022
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Taschen
    Язык: Английский

    The Bauhaus Archiv Museum of Design in Berlin holds the most important collection on the Bauhaus today. Documents, workshop products from all areas of design, studies sketches in the classroom, and architectural plans and models are all part of its comprehensive inventory. The Bauhaus Archiv is dedicated to the study and presentation of the history of the Bauhaus, including the new Bauhaus in Chicago and the Hochschule fur Gestaltung (Institute of Design) in Ulm. This book, drawn from the Archiv's extensive collection, traces this monumental movement in art and architecture via the work of its most important proponents, including Walter…

  • The Bauhaus: 1919-1933: Reform and Avant-Garde Магдалена Дросте
    ISBN: 3822836494, 9783822836491
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Taschen
    Язык: Английский

    Functional beauty Founded in Welmar in 1919, the Bauhaus school developed a revolutionary approach that fused fine art with craftsmanship and engineering in everything from architecture to furniture, typography, and even theater. Originally headed by Walter Gropius, the Bauhaus counted among its members artists and architects such as Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger, Wassily Kandinsky, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, and Marcel Breuer. In 1930 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe took over as the leader, but soon after, in 1933, the Nazi government shut down the school. During its fourteen years of existence, Bauhaus managed to change the faces of art, architecture,…

  • Баухаус Магдалена Дросте
    ISBN: 978-5-9794-0120-1
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Арт-Родник
    Язык: Русский

    В наши дни понятие "Баухауз" не потеряло своей актуальности. Употребляя его, историки искусства обычно подразумевают определенное художественное течение, неразрывно связанное с основными геометрическими фигурами: квадратом, треугольником и кругом, а также с основными цветами, к которым добавляется строгий белый. Баухауз немыслим и без архитектуры кубизма и функционализма. История небольшой немецкой школы, Баухауза (1919-1933), превратилась в историю стиля, который не перестают изучать, анализировать, оценивать. Баухауз стал феноменом, который пытаются адаптировать к своему времени художники каждого поколения.