• Invisible Enemies: A Handbook on Pandemics that Have Shaped Our World Хви Го
    ISBN: 9814893455
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd
    Язык: Английский

    A timely, sharply-curated book on pandemics that have shaped our world. Fully illustrated, with bite-sized stories to engage young readers to face new challenges head on. The COVID-19 coronavirus seizes the world in 2020. From the likes of the plague, the Spanish Flu and SARS, these invisible enemies have changed our lives, bringing death and widespread fear. Yet, knowledge and the scientific quest for answers — along with a dogged sense of resilience — are our best weapons in the epic battle against pandemics. • Who is patient zero and what are super spreaders? • When did the Theory of Germs begin? • Why did scientists risk…
